The announcement was made through the Blood Library’s gliph formation.

Since the olden days, the Blood Library was open only to the Metallic Blood War Gate disciples who had broken through to the one-chambered state or made specific contributions to the institution. The Metallic Blood War Gate did not want to dilute the preciousness of the chance by allowing members to enter the place as and when they wished. In order to attract more disciples to work hard for this reward, the founder of the Metallic Blood War Gate created this announcement that granted disciples instant fame. Not only that, but anyone that managed to gain the approval of a legacy would also have their names written in the Blood Library’s records.

However, the Cloud Palace outer sect disciples viewed this as their motivation to successfully bring home a legacy.

Somewhere in the Blood Library, Chor Kwong Laan wore an ugly expression. 

Chor Ching San used to be a famous and talented individual from the Spiral Dragon Chor Clan. Sadly, he cut off all ties after falling out with the Chor Clan and became a member of the Metallic Blood War Gate. This was different from Chor Sing, who taught here. Chor Sing was still loyal to the Chor Clan and was merely a guest mentor of the Metallic Blood War Gate.

Chor Ching San even left his Heaven Tearing Claw legacy in the Blood Library before passing on.

So, what was the difference between an ordinary gliphility and a legacy? An ordinary gliphility book was similar to a textbook; it was step-by-step guidance, but the actual absorption and understanding of this knowledge relied fully on the disciples. On the other hand, a legacy book contained the author’s understanding, ideas, and usages of the gliphility. It was accurate to describe it as a part of the author’s memories, and it resembled a book written by a master specifically for their disciple.

The disciple approved by a legacy might not become the author’s disciple, but they would receive basically the same treatment of teachings through the book. 

Leaving behind a legacy was a tedious process with negative side effects on the cultivator; it might weaken their ability forever. Thus, it was normally done by cultivators without any disciples who couldn’t bear to let their gliphilities go to waste when they left the world, and only when their end days were near.

The Bloody War Strike from Chor Huet Zhin to Chui Yim was similarly a legacy.

Furthermore, legacies worthy of being placed in the Blood Library were definitely more than just an ordinary gliphility.

Maybe only a Chor Clan member could understand the pity Chor Kwong Laan currently felt watching a legacy that should have belonged to their clan being taken away by Northerner Sun Liu.

There were many rules and regulations to choosing a legacy, and most young cultivators decided what to go after by taking their similarities with the original owners into consideration; if they had the same innate chamber, the style’s attribute, grade, and intention behind the gliphility… It was all up to the young cultivators and their destiny.

Sun Liu might’ve looked dumb, but he was as talented as the rest and even had a body beyond gliphers of his state with his special Spirit Bear body form. Chor Ching San’s Heaven Tearing Claw focused on arms, and Sun Liu, who had stronger arms compared to his peers, was the right choice.

Gradually, more and more announcements were made. The visitors to the library were disciples of the Cloud Palace outer sect, the best amongst their generation, after all.

Be it Chor Kwong Laan, Wong Chow Yip, On Kuet, or the rest, they were the best gliphers in the respective clans of their generation.

“Chor Kwong Laan, acknowledged by a nameless legacy – Amazing Spiritual Intent.”

“On Kuet, acknowledged by Ching Ting’s legacy – Golden Breeze Drizzle Knife.”

Some legacies were nameless as not all legacy creators wished to be known. Most that had their names left were famous cultivators. The legacy On Kuet got was once a gliphility that shook the entire world, and it shocked the disciples that it was left in the Blood Library.

Some other classmates of theirs successfully got approved by legacies too.

“Wong Chow Yip, acknowledged by a nameless legacy – Madness.”

“Tsui Sin, acknowledged by a nameless legacy – Shadow Steps.”

Right after these announcements, the Blood Library vibrated slightly and an emptiness spread to the entire first level of the Blood Library.

Lee Bak, who was situated at a corner of the Blood Library, watched his newly-gained nephew with a satisfied smile. Big Senior Brother indeed has great eyesight. This kid is too talented to be left refining elixirs at Southern Ping!

“Suen San Kuk, acknowledged by Yik Kek’s legacy – Graceful Footwork.”

A commotion was caused by the announcement! The legacies Wong Chow Yip and Tsui Sin got were of great quality, but they were by unknown creators while Yik Kek was one of the disciples of the Metallic Blood War Gate founder.

He left the world as a peak four-chambered cultivator, just a step away from becoming a five-chambered master. His unpredictable and mysterious footwork was recorded in history books and was known as one of the best footwork techniques in the South, not overtaken even today.

Since Yik Kek did not take in any disciples, he turned his Graceful Footwork into a legacy and left it in the blood library before leaving the world. The reason it was found in level one was because it could be cultivated starting at the one-chambered state, but legend had it that after reaching the four-chambered state, the cultivator would gather energliph from all four limb chambers and allow one’s footwork to transcend, treating the world as a chessboard and all opponents as mere pieces! In short, it was a strong gliphility that could kill and formed border at the same time. 

It was said that Yik Kek battled four elites of the same state by himself and took their lives merely with Graceful Footwork! If it were be described with gliphism, this legacy was of the best quality gliphs!

And now, everyone had to take Suen San Kuk, who acquired the approval of this legacy, seriously!

Lam Zaa looked up, feeling the emptiness. This was the intent that the owner of a legacy left to be emitted when their legacy found an heir. “Graceful Footwork. Even such a godly gliphility was picked up. What’s going on with this generation…?” Lam Zaa lamented.

“Your Highness, I do not understand their excitement. How could any legacy be comparable to Your Highness’s Hundred Streams Body, ranked in the top three of the Heaven Rank?”

“Ying, you’re too simple-minded.” Lam Zaa shook his head. “My best takeaway from this exchange would be… to stay humble.”

The night after the inter-school exchange, at Evergreen Palace’s Pure Sun Hall:

This was the bedroom of every generation’s Emperor Lam, and this also meant that only people closest and highly trusted by Emperor Lam would be invited into the Pure Sun Hall.

Currently, there were no outsiders. No eunuch or palace maid were in the hall, only Lam Chun and his son.

Lam Chun sat on his seat quietly sipping tea while Lam Zaa stood nearby with his hands at his side, wondering why he still felt pressured in front of his father despite acquiring the Hundred Streams Body.

After a long silence, after Lam Chun’s third cup of tea, he spoke up.

“Do you understand the reason behind your defeat?”

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