“Oops, he’s here. Time for me to go.” The teen stuck his tongue out once he heard the yell, activating his energliph, making his right foot light up. His speed increased as he dashed off swiftly. The next moment, two figures emerged from the brush! 

This put a smile on Kam Chin Kee’s face. Well, look who it is, huh? 

Lam Zaa might be the mighty crown prince to the public eye, with his regal and dignified bearing. However, who had ever had the chance to see Lam Zaa in such a sorry state? His face was covered in dirt, and his blue hair seemed like a bird’s nest. His elegance had been replaced with fury as he scanned the clearing. 

His shadow, Yam Chui Ying, was in a similar state but remained calm as always. 

It didn’t take them long to notice Kam Chin Kee barely holding in his laughter at the clearing’s side. 

“What the hell are you looking at?” Lam Zaa snapped. He had long hated Kam Chin-Kee. 

Yam Chui Ying pulled Lam Zaa back immediately. “Your Highness, calm down. The teenager who is fleeing is our target. We’ll lose him if we get distracted!” 

Lam Zaa glared at Kam Chin-Kee, before huffing as he turned away. “Count yourself lucky!” 

With that, the duo immediately moved to chase the teenager’s tracks! Yam Chui Yim glanced at Kam Chin-Kee and sighed as he left. He wasn’t trying to help Kam Chin-kee due to his conflict with Lee Bak, but because Emperor Lam had instructed him to do so. 

“Interesting…” Kam Chin Kee grinned to himself after the duo left. Waving his ten fingers in the air, he drew a feather-light gliph and followed the trio secretly. He also glanced in the direction of the noise, only to see a Giant Demonic Soul Spider, immediately understanding the cause of Lam Zaa’s pitiful state. 

Well, that beast isn’t something they can handle. 

Kam Chin-Kee was kind, but he wasn’t kind enough to fight the beast in Lam Zaa’s place, as he caused him great grief in the palace. “Take it as getting some worldly experience, boy.” Kam Chin Kee sighed like an old hermit. Everything he sensed was exciting! 


Chui Yim, Wong Chow Yip and Chor Kwong Laan set off once again. 

Withered leaves fell like snow in the dark forest. 

The trio’s journey was uneventful, and they soon felt like they were reaching the forest’s inner range. Without the barrier screen the Cloud Palace set, countless three-chambered gliphic beasts would have sensed and killed them by now for entering their territory. 

Chui Yim looked around unhappily. Didn’t they say this place would be filled with treasure? Compared to the Engraved Mountain Range, this place is nothing. 

As if able to read Chui Yim’s mind, Chor Kwong Laan spoke slowly. “The Cloud Palace outer sect’s excursion isn’t just an opportunity for us, but the others as well. Much like how this excursion was conducted in collaboration with Metallic Blood War Gate, it was said that the previous one was held together with the Great Book Academy and so on. 

“Therefore, there aren’t many treasures to be found anymore. It won’t be easy for us to find one; the excursion would lose its purpose if that were the case.” 

‘Ha! Bullshit!” Wong Chow Yip’s eyes lit up as he suddenly ran off in a certain direction, leaving behind a yellow afterimage.


Chui Yim and Chor Kwong Laan frowned as they watched. They clearly saw Wong Chow Yip run between the trees towards a cave, but he suddenly disappeared from their sight! There was a small blossom swaying in the air where he vanished. 

It was the size of two fingers and looked like any random breeze could break it. There was a colourful light around the flower, creating an abnormal and stunning sight. Chui Yim scowled. He was knowledgeable in medicine and herbs, yet even he couldn’t recognise this blossom! 

Moreover, the blossom in front of them was obviously a trap. He exchanged glances with Chor Kwong Laan, who similarly stared at him helplessly. 

There was nothing else they could do since Wong Chow Yip had already entered the trap. Together, they took a step forward. 


It was as if cool water washed over them, and when they regained consciousness, they found themselves in a sea of flowers. Within the flowers was a small rock not far from them. Wong Chow Yip sat on the rock, staring into space despondently. He stood up happily upon seeing his companions before sitting back down as he recalled their situation. 

He could throw away the title of the best Wong Clan disciple if he still didn’t understand what he did wrong. The three of them gathered together, but they didn’t blame Wong Chow Yip. 

Still frowning, Chui Yim looked around. 

He was different from Chor Kwong Laan and Wong Chow Yip. As an innate heart chamber cultivator, his mental state was strong enough to notice something wrong with the sea of flowers. There seemed to be energliph emanating from the blooming flower that covered them. It was a foreign feeling, and after some thought, Chui Yim concluded that it might be coming from a gliph. 

This sea of flowers forms a gliph? 


As soon as Chui Yim sensed something, a breeze blew through the flowers. As countless petals flew up from the flowers, the petals congealed into a humanoid figure in front of Chui Yim. “Welcome to my grave.” 

A soothing male voice rang out, but it was so soft and gentle that it made Chui Yim uncomfortable. 

“Since you guys found yourselves here, it must be the work of fate. This sea of flowers is my personal gliph, Romance in the Air. As long as you can break through my gliph, you’ll obtain the treasure I left behind. Don’t worry; I don’t enjoy bullying others. If you wish to forfeit this chance, just shout “I give up” loudly, and the gliph will automatically transport you out. This will also mean that you are not fated with my legacy.” 

With that, the petal figure separated into countless petals once more, blowing off with the wind. 

“A sea of flowers, Romance in the air…: Chui Yim frowned as he tried to recall what he knew. Soon, something came to mind, and he slapped his thigh. “Ah! That was the Beautiful Gentleman/ Sir Beauty/ Gentleman Beauty!” 

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