Chui Yim was on the edge of his seat. He was finally going to break through his innate chamber! This reminded him of his goals in this life; acquire combate skills and control of his own life. Breaking through his innate chamber is the first step to achieving his dreams! 

The battle between the Heaven’s Flame and the grey shadow was still ongoing, but because of his breakthrough, there was a change; the greedy Heaven’s Flame felt the energliph coming from the now open wind chambered and craved for it. 


To Chui Yim’s dismay, the energliph-filled wind chamber that just broke through had its energliph swallowed by the Heaven’s Flame mercilessly. 

“No!” Chui Yim yelled in despair, but there was nothing he could do other than watch. He looked around anxiously, searching for a way to stop the Heaven’s Flame. 

What can I do…This grey shadow…The cause of this annoying situation! 

Chui Yim moved his eyes away immediately. Is there anything else…

Suddenly, his focus flickered as if something came after hearing his cry. 

With Chui Yim’s wind chamber energliph, the Heaven Flame’s aura soared immediately, making the grey shadow retreat. Amidst all this, Chui Yim’s heart was suffering the most. It was already beating at its limit, but it was still unable to keep up with the horrifying energy of the Heaven’s Flame, causing it to nearly burn out! 

Just as Chui Yim’s heart was about to fail, a thin, white ray of light seeped through, and a red light came to Chui Yim. The bright ray of light was the colour of blood, with the shape of a fist. Chui Yim could immediately identify it as Chor Huet Zhin’s strikeintent that he inserted in Chui Yim concioius. Chor Huet Zhin did so to allow Chui Yim to understand the energliph route of the Bloody War Strike and its meaning. 

Now, it was the only thing he could control in his body! 

Ecstatic, Chui Yim watched the blood-coloured light enter his right hand. He ended the battle with a roar. “Open!” 

A bloody red light filled the area as he unleashed that punch. 

Lee Chi Yuen and the other three gliphers were horrified after seeing the girl’s capability. Especially Lee Chi Yuen, who was in the same cultivation state as her. He could feel the violent burning energy from her gliph string and knew it was beyond him! 

They didn’t have the time to mourn for their fallen brother, only staring at Mung Si as they knew that if they lost their focus, they’d be the next to die. Who would’ve thought that their greed would’ve resulted in this? 

It was too late for them to run. The fire phoenix left a beautiful trace of flame as it soared towards the remaining few gliphers! 

“Hurry and do something, or we’ll all go to hell together!” Ng Keung was deeply regretful. He would’ve never provoked the girl if he knew her power! He shouted at Lee Chi Yuen furiously. 

Knowing they were facing death, Lee Chi Yuen fished out an elegant treasure wheel and crushed it without hesitation! “Shatter! Treasure wheel!” 


It hurt Lee Chi Yuen to see the treasure he had nurtured for decades shatter! He vomited blood as well since a gliphist’s treasure was considered part of the gliphist’s body. Now that his treasure was destroyed, he also suffered serious internal injuries. 

But Lee Chi Yuen didn’t care anymore as his ten fingers moved rapidly. 

Gliph strings formed in the air together with the wheel pieces, creating a gliph! His regret and fear of death turned Lee Chi Yuen insane. With an angry yell, he drew a gliph that looked like the silver creasent moon using his gliph string and treasure shards. 

This power made Mung Si wear a solemn expression. She waved her hands to recall the small phoenix before sending it towards the moon-shaped gliph! Blood flowed out of Lee Chi Yuen’s mouth, but he forced his gliph to meet Mung Si’s phoenix! 


The phoenix turned into sparks and vanished. Mung Si’s face fell as her face turned red. It faded quickly, but the gliphers still caught it. Lee Chi Yuen collapsed unconscious after smashing into a tree; it was unknown if he was alive or dead. 

The gliphers were unhappy with Lee Chi Yuen to start with, and they didn’t have time to check on him as they stared at Mung Si angrily. “She’s injured; get her!” 

Mung Si only sneered as she continued to draw gliphs with ease. It was hard to imagine that a gorgeous girl like her could simultaneously look so cold yet confident. Thanks to the fire-attributed Blazing Skies Style she cultivated, the Wall Prison, Fire Ball, and other basic gliphs she drew were hard for the gliphers to resist. Three gliphers were throwing attacks at her, yet she was still confident. However, she knew she couldn’t drag this on much longer. 

They were currently in the Forbidden Forest. Who knows what this commotion might attract? 

But she was helpless. The exchange with the gliphist did injure her. She was a talented genius, but compared to Lee Chi Yuen, who had been a single-gliphic gliphist for decades, his accumulated was terrifying when he gave in his all. 

Now Mung Si could no longer activate her personal gliph, and she was stuck with basic gliph. 

The experienced Ng Keung knew what was happening when he realised Mung Si wasn’t using her personal gliph. He laughed insanely, and the hammer in his hands lit up brightly! “We are going to kill this Cloud Palace outer sect kid today!” 

Not just Mung Si, but even his companions were extremely shocked. That was the energliph movement of a grade two gliph weapon! Ng Keung had obviously done something to the weapon to disguise it as an ordinary grade one gliph weapon. Gliphers rarely used gliph weapons of a higher rank as they couldn’t handle it, and it’d be better to use something they could control. 

But what if there were ways to control a gliph weapon above one’s rank? 

Ng Keung’s aura grew explosively, the hammer and his energliph movement in sync. The gliph weapon wasn’t customised, but it was found at a weapon shop by Ng Keung. He coincidentally discovered that the gliph weapon was a great match with his gliphility and cultivation style. This was why he could use a gliph weapon above his rank. 

An experienced glipher like him saw it as his ace in the hole for emergencies. 

Now that he was facing death, he no longer cared. 

“Go to hell, kid!” 

The hammer filled with energliph was still far from a two-chambered attack, but it was life-threatening to the seriously injured Mung Si! 

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