
Chor Kwong Laan pointed his rod to the skies, andthe dragon’s roar made Or Shan Tat’s hair stand on end.


Facing this gliphility, even the violent Or Shan Tat was filled with extreme fear!


The ink dragon that shot out from the sky pillar bared its teeth like an arrogant giant dragon, crushing Or Shan Tat’s proud knife light and sending the glipher a few meters back, vomiting blood.


An insignificant sound caught Chor Kwong Laan’s attention. However, he wasn’t able to react in time before a blade pierced through him.

“I say, have you forgotten somebody?” A shady voice rang out.

Overgeneralized stereotypes existed about the North and South, but the world was huge. Southerners were perceived as having softer battle styles, but there existed crazy people like Wong Chow Yip who fought crazily against Sun Liu and Or Shan Tat.

Tsui Sin was one of the anomalies of the North. She was seventeen this year, an ordinary girl that had no powerful background nor was she from any tribe. At the age of twelve, she sneaked into a middle-sized tribe and killed an elder of the tribe as a one-chambered glipher, which shocked the entire tribe.

The tribe leader caught her, but instead of punishing her, the tribe leader took her into the tribe and spent all of their resources on her! In the North where survival was harsh, this tribe paid a fat price to send her for education at the Cloud Palace outer sect.

She was an assassin, and she was extremely sharp when it came to chances during battles. She knew her chance had arrived. She didn’t help when Or Shan Tat received an attack, she only chose to attack when Chor Kwong Laan was drained after his attack and before his energliph was replenished. She attacked with flying needles, which she was most proud of.

Her self-created gliphility was Shadow Merge. When she inserted energliph, her concealed weapon would become one with her gliphility and disappear like a shadow silently. The energliph in the concealed weapon would only explode and injure the victim when her weapon hit them. This brilliant gliphility of hers was what made the tribe leader take her in.

They even spent a huge amount to pay a famous blacksmith to create a set of grade one Drizzle Needles for her trip to the South.

Gliphic weapons like needles were exhaustive as they weren’t reusable like knives or swords, which the glipher could nurture, cultivate, and use long enough for the gliph weapon to feel like part of their body after paying a hefty sum for it.

Being non-reusable, exhaustive weapons would be depleted after a number of battles, and the glipher would have to pay a large amount to have them created once more. Thus, it was rare to see cultivators choose to use concealed weapons.

Chor Kwong Laan never thought that he would be so “lucky” to come across a cultivator that used needles. The needle that was stuck in his right abdomen released a form of pure energliph that led to Chor Kwong Laan receiving serious internal injury. Even blood flowed from his mouth.

However, Tsui Sin  did not let her guard down as she put three more Drizzle Needles between her fingers.

Even though every single needle cost a ton, she did not feel the slightest pity even if she had to exhaust all of her needles since she knew it was required for survival.

Chor Kwong Laan looked as composed as ever as he ignored the sharp pain in his abdomen. He gripped his rod tightly, the energliph movement of his weapon allowing him to feel awake.

The rod was similarly part of Chui Yim’s New Rich series, with the Attention gliph carved in it using dragon drool grass. This helped keep him attentive as well as improve his physical ability.

“What a great gliph weapon.” Tsui Sin couldn’t help but praise Chor Kwong Laan’s weapon.

“Yours are great too.” Chor Kwong Laan looked at the needles in her hands.

Attacks weren’t mere attacks to gliphers using concealed weapons, they were attacking with money every time they launched an attack. Cultivators who didn’t have abundant money couldn’t afford to use them.

Tsui Sin wasn’t affected by Chor Kwong Laan’s mocking.


The needles rang at a lower pitch as Chor Kwong Laan waved his rod around, batting the needles away. He even secretly felt that, without the Attention gliph carved on his weapon that boosted his senses, he would never have sensed the thin needles coming for him!

“Let’s see how many you can dodge.” Undaunted, Tsui Sin attacked again. She hid in the tribe’s tent for half a day without consuming anything to successfully take the elder’s life! Patience was something she had plenty of.


For a moment, it seemed like it was raining needles! Nine needles came for Chor Kwong Laan from different directions at the same time! Even as her opponent, Chor Kwong Laan admired her skills that instilled fear in him at the same time. This teenage girl was stronger than Or Shan Tat, yet she remained lowkey the whole time she was in the outer sect. What a scary opponent!

Unable to sense where the needles were coming from, Chor Kwong Laan could only wave the rod all around him.

Sadly, the girl was way stronger than he expected.

Tsui Sin shot out two needles once again.

Cling cling…

Crystal clear sounds rang out. Both needles she shot out were actually above the first two needles she shot out, but she changed direction and went past Chor Kwong Laan and aimed for his eyes!


A shield made of blood light wrapped around Chor Kwong Laan, determining that the teen boy had no way to tackle this situation. However, somebody was unhappy with this decision. “What’s the matter? I’ve already blocked the attack.” 

Lung Wai Yuet controlling the tower wore a grimace. Indeed, she made a mistake this time. The needles were so fast that she judged Chor Kwong Laan would definitely be defeated, and with the girl’s merciless attack, Chor Kwong Laan might go blind.

But she never thought that the moment she activated the mechanism to protect Chor Kwong Laan, a blue figure would dash at lightning speed to block the attack for Chor Kwong Laan and the needles would land in the blue figure instead. But thinking of her status, she came to the conclusion that all decisions were final. Waving her hands, she sent Chor Kwong Laan out of the tower.

Tsui Sin stared at the blue figure solemnly. It was a blue wooden wolf that she was familiar with. Back at the Forbidden Forest, she wanted to survive and chose to not fight the Giant Demonic Spider. It was a clever decision as she was one of the disciples to escape. However, she saw the ever-changing wooden puppet.

As expected, a teen walked over to her calmly with a red bird on his shoulders, staring at her dangerously yet lifelessly. Tsui Sin broke into cold sweat instantly like she was being stared at by some dangerous monster.

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