This circular shield was small, and there wasn’t any energliph seen on it. With Chui Yim’s expertise, he could tell that this gliph weapon was ordinary, including the blacksmith who created it. 

“Brother Chui, please take a look at this shield. Due to its unique shape, I couldn’t find similar shields in other gliph weapon shops or auction houses. This small shield is, in fact, a failed product. I had to turn to customization since I couldn’t find any adequate replacement. I am here today to ask for the current forging genius, Brother Chui, for a weapon.”

Chui Yim caressed his bright head and turned to Kam Chin-Kee, who shrugged to show he had no objections.

 About Lee Bak, Chui Yim heard about him from Kam Chin-Kee. Back then, he was in the Sir Beauty’s gliph formation, having just broken through his innate chamber, so he knew nothing about the incident between Kam Chin-Kee and Lee Bak. He only heard afterwards that Lee Bak slashed Pak Lai Fung in half after being annoyed by his comment.

Due to their special connection, Kam Chin-Kee and Chui Yim were as close as blood brothers, and this incident proved to Chui Yim that Lee Bak was a worthy friend.

“You have two options.” Chui Yim pondered for a short moment before speaking.

“Please.” A happy smile formed on Lee Bak’s face.

“It should be common knowledge that gliph weapons are graded strictly, and the largest factor is the number of gliphs on the weapon. The addition of every gliph increases the strength of the gliph weapon and its versatility.” Chui Yim started slowly.

Lee Bak nodded. He had enough basic knowledge about gliph weapons to understand Chui Yim.

“But this is exactly what hinders a lot of glipher; the need to change gliph weapons every time they reach a new state. This doesn’t affect ordinary gliphers, but I’m sure Brother Lee Bak can distinguish the problem.”

“Is Brother Chui talking about our familiarity?” Lee Bak answered.

“Yes,” Chui Yim nodded. “No matter how similar two gliph weapons are, there are no two identical weapons in this world. Different ingredients will affect a weapon’s weight. Even with the same ingredients, the difference in gliph patterns, or even a blacksmith’s experience, can affect its shape.

“The weapon’s weight, its grip, sharpness and more. All these factors will affect the chemistry between the gliph weapon and glipher.”

Chui Yim was sober and serious at this time, like a general giving commands. “It takes an enormous amount of time for a glipher to bond with their gliph weapon, familiarising themselves with it. It’s impossible to do so in a short time. To ordinary cultivators who can only reach low ranks over their life, this doesn’t affect them, But brother Lee is an outstanding cultivator guided by an elite. I believe that you won’t face much difficulty reaching the four-chambered state.

“However, this also means that Brother Lee would be required to change gliph weapons every time you break through, which is quite a hassle.”

“Brother Chui, feel free to get straight to the point.” Lee Bak remained silent for some time, obviously agreeing with Chui Yim.

“Your two options,” Chui Yim raised his fingers. “One, I’ll forge you a grade two gliph weapon that suits your ability and will be able to use well. You shouldn’t need to change it until you reach the three-chambered state; it’s also the cheaper option, maybe a hundred thousand? But this should be affordable to Brother Lee, considering your status.”

Lee Bak did not reply. Indeed, a hundred thousand was easily affordable to him. “What’s my second option?”

“It’s more complicated.” Chui Yim laughed. “I’ll make you a gliph weapon that’s only grade one. But I’ll use my finest skills and help you upgrade it whenever you break through. For example, come back to me once you reach the two-chambered state, and I’ll upgrade the weapon to grade two directly to match your status.”

“There are such upgradeable weapons?” Lee Bak couldn’t contain his surprise when he heard Chui Yim.

“It’s impossible for others, but not for me…” There was a proud smile on Chui Yim’s face that made him look annoying. “It’s possible in theory, but the skills involved are too complicated and too expensive for me to try casually. But I will do my best if you are interested.”

“This means that my martial uncle will be paying you to become your lab rat!” Sung Hau couldn’t help but whine after hearing him.

“It’s just a suggestion.” Chui Yim chuckled, not feeling awkward as he smiled. “Think about it, a powerful gliph weapon that can grow together with you. It isn’t just a weapon with the same appearance, but it’s the exact gliph weapon you can use for life, and the mystical state of being one with your weapon will remain.”

Afraid that his younger martial uncle would be tempted by the “devil” Chui Yim, Sung Hau turned to Lee Bak anxiously. “Uncle, don’t listen to his nonsensical words. He wouldn’t use you to experiment if he was confident!”

“Sir, your words are kind of rude.” Chui Yim suddenly spoke coldly. Kam Chin Kee immediately sensed that Chui Yim was offended and stepped in to meditate as he knew his character. “We’re all friends here; just calm down, hmm?”

Chui Yim sneered in response.

Suddenly, Lee Bak laughed. “I believe Brother Chui would never have offered me the second option if I had never acted for Brother Kam, right? It’s not because Brother Chui fears failure, but because he isn’t willing to spend so much effort on strangers.”

Chui Yim sneered once more and continued drinking, not sparing the Metallic Blood War Gate duo a look. He was extremely proud of his forging skills.

“I’ve decided. Let’s go with option two.”

“Uncle…” Sung Hau started speaking, but he received a glare from Lee Bak.

“Who’s the martial uncle here? Me or you? I’ve made up my mind. Sorry for the trouble, brother Chui.”

Chui Yim calmed down after seeing how much Lee Bak trusted him but continued speaking coldly. “I will make things clear first. You will pay in instalments, and the first instalment will cost one million silver taels due to its difficulty. When you reach the next state, I’ll charge another million for the upgrade. If you ever successfully make it into the five-chambered state, it would cost five million taels! Furthermore, you will owe me a favour.

“Can you afford it, kid?” Chui Yim looked down at Lee Bak.

Sung Hau was shocked. 1,000,000 was the price of a grade three gliph weapon, and every upgrade cost another 1,000,000…If martial uncle reaches the five-chambered state in the future, this weapon would cost a total of 9,000,000 taels!

“Deal.” Lee Bak replied while Sung Hau was still stunned by the weapon’s extravagant price.

“Uncle!” Sung Hau shrieked anxiously. 

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