On the plate was a massive fish. The soft, tender meat of the three-meter-long monster jiggled on the plate and shone thanks to the glossy sauce with hints of red and green. Even Lam Zaa, the crown prince who was used to delicacies, drooled at the sight.    

“I’m sorry that I’m late! This heaven spring fish is tough to catch! You guys must be hungry, right? Come, dig in!” The voice dragged the class’s attention away from the fish to the chubby man carrying the plate. 

About 1.7 meters tall, his huge belly and fat limbs made him resemble a huge football. Yet, he was able to carry such a large plate with ease. 

His face was revealed as he unloaded the plate on the teacher’s table with a clang. He was an endearing man with an ivory skin tone and a chubby face. His eyes were so small that they resembled the moon when he smiled. 

“Come, it won’t taste nice once it cools down,” he said as he fished many pairs of chopsticks out of thin air. 

The class was small, and it was even tighter with the chubby man trying to squeeze himself around to give out chopsticks. However, nobody had the mood to care as they were all focused on the massive fish at the front of the classroom! Their desire for food had been unleashed. 

Just then, a teenager who trembled as he drooled spoke up. He was the chubby teen that pointed out the Ceremony Mountain the previous day. “Heaven spring fish… Isn’t that the grade three gliphic beast, the heaven spring fish of the Western Sea?” 

His words reminded his classmates, who were familiar with gliphic beasts, about its background. Heaven spring fish were born grade three beasts with the ability to hold their weight against three-chambered gliphers. With their huge size and strength, they could launch fierce attacks without being hindered by the current. Legends had it that heaven spring fish kings could reach the grade-four state and unleash tsunamis with their powerful movements. 

Be it gliphers or gliphists, their strengths were usually limited underwater, making the Western Sea a forbidden area for cultivators due to the numerous gliphic beasts and restricting environment. Hence, while the Western Sea wasn’t a well-known area, cultivators viewed it as a forbidden ground nonetheless.  

After the entire class got a pair of chopsticks, the endearing man laughed and said, “A heaven spring fish might look fat and strong, but they have perfectly tender flesh! They consist solely of lean meat, with raw strength as its gliphility. 

“Every inch of meat is imbued with energliph. Consuming this beast is like taking a raw supplement. Each of you can only take one bite, as too much won’t be good for your health. Here, you may go first.”  

Smiling, the man pointed to a teen in the first row. The teen was none other than their class captain Kwan Shan Chuen, who stepped forward with his chopsticks. He hesitated before placing his chopsticks on the fish. “Then, I’ll help myself.” 

The soft heaven spring fish meat broke under his chopsticks easily. 

“To achieve a silky and smooth texture, steaming is the best way to cook a fish,” theman explained. “Otherwise, you won’t get to taste the unique texture of the heaven spring fish.” 

Everyone, even Chui Yim, was dumbfounded when they realised they were having a culinary class. Kwan Shan Chuen put the meat into his mouth and tasted it slowly. In no time, smoke emitted from his body as he flushed red. He immediately sat on the ground and started cultivating. 

“This is normal as the heaven spring fish is a great energliph supplement for one’s body. Now, the next person.”  

One by one, the students went up to have a bite, most seeing the same effects as Kwan Shan Chuen. With their faces flushed red, they sat on the ground immediately to cultivate.  

It was now Chui Yim’s turn. After spending a long time eating Chui Tin and Lam Ming’s cooking, Chui Yim now had a refined palate. The plate of fish caught his eye, and he was excited to try it. Just as Chui Yim was walking over, the man stopped him.   

“Stop! You, come here!”  

“What’s wrong?” Dumbfounded, Chui Yim anxiously looked at the delicious food in front of him.  

The man had a serious expression that made him look funny instead of serious. He hurried towards Chui Yim, sniffing. “What did you eat last night… Oh… This metallic smell of blood… That’s the rednoceros, but that’s not the only thing…” he said as he fanned Chui Yim’s face with his huge hands to identify the smell Chui Yim had. After a while, his eyes shot open wide like two thick lines! “Ah, glutinous rice wine which is at least a hundred years old!”  

As he spoke, he retrieved an ice-filled cup out of nowhere and handed it to Chui Yim with a smile. “Put the ice in your mouth and only swallow it after ten seconds. The meal you had yesterday was too strong, and you won’t be able to taste the fish properly if you have it immediately.”  

“This…” Chui Yim gasped and stared at the man like he saw a god. He immediately filled his mouth with the ice and swallowed after ten seconds. Chui Yim then reached for the heaven spring fish, the man watching him happily. As he put the fish in his mouth, it melted and flowed into Chui Yim’s body without him needing to chew. 

It was just a few seconds, yet the taste was extremely clear. The warm liquid in Chui Yim’s belly started spreading outwards. He knew it should be the energliph the man spoke of, but Chui Yim was confused as this pure energliph wasn’t like anything else he had come across. 

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