Chui Yim nodded. “You’re doing okay. Your condition has worsened recently, but thankfully you are getting treated just in time. At this rate, you should be able to recover from this illness before the Cloud Palace enrollment.

“Too much treatment will have a negative impact, so come again when you have recovered. Do practice the Self Winding Wheel after you return home, the improvement should be distinct.”

Mung Si remained silent. After a long pause, she finally spoke.

“I say, when are you going to turn around?”

It suddenly dawned on Chui Yim that he had been staring at the girl’s back the entire time. Despite being covered in a robe, her youthful body was still faintly visible…

“Ah… I’m sorry.” Chui Yim turned around anxiously. Once again, he heard the sound of clothes rustling.

“Thank you very much. I’ll return for the next consultation.”

All Chui Yim saw was the door left ajar and a white shadow disappearing into the courtyard when he turned around.

Somewhere in the world, there was an area occupied with thick black fog and a death energy.

This place was unfit for an ordinary human’s survival. It would take no more than a few days for humans to become sick and weak, and about a few months for the death energy to seep into their bodies, turning them gravely ill. Within a year, most would pass on.

However, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

A black tower pierced through the skies, connecting the heavens and earth as a great amount of death energy entered the giant tower and was processed into the purest energy.

Inside of the tower was a stage that was currently hosting countless cultivators. Each and every one of them was facing an old, feeble-looking man on an ivory white throne with respect.

The elderly man was their great elder, the only person with absolute power in necrocultivation other than their Tribemaster, especially during this period of their Tribemaster’s seclusion.

However, the great elder deserved his authority for his contribution to the tribe. Ever since the start of his term a century ago, necrocultivation grew leaps and bounds, and the great elder had even sent the elites of necrocultivation all around the world in search of items with extreme chill energy that benefited their members and had them stored in the Treasure Pavilion on level three. By doing so, he helped the tribe grow.

Thus, they were sincerely respectful towards him.

But the greater their respect was, the more sorrowful today was to them.

The necrocultivators could feel life and death stronger than ordinary men, maybe because they cultivated styles that went against the rules of the world.

The great elder scanned the crowd before resting his gaze on the teen named Siu Fu sitting directly below him. Gentleness swam across his eyes in an instant.

“Steelhead and Ling Fei, step forward.”

The rusty voice boomed across the area as both who were called stepped out of the large crowd of necrocultivators.

One of them always wore a gentle smile on his face, but he was unable to hide his sadness when he felt that the great elder’s days were numbered.

The other man was buff in comparison and was bald. The strong death energy on him symbolised that he was about to welcome the next breakthrough, ready to step into the four-chambered state.

“Ling Fei and Steelhead, I hereby order the both of you to guard our tribe’s sacred son; to help him grow and become the next Tribemaster of the tribe. You both shall be named as Monochrome Evil Twins!”

The great elder turned to Steelhead and took off a black, jade ring from his left pinkie. A complicated look flashed across his face when he did so.

Please do not blame me, my old friend. A hundred years have passed, and both you and the past have left the world. We weren’t right, nor were we wrong, it’s just our beliefs that are different.

After a short hesitation, the great elder threw the ring at Steelhead. “I bestow upon you a corpse to use during your breakthrough. It’s no ordinary corpse, so make good use of it and live up to my expectations for you.”

Steelhead took the item with great respect.

Steelhead was clearly aware that, under such a situation before the great elder’s death, being gifted a corpse, it would definitely be the best quality. Knowing how highly the great elder thought of him, Steelhead was greatly moved. “Steelhead will live up to Great Elder’s expectations and protect the sacred son with my life! Anybody who wishes to hurt the sacred son shall have to step over my dead body!”

“Great, great.” It was a rare sight to see the great elder laughing like a nice elderly man. His imposing manner was no longer seen.

“Ling Fei.”

“Great Elder,” Ling Fei responded with respect, yet he was unable to conceal his sorrow.

Amongst everyone, Ling Fei was closest to the great elder, who saved his life. To Ling Fei, the great elder was his father, and they shared a strong father-and-son bond.

“Since we are from the same line, I’ll now bestow upon you the Asura Devil Tonfa, my treasure.”

Trembling, Ling Fei looked up in disbelief to meet the great elder’s gentle gaze. The Asura Devil Tonfa was made from parts of the extinct Asura Devil Elephant. Tonfas were uncommon weapons in the world, and not many gliphers made use of them. The only clan known for using them was the Hung Clan from Great Wisdom City.

The tonfa was ivory white in colour, made of the Asura Devil Elephant’s ivory, just the same as the throne that the great elder was currently sitting on. Blood red coloured gliph patterns could be found on the weapon, creating a terrifying sight, whilst the handle was dark grey in colour, with greyish eyes on both handles. The eyes were none other than the Asura Devil Elephant’s eyes.

Luxurious wasn’t enough to describe such a precious item. This was made by the Tribemaster for Hung Zhin when he became the great elder.Did the great elder forcefully remove his mark from his treasure? Such an action will cost the great elder half of his remaining lifespan!

Ling Fei tried his best to hold back his tears as he took the weapon. He knelt down with his forehead stuck to the ground and sobbed. “Thank you, Great Elder!”

“Great, great.” The great elder laughed, nodding, gazing at Ling Fei like the proud father he was. “Become somebody who will make me proud.”

Afterwards, the great elder turned to Siu Fu, who met his eyes fearlessly.

After some time, the great elder turned away first. He did not say anything, but there wasn’t a need for him to.

Steelhead was the most outstanding cultivator amongst his peers, be it his talents or capability, while Ling Fei was not just a son to him but also an elite of their tribe. It was only a matter of time before Ling Fei became the next great elder. Yet now, the great elder made them Siu Fu’s guardians!

So what if the pair had an excellent group name or how amazing it seemed when the great elder made the announcement, it didn’t change the fact that they were just bodyguards. This proved how high the great elder’s expectations for Siu Fu were.

But if this happened, who would take on the position of the next great elder!?

The great elder was an influential position in necrocultivation since the extraordinary Tribemaster stayed out of daily affairs and only focused on cultivation. The great elder was just like the principal of an institution in the South; they were not the strongest elite, as the strongest was mostly hidden behind the scenes, fully focused on cultivation, but they had great authority.

It could be said that the great elder was only below one but above everyone else and would have infinite resources. Hung Zhin was talented, and with all the resources, he reached the sixth level of the Nine Levels of Hell after breaking through to the four-chambered state.

When one reached the seventh level, he would be as good as a five-chambered or thousand-gliphic cultivator!

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