“Mm. The Heaven’s Flame is said to be powerful enough to destroy the world. After you assimilated its power, the increase in your ability and strength is probably still less than one per cent of the Heaven’s Flame power.

“Thus, the remaining energy can only go elsewhere, like your burning hair. When energliph enters your heart, the Heaven’s Flame will be activated, but not to the point where it burns you. 

“The hair is just a growing process because it fused with your heart, equivalent to growing within your body. So, the remainder that couldn’t be absorbed would turn into hair for you. That’s the reasoning behind it.”

Chui Yim nodded, deep in thought.

“However, the Heaven’s Flame is a double-edged sword. Learning to control it is important, or you might burn yourself before the world burns under your hands.” Ping Chi said, looking worried.

“How would I burn the world if I don’t even know how to light a spark?” Chui Yim rolled his eyes, earning him a smack on the head. 

“Are you an idiot? Draw a gliph!”

“Gliph?” Chui Yim looked at him, stunned.

“You have a terrifying flame that will strengthen any fire-attributed gliphs. Even if it’s not enough to release Heaven’s Flame, it’s powerful enough as your gliphs will contain the flame’s energy.”

“But my body is currently as strong as a three-chambered glipher, isn’t becoming a glipher better?” Chui Yim frowned and asked the question he had been nursing for a long time.

“You’re no different from those who wonder if you should become a glipheon or alchemist.” Ping Chi shook his head.

Hearing Ping Chi, Chui Yim was stunned.

“I might focus on gliphism, but to me, the most important skill is medicine. It works well with alchemy, so why can’t this be true for gliphists and gliphers?” This was Ping Chi’s understanding.

“If one had the speed and strength of a glipher plus the ability to draw gliphs, leaving your personal gliph aside, even some simple gliphs that boost your physical capabilities would increase your strength. Moreover, it will still benefit you to charge enemy gliphists!” 

What Ping Chi said currently was obviously unconventional.

But Ping Chi was honest only because it was Chui Yim. Chui Yim was a thirteen-year-old teenager dual great master, after all.

Ping Chi wasn’t a gliphist that specialised in battle but had his own unique understanding. Thus, Ping Chi didn’t intervene much for Chui Yim. He only checked on his disciple’s progress in medicine and alchemy for any major misconceptions. He was willing to answer all of Chui Yim’s doubts too.

With Ping Chi’s robust knowledge of medicine, he was able to clarify any doubts that Chui Yim had.

When the night fell, Chui Yim returned to his room to cultivate and ponder his future. His time was limited as it would soon be the group competition for the interschool exchange.

The number of participants for the group competition was unlimited, but the hosting institution could decide the competition format and it was compulsory for every disciple of the participating institutions to take part in it.

Also, it would definately be a battle.

Forging, alchemy and other skills wouldn’t help much in the competition, and one’s strength was the only important factor. After breaking through his innate chamber, Chui Yim could draw gliphs in the air, but his competitors were all geniuses, many of whom had already created their personal gliphs! Mung Si and Lee Bak were great examples of those he would be going up against.

Even though Chui Yim seemed unconcerned by Lee Bak, it was his attitude towards his client as a blacksmith. Chui Yim would likely not survive three attacks from Lee Bak in an actual battle, but defeating Lee Bak was not what he cared about….

What he really wanted was the absolute strength to control his life!

Now, Chui Yim had a rough answer….It would be too late to create his personal gliph now, so he could only start as a glipher.

The sun poured down on South Imperial City, and the streets were even more crowded than yesterday.

Today was the final of the alchemy segment. Of course, the alchemists weren’t as good as those from Southern Ping, but this was the capital of the South, and the talented youths here were still similarly qualified as Southern Ping’s new generation. This is a chance for them to gain fame and fortune!

Thus, it was a chance Woo Hung wouldn’t give up. He was confident of the alchemy he had learnt from Doctor Kuen.

As spectators filled the arena, the few participants left in the finals went on stage, ready to start.

Ping Chi, who was on the platform, called Chui Yim again. “Come here, kid.”

“No!” Chui Yim replied unwillingly. “I want to watch from over here! It’s clearer!” He looked so upset that Kam Chin Kee was shocked; it seemed like everything in the world had something or someone they feared.

“Nonsense. There’s nowhere in the arena that will provide you with a clearer view than the grandstand!”

Chui Yim was left speechless. Ping Chi was right; even though the Cloud Palace Outer Sect seats were closest to the arena—along the arena and right in front of common spectators, the grandstand where judges sat undoubtedly provided a better view. The grandstand was a few meters above the arena and judges were watching the competition directly from above! 

“Cut the nonsense. I didn’t call you up for fun. Hurry up.” With that, Chui Yim went up the steps unwillingly, with Sze Fung looking at him admiringly, Old Star Reacher gritting his teeth, Fa Siu Siu trying to seduce him, and Lui Pak Lok smiling at him thinly. The other important figures didn’t care, as Ping Chi was an important figure in both medicine and alchemy. It was their honour to be able to invite him to host this segment.

Thus, none would reject his small wish to watch the competition with his disciple.

After Chui Yim climbed up the grandstand, he nodded and turned to the participants below. “I will not waste any more time. Today’s theme is speed!”

Some of them frowned, waiting for Ping Chi to explain.

“Normally, alchemists work without a time limit, and the time spent depends on the grade of the elixir made. The higher the grade, the more time is needed. However, time isn’t always free. What if your peers need urgent treatment?

“Of course, this is just an example. The thing we are going to test is your basics.

“I only need you to refine a grade-one returning spirit elixir.” Ping Chi announced slowly.

The returning spirit elixir again?

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