North, a place where it’s winter goes on forever only to die down slighty when sun rises. 

Footprints were left on the thick white blanket as two teenager passed by, one with his shoulder injured.  

“Kiddo, why haven’t you recovered?” One of them spoke up. “I’m dying to fight you.”  

The injured teen turned a deaf ear to the other party and continued his journey with a poker face. He was donned in an bright red robe that was embroidered in eye catching purple flowers. 

They were no other than Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho. After their long journey, they finally made their way out of the Snowdrift Mountain Range and arrived at a tribe. 

North has a complicated topography and poor climate conditions. Not just so, it was a heaven for beast too. There was vast difference from the South where cities and village were planned before building. Tribes sprawled around North and there wasn’t an accurate map with records about them due to the constant war between small and medium sized tribes. It isn’t a surprise to wake up discovering a tribe has been eliminated by another within a night. This was why long-lasting tribes deserved to have their names in a book, and in front of the duo was one of them, the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe.  

It was a tribe famous for producing gliphist at a rate that exceeds most Northern tribes. In the world of gliphism, power lies in those who could make use of it; gliphers and gliphist, and in order to be a glipher, one needs a gliphist to give him the ability. 

Therefore many lone gliphers choose to join the tribe, and the healthy cycle slowly enlarge the tribe to being a huge sized tribe it was today. To put it in Southerner’s knowledge, this was equivalent to a powerful clan, a powerful being in the world! 


“Heaven Sacrifice Tribe?” 

The duo stared at the brightly lit tribe. The great amount of lights lighting the tribe up made it seemed that the tribe was about to turn night into day. 

However, the spoiled little price of Four Season Heaven and Man Chin Hung’s disciples who lives in seclusion for his entire life and only travels to Man Chin Hung’s palace to cultivate knows nothing about worldly affairs. They could identify the tribe, but knew nothing about it. 

“Let’s go.” Man Yee Ho said calmly and made his way into it.  

“Duh. Or freeze to death here?” Yeung Tin Hun sneered and followed behind him. This ice cold kiddo reminds me so much of him tho.  

Within no time, they arrived at the tribe’s entrance where there were two statues. On the left was a  statue of a teenager with his head low and hands clapped together like he was praying while the statue on the right was  teen with spear in his hands. He have his mouth wide open, shouting silently and pointing his spear to the front as if he ws attacking. 

There were a few man in white robe who saw them and flashed them a thin smile. “Welcome to the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe.”  


It was unexpectedly a weird experience for both of them.  

The duo spotted potraits of the statues around the tribe, and their tribe members who were in plain white rob mumbled to the portrait  with passion and sincerity. It left Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho frowning hard. 

“What freaky place have we stumbled into?” Yeung Hun Tin whispered to Man Yee Ho who was scrolling slightly, but unlike Yeung Tin Hun, he wasn’t too affected. 

“It’s fine. We are only going to be here for a night.”  

To differentiate outsider and tribe members of the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe was a piece of cake. Tribe members was dressed weirdly; covered in white from feet to head, abd outsiders would dress as they like. A large sized tribe was same as Southern cities. 

For a tribe to proseper, trade was an important factor. The reason behind Northern cultivator was gliphic beasts which they used as ingredients for gliphs, food, gliph weapons and more. It was disticnly different from the Southern plantae faction. 

Many business troops travel around North to conduct trades within different tribes to make a fortune, Therefore there was stays in tribes for guests. They call it inns in South, and guest tents in North. Just like it’s name, it was set up for guest to stay over.  

The both of them asked for directions on their wat to the guest tent.  

Finally, they arrived at a place sectioned out with many tents set up while tribe members were collecting fees from guests. At the same time, a group of five tribe members walked out of the area, with a teenager in gold leading the way. 

He was a handsome teen with fox eyes that turned into moonshape when he smiles. Not only so, he had gentle smiles too. The moment he saw the duo, he was pleasantly surprised by their good looks.  

What good looking teenagers they were! 

The combination of Yeung Tin Hun’s mother’s sweet feature and his father’s manly feature was perfect. Despite only being thirteen, he was a charming young man, and the silver Four Season Robe on him further enhanced his looks. 

On the other hand, Man Yee Ho was no stunning teen but he was easy to look at. With the determination he brought from his past life, he looked just like he was a metal board carving. Alongside with his bright red robe that contrasted his ice cold face greatly, it made him stand out. 

The teen in gold licked his lips at the sight of them and whispered to his subordinates in white who approached Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho afterwards. “Our tribe’s Holy Son would like to invited the both of you to take a seat.”  

“Huh?” Man Yee Ho frowned in curiousity while Yeung Tin Hun turned to the teen in gold subconsciously. The other party flashed them a smile, but ebing human twice, he could tell that the smile contained hidden meaning. 

Did he recognize my identity of the Four Season Heaven young master? This makes no sense. My name is famous, but I have never left home for my live. Nobody should know how I look like anyway. 

Just as Yeung Tin Hun was in deep thoughts, Man Yee Ho rejected the offer. “I’m sorry but the both of us have something on.”  

“But Sir, this is the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe. Sir can’t leave as he wishes.” The man in white smiled and stayed put. 

Man Yee Ho ignored him and took a step to leave expressionlessly.  

With a smile, the man in white attacked Man Yee Ho fast. It was unknown when he had a spike on his hands which was reaching for Man Yee Ho’s thighs! The teen in gold watched this scene with a smile, but was unable to understand why Yeung Tin Hun made no move despite watching his companion getting attacked.  

Of course frowning Yeung Tin Hun would not make any move. He fought Man Yee Ho before and knew very well of where Man Yee Ho stands. Only a three-chambered or ten-gliphic state and above cultivator could be a life threatening danger to them. On the other hand, he frowned after seeing the other party going for Man Yee Ho’s thighs immediately. 

The fast and furiocious attack was pointing at a weak point on human thigh. It would affect Man yee Ho’s ability to move severely if he was injured on the part! This meant that the other party was out to make them stay.  

Even so, Man Yee Ho cotinued to remain calm. The person might be rapid, but he did not activate his energliph as he was obviously afraid to injured us on accident.  Thinking to himself, Man Yee Ho moved subconsciously and went for the attack for the two-chambered state attacker’s hands. 

The glipher was slightly taken aback from this unexpected scene. Man Yee Ho moved at lightning speed that he did not have the time to think and retort. The next second, Man Yee Ho already have the tip of spike grabbed in the middle of his fingers and with a turn, the glipher was thrown to the ground.  

Man Yee Ho randomly threw the spike to the sky and went forward.  

Pff.  It landed between the legs of the glipher who was currently lying on the ground. Outsiders who was watching the scene clapped and cheered for Man Yee Ho while those in white have their face turn dark slightly. 

The teen in gold seems unaffected. In all smiles, he turn to his subordinates next to him.  “Go get the both of them and sent them to my tent.”  After the order, he left. 

Many man in white start surrounding the duo as they mumbled to themselves while the teen in gold did not even take another look as there wasn’t the need for him to do so. All he need was to return and wait for the duo’s arrival.  

It was obvious that the teen was a somebody, yet the duo wasn’t enough to anger him as they were in the Heaven Sacrifice tribe, his home, after all.  


South Imeperial City.  

When angry Lam Chun was shouting at officials during his morning meeting, Chui Yim received a notice from the Chor Clan. Since it was holiday for the Cloud Palace outer sect, he head for the Chor Clan immediately.  

Kam Chin Kee who weren’t instrested in the matter choosed to stay at home instead.  

The moment Chui Yim arrived, he was greeted by a greatly damaged Chor Clan. There was holes everywhere, from the doors to walls. What made it weird was that there wasn’t any debris to be found. The damage must be done by powerful energliph that had the ability to crush everything and dispersed in the air. 

The entire Chor Clan was in a solemn mood. All disciples in the mansion was so tired that their eyes turned red, but they were still as determined and ready to fight as ever.  

What happened?  

Chui Yim came to the back courtyard where most Chor disciples resides and within no time, he found Chor Shing Chit who was as pale as the moon. Even so, he was still ordering the disciples to get to work. Chui Yim went over and grabbed Chor Shing Chit’s wrist, doing pulse diagnosis for him. 

“Do you wish to die early?” Chui Yim’s face changed after sometime.  

“Is Young Master alright?” The Chor Clan disciple on the side jumped up in shock after hearing so.  

Chui Yim did not answer him and patted his jade and took out a bottle of elixir. “Eat this.”  

Chor Chong Hoi turned to him gently. He asked no more and popped the elixir into his mouth. “You should take a look at Chor Chong Hoi first, his injury is more serious.”  

“Are you not seriously injured, than? You’re poison!” Chui Yim sneered. This remined Chor Shing Chit of the giant snake gliphity he saw that day. “Poison?”  

“You’re very lucky, the Chor Clan’s Ink’s Will is so balance and have strong vitality, which was why it worked well suppressing the poison. But this is similar to the pure death energy we experienced with the old woman in Southern Ping. This opponent was able to put the death energy into your body in liquid form without ou knowing, who have you fought!” Chui Yim can’t help but be reminded of Yellow Spring Lady.  

“Take a look at Chor Chong Hoi first. I will explain as you do so.” Chor SHing CHit said after a long pause. 

“Stop worrying about other stuff. I’m not that great of a alchemist and that could only last you for three hours. If you don’t let me treat you with the gold needles after that, it will leave permanent damage to your body.” Chui Yim frowned and went for Chor Chong Hoi’s room.  

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