Memories regarding Craftsman Kam and his skill flooded Chui Yim’s mind. The same name, the same skills, but in a different world?   

Is this a coincidence? Or…

“Brother Chui, what’s wrong?”  

Chui Yim turned to Kam Chin Kee, feeling confused. “Huh?”  

“Are you alright? You look pale.” Kam Chin Kee furrowed his brows.  

“I’m fine.” Chui Yim shook his head and stood up, ready to leave. “I’ll take my leave first. I have something to do.” With that, he sped out of the room and even bumped into Madame Yuen on his way out, whom he ignored.  

Watching Chui Yim leave, Kam Chin Kee frowned. “Did I frighten him with my ability? But if he’s indeed what I thought to be… he should have a strong mind.”  

“Great master Craftsman Kam, here are your earnings of five million and four hundred thousand silver taels, after deducting our fee. After deducting the price of the unnamed fire bead, the remaining three million and six hundred taels are here along with the bead. Please double-check the amount.” 

Kam Chin Kee kept the huge stack of cash and the jade bottle into his storage space and laughed. “The Black Tortoise Auction House is such a renowned organization, I don’t think you guys would fraud a nobody like me. I’ll be taking my leave then.”

“We hope to work with you again in the future, great master.” Madame Yuen bowed.  

“We’ll see. Kam Chin Kee shrugged and left, leaving Madame Yuen standing there with a complex look.  

Mung Si folded her hands behind her, her robes and ponytail dancing in the air. She looked around, trying to process the fact that a country bumpkin had a better residence than her. Especially the hardworking housekeeper—the mere sight of him annoyed her greatly. 

However, Chui Yim, who was busy in his workshop, didn’t spare her a care.  


Black gas emitted from the Nine Dragons Fire Cauldron. Chui Yim creased his eyebrows, pouring out the residue inside. 

Failure again!  

He was very aware that besides being unfamiliar with his skills, his lack of focus was also a major factor.   

The name “Craftsman Kam” had left him stunned. He couldn’t help but think that Kam Chin Kee was reincarnated into this world just like him, and the thought of this scared him. But no matter how he tried to shake the thought away, it haunted him. 

“Are you going to treat me or not?” Mung Si couldn’t help but ask on seeing the dazed Chui Yim. 

“Huh? Ah, right!” Chui Yim nodded and slapped himself to regather his concentration. “Take a seat.”

He walked over to the bed and made Mung Si sit down, sneering as she did so. Her proportions were great, considering that she matured earlier than her peers. Not that Chui Yim cared at all though. “Take off your clothes.” 

Mung Si turned red as a tomato and slapped Chui Yim. “Pervert! What did you say?”  

The slap made Chui Yim’s face swell. He regained his senses and shouted back at her, “What are you doing?” 

“You asked me to take off my clothes!” Mung Si shouted back, in both embarrassment and anger.  

Chui Yim looked at her, dumbfounded. Quickly, he calmed himself down and explained himself. “Energy dissociation is an illness where there is foreign energy in your meridians that grows as you do. That’s why you can’t get rid of it with your own energliph, but only with someone else’s. I have to insert my energliph into you to tidy up your meridians and eliminate the foreign energy for you. 

“What I’m going to do is extremely dangerous and needs plenty of luck. Leaving your clothes on will increase the risk. But if you’d rather be ‘pure’ and risk your life, go ahead.”  

“So that’s it?” Mung Si sneered. “I could just find a female glipheon to treat me with the same method.”  

Chui Yim shrugged. He had enough of this arrogant girl. “Fine, I already told you that there are probably less than five glipheons in the world who can treat this illness. And only me and my father can guarantee success.   

“This isn’t about one’s cultivation, but the tedious method of dealing with the foreign energy. It’s extremely challenging, and one’s cultivation state isn’t important. You need to understand how to control foreign energy! You need to know how to remove it too. Do you think I want to cure you just because you’re the pride of the North? Or because you’re a beauty, I, Chui Yim, would like to take advantage of you? 

“I sensed the energy dissociation when I carried you, but why do you think I didn’t say anything? I’m doing this for the Chor Clan! I wouldn’t care if you died from it if not for them!”  

“You’re such an evil person!” Mung Si gritted her teeth.  

“I’m already in a bad mood, yet you’re pissing me off! Do you want me to treat you or not? If not, get the hell out of here!” Chui Yim swung the door open, his face flushed red in anger. “I don’t care about how great you are in the North. Let’s see how you suffer and plead for me to treat you!” 

“You… Fine!” Mung Si replied, anger filling her voice. “I will never beg you even if I die!” With that, she pushed past Chui Yim and stormed out. 

“Why go so far, brother Chui?” Yeung Chun, who was watching from the side, asked. “Let me tell you. You need to slowly coax girls…” 

“Coax?” Chui Yim gritted his teeth. “Over my dead body!” He left to practice alchemy, slamming the door behind him.  

Back at the Four Season Mountain, Yeung Tin Hun was sitting on a tree and swinging his legs as he munched on a fruit, his sights set on the sky.  

Disciples of Four Season Mountain could experience all four seasons in a single day at a certain location. Due to the odd weather, commoners couldn’t survive here. However, this place was a holy land to cultivators.  

The sky changed like it was expressing its emotion openly, allowing cultivators to achieve enlightenment more easily. This was the reason why Four Season Heaven prospered over the centuries. Besides the five-chambered sect leader Yeung Ha, there were tons of four-chambered gliphers and many hundred-gliphic gliphists. 

Such was the strength of one of the strongest organizations in the North. Yeung Tin Hun’s eyes shone as he watched the sky change.  

In his past life, he similarly possessed great strength too. His powerful spearmanship, which was difficult for others to predict, focused on a myriad of changes. The odd weather in the Four Season Mountain in this life allowed him, who had already been enlightened, to improve even further.

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