This did not surprise Fung Seung. Even though the important figures were no blacksmiths, they were veterans of gliphism and possessed knowledge of gilph weapons despite their inability to construct one. With their cultivation state, they were more than competent to grade gliph weapons. 

Old Star Reacher glared at the teen and made unpleasant comments. “Creating a grade one gliph weapon with jade grass, an ingredient that originated from Easter Sea’s Eastern Cape is a total waste of ingredients! Do you know how difficult it is to obtain jade grass from Eastern Cape where it’s inhabited by dangerous gliphic beasts?” 

Grandma Chin Shu frowned. She remained silent as the teen was a representative from the Great Book Academy. It was obvious that Old Star Reacher’ was finding fault with the Great Book Academy but being in a public setting, it was best she remain silent about it. 

“That’s not exactly true,” Sze Fung spoke up, “Jade grass is extremely precious, which was why not many blacksmiths were able to maximise its value. Even though you failed to do so this time, it is a valuable experience of handling expensive ingredients for you. Hopefully, you’ll learn something out of this and become a great blacksmith that contributes to South in the future.” He turned to the teen and said calmly. 

Sze Fung’s generous comment got the crowd applauding for him whilst Old Star Reacher glared at him with a burst of weird laughter. 

This teen that went first allowed the crowd to understand how strict the judges were. No other participants that went after him scored more than fifty points. 

In fact, every participant that got the chance to stand here was talented in forging. Sadly, they were nothing; not even worthy of passing to the judges! 

Now it was Yau Suet Chung’s turn and excitement filled the crowd instantly! Chui Chai Yau trio was the participants they cared about most in this competition! 

Yau Suet Chung was holding onto a sabre as he stepped up with his nose in the air. “Seniors, this is a grade two gliph weapon by your humble junior, Three-Ringed Eroded Moon!” 

The crowd got into a commotion hearing that it was a grade two weapon. Amongst all participants, Yau Suet Chung was the first today to submit a grade two gliph weapon; it’s not that the others were incompetent in creating grade two gliph weapon, but grade one weapons have a lower failure rate and they were familiar with the process which was a better choice during competition, rather than to give the grade two weapon a shot and end up with no time of redoing in the event of failure. 

Winning by playing safe was a better choice than to bet for a win. 

But as a half great master, Yau Suet Chung had no problem in making grade two weapons! He was already trying for grade three gliph weapons and would be a great master the moment he succeed! 

“This is good.” Fung Seung couldn’t help but comment when he took a look at it. 

It was an ice blue saber that was extremely lightweight like it was made of a thin layer of ice. There were three rings on the back of the sabre that collide with each other when Yau Suet Chung moved it. 

“This sabre is made with a special type of water, canyon fountain water as the main ingredient. It was extracted from the canyon next to Southary. This sky-reaching fountain was as if a blade of the world that could slash anything. After it became ice, it’s lightweight and I made a sabre out of this that could slash anything!” Yau Suet Chung continued proudly. 

“Let me give it a shot.” One of the judges said after a short pause, and his words caught the crowd’s attention. This judge was the principal of Sky Raiser Institution, Lui Pat Lok. He was a four-chambered glipher but not as famous as the other elites because he was a private cultivator. 

The world’s best cultivator in using a blade was the sect leader of Four Season Heaven, Yeung Ha. But in the South, it was Lui Pat Lok. 

Lui Pat Lok gained fame after surviving attacks from three powerful Northern cultivators of the same state as him at the Bloody War Frontier thirty years ago. At the cost of being seriously injured, Lui Pat Lok who was a three-chambered state back at the time even managed to take the life of one of his enemies before retreating! 

It’s been a long time since he battled, but the word blade still reminds everyone about him. 

Sky Raiser Blade, Lui Pat Lok! 

Sky Raiser Blade never attacks, but when it does, all enemies become unhappy. It was said that this phrase originated from a Northerner. It doesn’t rhyme but Northerners don’t care. Well, after Lui Pat Lok attacks, they are indeed unhappy and even enemies have to admire his skills. 

TL note: Pat Lok means unhappy

Lui Pat Lok weighed the sabre lightly and gave it a short test. Ice blue light shone past leaving only illusions. There were only a few around that could see his actions clearly. 

“Hmm, it’s not bad.” Lui Pat Lok was a cold-looking middle-aged man. He nodded slightly and passed the weapon to the next person, Sze Fung. 

Unlike Lui Pat Lok, Sze Fung was a man of words and generous with his praise. “If I’m right, the three rings at the back could help to assist gliphers with voice-attributed gliphity, right? It was indeed special to have a double-function saber!”

Yau Suet Chung was glad that his intention was noticed and no longer acted arrogantly. “Principal Sze has great eyes.” 

Chui Yim on the side wore an odd expression and shook his head slightly. This teen is too far off. 

Fung Seung who stood at the front had his eyes fixated on Chiu Yim for many reasons, but mainly his fear and hatred for Chui Yim who bid the everlasting wood and it might affect him and other disciples negatively. It’s simple to say to get an assassin to get Chui Yim when he leaves the South Imperial City, but he was aware that most genius only leaves the city when they are at least of the two-chambered state. Who knows how long more is going to take? 

Thus when he caught Chui Yim’s expression, an evil thought came to his mind. “Little friend Chui, what do you think of this gliph weapon?” 

Fung Seung’s words shocked all that was present, including the judges. 

The judges behind were at least the start of a four-chambered or hundred-gliphic state, therefore they were given the right to do so. But what about Chui Yim? Is he as qualified as them?

Grumpy Old Star Reacher spoke first. “Grandmaster Fung, this is going against the rules! he’s a participant too, how could he do so?”

“Master Star Reacher is wrong,” Fung Seung replied. “Little friend Chui is a gifted teen who has brilliant forging skills. He was said to even discuss this topic with grandmaster Choh, and they are friends. 

“As a fire-forger, he could point out what this water-caster lacks here. “

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