Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 208: How About I Go Faster?

The arrival of the group from the Yanhuang Institute created an even stronger impact than that of the Chuangshi Institute. Upon their arrival, they headed straight for the Dungeon Hall and quickly entered the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon.

"The Chuangshi Institute and the Yanhuang Institute are facing off again."

"No wonder. With the Chuangshen Institute being so dominant, these two institutes have no choice but to compete against each other for the second place."

"This time, I bet they’re going to compete to see who clears the dungeon faster."

"No matter how hard they try, they can't break Boss Lin's record."

"With the Chuangshen Institute dominating the institutes and Boss Lin dominating the dungeons, they will always be fighting for second place."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Everyone laughed.

Lin Moyu was pondering the aura he sensed just now. Amid the various boss accessory auras, one peculiar aura caught his attention. It felt like a fire elemental monster.

Fire elemental monsters were immune to fire elemental damage. This boss accessory seemed to have a similar effect. However, without seeing it firsthand, he couldn't be certain.

In he got the chance, Lin Moyu planned to look up information on this boss accessory later. He knew very little about boss accessories, and Bai Yiyuan didn't seem keen on broaching this topic.

Perhaps in the eyes of a godly powerhouse like Bai Yiyuan, low-level boss accessories were simply beneath them. Their requirements regarding equipment had reached another level. Unless it was legendary rank equipment, it wasn't worth taking notice.

Lin Moyu meditated and rested for three hours, during which no one disturbed him. His depleted spirit force was fully restored, while his stamina was mostly recovered, the fatigue swept away.

At this time, he felt the difference of 200 points in attributes. After taking the Elementary Magical Draught, all his attributes were raised by 200 points.

While this might seem insignificant compared to the attributes of the skeletons, but to Lin Moyu, it represented a 40% increase to other than his spirit. It was a substantial improvement.

Enhanced physique meant a faster rate of recovery. Just like Knights with thousands or even more than of 10,000 points in physique, who could fight for days without tiring.

In any case, each class had its own advantages. There was no point being envious.

Lin Moyu got up and walked back into the Dungeon Hall, then entered the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon again, still at hell rank difficulty.

It had been over two hours since the two top institutes entered the dungeon, and they had yet to come out, their performance already better than that of the Baili Institute.

Whether it was the Chuangshi Institute's party or the Yanhuang Institute's party, they both had a common characteristic, that is, they both discarded Prophets. They opted for a configuration of a Battle King support and four Healers.

In this way, they essentially had five class users that could provide treatment. In addition, they had a Knight and six damage dealers, significantly boosting the party's combat power.

If they couldn't clear the dungeon with this arrangement, their boss accessories would be wasted on them.

Lin Moyu's Bone Armor glimmered, blocking the surrounding flames. The dungeon was as blistering hot as ever.

The moment the Skeletal Warriors emerged, they were engulfed in the fire element. They ignited within two seconds and turned into flaming skeletons.

Lin Moyu proceeded to advance steadily, according to the previous tactic. Having raided the dungeon five times already, he was well acquainted with it. He knew what monsters were in each location and how many they were.

Lin Moyu swept through the dungeon rapidly, collecting vast amounts of EXP and materials without missing any.

After completing his sixth raid and exiting the dungeon, he instinctively glanced at the light screen above the dungeon. There was still only his name on the light screen.

The parties of the two top institutes were slower than he expected. It had been over three hours since they entered.

Lin Moyu looked at his name on the light screen and suddenly had a mischievous idea, "How about I go faster."

With this thought in mind, he chose hell rank difficulty again and enter the dungeon. Once inside the dungeon, four Skeletal Warriors rushed out.

Lin Moyu was getting ready for a speedrun, tweaking certain aspects, all to forge a record that was exclusive to him.

The Skeletal Warriors ran at lightning speed, quickly crossing the bridge, passing through the square, and running into the cavern.

This time some monsters weren't attracted, but Lin Moyu didn't care. This time his aim was speed, not perfection. It was purely for fun.

After all, Lin Moyu was just an 18-year-old young man. He was far from being as mature and taciturn as he appeared on the surface.

At the same time, in the God Bai Courtyard.

Three people were watching the situation in the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon.

As the one in charge of the Dungeon Hall, Ning Tairan could check the situation in any dungeon. He could even intervene if he wanted.

On the screens, the parties from the Chuangshi Institute and Yanhuang Institute were fighting the Fire God's Palace Gardener respectively, and it had been going on for quite some time. It looked like both sides were making similar progress.

However, considering that the Yanhuang Institute entered the dungeon a bit later, they were actually ahead.

The three looked as if they were watching a movie.

"It seems like the Yanhuang Institute is going to take the lead this time." Ning Tairan uttered. His statement was right; all three could see it.

Bai Yiyuan drank his tea, "It's normal. This time, the Yanhuang Institute is led by a Sacred Fire Knight. The Sacred Fire Knight has a very strong resistance to the fire element. Coupled with the Fire Wurm's Necklace, he is almost immune to fire damage."

"The Yanhuang Institute's Healers basically don't have to mind the Knight."

Sacred Fire Knight was a legendary class, and it naturally had access to a series of fire-related skills. It boasted a powerful resistance against the fire element, making it the best option for the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon, a dungeon that doled out powerful fire damage.

Ning Tairan added, "Not only that, but each of their damage dealers is equipped with an Ice Amulet, adding the power of water to their attacks. And water and fire counter each other. The power of water can enhance the damage they deal to fire-type monsters."

Through their analysis, the two confirmed that the Yanhuang Institute would come out on top.

Meng Anwen said calmly, "It's still too early to tell. However, no matter who wins, they won't be able to make a dent in the old man's Chuangshen Institute.

"The dungeon record will still be held by Young Lin; they can take second place at best."

Dungeon record of 1 hour and 12 minutes, this was unprecedented, and would likely never to be surpassed.

There was a hint of pity in Meng Anwen's calm words.

When the subject of Lin Moyu was broached, Ning Tairan's mouth twitched slightly.

The screens in front of them changed, and another scene appeared.

"That brat entered the dungeon!" Bai Yiyuan laughed heartily. When he saw Lin Moyu, he immediately perked up, "Is this his first time raiding this dungeon?"

Ning Tairan replied grumpily, "It's his seventh."

When he saw Lin Moyu's next move, he uttered, "It seems a little different this time."

Meng Anwen narrowed his eyes and took a glance, "This time he's doing a speedrun. He's going to completely crush the others."

"You can't tell from his usual quiet demeanor, but he's actually up to no good. Old Bai, at this time, Young Lin resembles you when you were young."

Bai Yiyuan was very satisfied with Lin Moyu's approach, which indeed resembled his own in his youth, except he was more arrogant back then, not as restrained as Lin Moyu.

Bai Yiyuan's smile grew brighter, "It's good to knock them down a peg or two, so that they stop being so high and mighty and realize that there are always people better than them."

"That way, when Young Lin joins the Chuangshi Institute, he won't get bullied."

Ning Tairan was taken aback, "You plan to have him join the Chuangshi Institute?"

Normally, a top genius like Lin Moyu would join the Chuangshen Institute.

Meng Anwen was also curious, wondering why Bai Yiyuan would say that.

After all, Bai Yiyuan had previously told Lin Moyu about the conditions for joining the Chuangshen Institute. At that time, they all thought he would arrange for Lin Moyu to go to the Chuangshen Institute.

However, after thinking about it a bit more, Meng Anwen understood the reason why.

Bai Yiyuan asserted confidently, "The old man already has a pupil. He must have already used up the resources he had accumulated. With no resources left, why send Young Lin there? To pick through the leftovers?"

"I know for a fact that the Chuangshi Institute still has some good stuff left, so of course he should go there."

Ning Tairan, aware of Lin Mohan's situation, found that Bai Yiyuan had a point. If there were no resources left, why go to the Chuangshen Institute? To learn things?

Couldn't Bai Yiyuan teach him? Wasn't the whole point of going there for the resources? Ning Tairan began considering whether Ning Yiyi should go there or not.

On the screen, Lin Moyu was moving at high speed, running full tilt after the monsters.

The Skeletal Warriors quickly crossed the cavern, reached the palace's entrance, and, ignoring the giant eye's alarm, rushed into the palace headlong. The monsters followed them into the palace.

Lin Moyu was the last to enter. By the time he ran out from the other end of the palace, the Skeletal Warriors had already reached the garden, circling around, followed by over 200 monsters of different kinds. The palace gardener had already emerged from the lava.

Bai Yiyuan's eyebrows twitched twice, "The kid is playing quite the game."

He sure was. From the dungeon entrance until here, it took less than half an hour, faster than any previous attempt.

At this moment, 50 Skeletal Warriors appeared and targeted a Flame Lizard.

Skill: Slowing Curse!

Under the red light, all the monsters slowed down.

The Skeletal Warriors launched their assault at this time moment. They unleashed their skill, killing the Flare Lizard in an instant.

Then came a series of explosions. Since the corpses were fresh, they generated powerful explosive force.

After more than thirty consecutive explosions, the garden was a mess. Even the palace gardener, the leader monster, was killed.

The 50 skeletons seized dozens of fresh palace guard corpses and then headed toward the boss.

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