The middle-aged men were teachers of the Metallic Blood War Gate and of the three-chambered state; the state that the Giant Demonic Spider had just broken through!

This meant that the teachers were not opponents of the spider that was invincible against its state!

Luckily, the spider was in the midst of breaking through and unable to spare them any attention. Catching on to this, the teachers immediately turned around for the disciples to leave. “Run! Hurry!” 

The Metallic Blood War Gate and Cloud Palace outer sect disciples already figured out the situation when they felt the frightening energy wave. The two-chambered state spider was already deadly, so hellish would it be when it reached the three-chambered state? Countless disciples dispersed and ran for their lives. 

At that instance, a phoenix’s cry was heard. On the treetop stood Mung Si, who controlled her phoenix to burn the surrounding spider web down.

Some disciples immediately understood her actions, she was trying to save those who were trapped on the web! The disciples were left hesitant before some gritted their teeth to escape while some stayed. 

Lee Bak who was feeling weak from the excessive use of Crimson Blood Body stayed to catch those falling from the web. Kam Chin Kee, On Kuet, Wong Chow Yip, Chor Kwong Laan, Ching Lang Pak, Sung Hau were among the ones who stayed to render Mung Si a helping hand despite putting their lives at risk. 

Beads of sweat trickled down Mung Si’s beautiful face as she focused fully on her aim. Because of how damaging her Inferno Phoenix was, she only waited until now; when the spider was occupied with its breakthrough and gave her time to focus fully on controlling her gliph so that she could avoid hurting the disciples by accident. 

However, time’s running out. It did not take long for the spider to finish breaking through and reach six meters tall. The fearsome and violent energliph movement took over the space within no time. Time stopped for a second. 

Energliph movement dispersed all around the outer range along with a booming shriek. It left all gliphic beasts living at the outer range scattering away. Colour drained from the Metallic Blood War Gate teacher’s face as they gave in their all to exert energliph to cover Mung Si and the rest from the great energliph wave. 

Boom! The Giant Demonic Spider looked down at the humans. Anger and violence were long gone from its eyes and replaced with an ice-cold look. It raised its metallic-looking legs, ready to slash down like an axe from the skies.

The Metallic Blood War Gate teachers had blood flowing down the corners of their mouths. They turned around and saw that all trapped disciples had escaped. “Run! Hurry!” The gliphers exchanged a glance and saw the determination in each other’s eyes. 

Metallic Blood War Gate has always been the core of Southern fighters to go against the North. Members of the institution only die standing and never kneeled down. They were ready to sacrifice themselves for the youths to live! 

The disciples behind him saw the massive spider leg that blocked the skies. There was no doubt that if the leg landed on them, they would lose their lives. Some of the teens were in great despair. 

Suddenly, the spider stopped in its action and looked up to the skies which all followed to see a shadow closing down on them from the skies. It was a woman holding up her fist to be exact. 

Bang! The Spider went up against the shadow! Her small fist less than one per cent of the size of the spider’s leg banged against her forcefully. Strong energy mixed with energliph was felt all over the place! 

Boom! The teachers and the teens flew off from the strong energy movement! When they got on their feet once again, there was a woman in white standing quietly on the spot. The movement got her black hair which was always neat slightly messy, dancing in the air. 

Woo Nim stood between the teens and the spider. Her aura was so great that the spider which was of her state feared! 

At the same time, the teachers from the Metallic Blood War Gate stared at Woo Nim as if they saw a ghost. They could clearly feel that Woo Nim was of the same state as them, but her limitless energliph movement was unexplainable to the extent that they would believe that she was a four or five-chambered glipher if they could not feel the movement that only belonged to a three-chambered state. 

So this is Cloud Palace? Even an assistant is so powerful? 

On the clouds, Cheuk Kwun was no longer the lazy man he previously was. The serious gliphist back at the field was now back. Gliph strings surrounded him and twirled around the air messily yet forming something in sequence. He looked below him at Woo Nim before continuing his work. 

Woo Nim on the ground was as calm as always. “Mister Cheuk is currently drawing the teleportation gliph formation. But you guys are all around the place so he will need more time in order to save you all. I’ll buy you guys time, let’s go.” She waved her robe and got into a lunge position, 

The three-chambered gliphers were ashamed, but they knew staying would only add up to her burden. They immediately pulled disciples along with them as they escaped. On the other hand, Woo Nim’s students were staring at her with admiration. They never imagined that their old-fashioned Miss Woo would be a cultivator with such great capability! 

Mung Si’s eyes lit up brightly at this scene. This power was what she always wanted! Now, her desire to enter Cloud Palace strengthened! 

“Hurry and leave!” 

All the teens ran away as fast as they could. This sight angered the spider who had the means to chase after them but was fearful of the attacks it would receive from the woman in front of it as it knew that if it did chase after the teens, the woman would definitely come on it hard! 

Moreover, the punch already left the spider’s leg slightly numb and unable to lift up until now! The urgent situation with the powerful woman blocking it left the spider in a fit and opened its scary mouth to let out a weird sound. 


The sound travelled across the forest. Woo Nim’s face fell and mumbled to herself. “Hurry up, it seemed to have helped.” 

“I know what I’m doing.” Cheuk Kwun replied to her up in the skies as if he was having a chit-chat. At the same time, the gliph strings around him sped up! 

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