Standing in the huge arena, Chui Yim’s mind drifted back to the battle he watched at Breaking Thorns City on the Breaking Thorns Stage. He played the role of a spectator back then. But now, Chui Yim was one of the participants that would serve as entertainment for about ten thousand people, which he predicted from the empty seats around the arena.

The Metallic Blood War Gate arena was substantially larger than Breaking Thorns Stage, with a subtle energliph barrier separating them from the audience. Of course, most stages had such a defensive measure. Who would dare watch these fights if they might get injured?

As soon as Sze Fung announced the start of the interschool exchange, countless spectators were led in by Metallic Blood War Gate disciples. Many were pointing at the various important figures on the stone seats as it was rare to encounter such figures. Witnessing these elite cultivators made them feel closer to the secret world of cultivation they weren’t destined for.

After all the delay and hassle, the arena was filled after half an hour. Unfortunately, there were still many others trying to squeeze in before being told to leave by the guards.

During this time, the institution leaders chatted with each other. As rivals who might threaten each other, they couldn’t be truly close friends. Despite how happily Fa Siu Siu and the Old Star Reacher seemed to be as they chatted, they were dying to strangle each other.

Sze Fung stood up finally. He looked around him and announced with his clear and loud voice. “The first segment of Interschool Exchange──forging!

“The segment is about creating gliph weapons for gliphers,” His voice boomed throughout the arena and suppressed the noise. “A gliph weapon can be said to be a glipher’s second life, and a powerful gliph weapon can greatly improve a glipher’s strength. Thus, the saying goes, ‘Finding a good gliph weapon is hard, but finding a good blacksmith is even harder.’

 “Becoming a blacksmith is an arduous journey, even when compared to cultivating. A blacksmith needs stable cultivation, good talent, and great knowledge to coordinate the gliphs and ingredients successfully. He also needs a creative mind and reliable skills, which can be considered a skill of its own.

“We need new blood for every industry to grow. I am not so arrogant to say that the South is on par with the North in forging. The world’s only divine blacksmith is in the Northern Blazing Skies Mountain, the best evidence of our shortcomings.

“However, what makes the South so powerful is our education system! We might not have a divine state blacksmith now, but who knows whether we will in a hundred years!

“All the representatives of the forging segment, please step forward; the rest of you are to return to your respective areas!” Sze Fung looked beneath him and announced with his deep voice.

“All the best.” Kam Chin Kee patted Chui Yim’s shoulder.

“What nonsense. You’re making it sound like I’ll lose.” Chui Yim complained.

“Who knows.” Kam Chin Kee shrugged, and Chui Yim controlled his urge to hit him.

“Hurry and return to your seat and cheer for me.”

“Haha.” Kam Chin Kee laughed.

Chui Yim scanned the participants around him to realize most were male. It makes sense though, as girls were rarely interested in this field.

However, Chui Yim realized that most participants were staring at him with hostility. It never crossed his mind that him being a great master in forging had caused this.

After seeing that almost everyone had the same stare, he shut his eyes to rest.

When all the non-participating disciples returned to their seats, Sze Fungspoke again. “Grandmaster Fung Seung, the examiner, will lead this segment.”

With that, Fung Seung stood up. As a grandmaster, he acted like one too.

Every action of his seemed to be infused with heaven and earth, entrancing everyone who looked at him.

Fung Seung had a cold voice which Chui Yim found familiar…Where have I heard this thought? But he shut his eyes and ignored it when he couldn’t think of an answer.

“The art of forging is mysterious and of myriad changes. However, it always retains its essence no matter how it has evolved.

“The process of forging a gliph weapon is tedious, but there are a few main steps: selecting ingredients, smelting, casting, and gliph carving. Amongst them, smelting is only required for fire-forging, not water-casting or grass-refining.

“Thus, the main steps left are choosing ingredients, casting and gliph carving. These are the three main steps of forging, also known as Golden Three. As humans, we can’t avoid making mistakes, but the Golden Three must be perfected no matter what. Any mistake in the golden three is equivalent to destroying the gliph weapon.”

Fung Seung scanned the participating disciples, his gaze lingering slightly longer on Chui Yim’s bald head briefly before turning away. “The topic for the first segment of the interschool exchange’s contest: The Golden Three’s casting.”

He patted the jade on his waist as a painting appeared in his hands. “Participants, please take a look.”

A vivid and realistic gliphic beast was revealed when Fung Seung unrolled the painting. Its fierce aura spread across the arena, and Chui Yim immediately opened his eyes to stare at the painting in shock.

“This gliphic beast is the spiked mountain toad, an ancient gliphic beast from the past. It possesses the ability to swallow the world, and its roars can be heard no matter the distance. Even in ancient times, when countless elites roamed the world, few dared to provoke the spiked mountain toad. However, it‘s been a thousand years since there has been any news of the spiked mountain toad, and it has since become a beast that only exists in legend.

“As for this painting, it was obtained from a certain tomb. I believe everyone here can discern the painter’s power, as energliph infused his every stroke. Thanks to him, we can even feel the spiked mountain toad’s strength today. Such a painting can be considered a divine work!”

Chui Yim shuddered at the painting.

The gliphic beast in the painting wasn’t good-looking; it could even be considered ugly. The spiked mountain toad was shaped like a frog and had spikes all over its body. It had a long tongue that looked like a rainbow.

Of course, this was just the feeling he got from the painting. Chui Yim couldn’t help but gasp.

How powerful must the painter be to make him feel threatened by a painting?

“Representatives, your goal is to create something that represents the spiked mountain toad the most. It can be anything, even a decoration. As for today, we will be focusing on your casting.” Fung Seung continued after a short pause.

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