Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 207: Two Top Institutes; Covered In Boss Accessories

The news that the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon had been upgraded to hell rank difficulty spread like wildfire. The students from the various institutes were all eager to tackle the dungeon.

After all, the legend of the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon had been around for many years, widely circulated among class users. Many were extremely curious about the dungeon 'elemental fragments'.

Simultaneously, news of Lin Moyu setting a new dungeon record also spread. The record, slightly over an hour, made people lose any desire to compete.

But that didn't matter. If not first place, there was still second or third. After all, Lin Moyu had created one miracle after another. Being overshadowed by him wasn't something to be ashamed of.

It seemed that regarding any dungeon Lin Moyu tackled, others could only vie for second or third place. Anyway, as long as they ranked in the top three, they were considered strong.

When the various institutes were ready to take action, another piece of news came out.

The Baili Institute dispatched a party, led by Baili Sheng himself, but then returned in defeat. Baili Sheng left the Dungeon Hall disheartened, looking utterly crushed.

Despite how he usually conducted himself, Baili Sheng was still known for his strength. For him to fail was quite surprising.

Some curious individuals investigated the details of the dungeon.

From the members of the Baili Institute, they learned the specifics: the monsters were incredibly strong, similar to other hell rank dungeons; the party didn't get far before being forced to retreat due to the relentless assault of the fire element.

The key takeaway was the need for one support for status buffs and at least five Healers—with four it would be excessively hard to raid the dungeon.

As for damage dealers, they had to be Mages or physical class users of the wind, water, or lightning types. Fire-type damage dealers were useless.

There were some changes from the nightmare rank difficulty, but nothing major. The main difference was the number of Healers and the need for a very powerful Knight as a tank.

With this information, the institutes quickly mobilized, organizing parties to compete for second and third places.

Lin Moyu, unaware of these developments, continued to do dungeon grinding. He had become very proficient and efficient.

Now that he got the hang of it, Lin Moyu was not in a hurry, maintaining a steady speed rather than trying to beat the record a second time.

After raiding the dungeon three more times, he finally collected enough fragments to complete his first Fire Crystal.

When the three Fire Crystal Fragments were placed together, they began to fuse automatically. Despite being crystals, when fusing together, they turned into liquid.

It looked like bright red lava, filled with immense fire element. Though it should have been extremely hot. But in Lin Moyu's palm, it only felt warm.

The fire element was restrained, hardly radiating outward.

Once the fusion was complete, the resulting Fire Crystal was the size of an egg, looking like a flawless ruby, dazzling in its beauty.

[Fire Crystal: can be combined with other single-element Elemental Crystals to form an Elemental Divine Stone, which in turn can increase the chances of class sublimation during the third class awakening. The more elements are fused, the more formidable the divine stone's effect will be. At the same time, a Fire Crystal can be used by itself to permanently enhance fire resistance. However, once this option is used, it will no longer be possible to use a Fire Crystal to form an Elemental God Stone.]

As Bai Yiyuan and company had mentioned, the Fire Crystal could be combined with wind-, water-, lightning-, and light-type crystals to form an Elemental Divine Stone, which could greatly increase the chances of class sublimation during the third class awakening.

But they weren't entirely right either. It wasn't necessary to gather all five types of crystals; even just two crystals of different elements could form an Elemental God Stone, though the effect would be much weaker.

Moreover, the upper limit wasn't just five single-element Elemental Crystals. It could be six, seven… so long as he could find enough pure single-element Elemental Crystals.

The key was purity. Crystals from the Elemental Secret Realm, which were filled with many impurities, wouldn't work.

The Elemental Secret Realm was a place where multiple elements mixed, resulting in the loss of elemental purity.

Lin Moyu contemplated, "The common elements are wind, water, fire, and lightning, and they correspond to the most common elemental types for Mage class users."

"In addition, there are light-type Mages like Su Sheng, as well as Shadow Mages proficient at curses and control, but they actually use the dark element."

"Could there also be other elements?"

Lin Moyu meditated on this. He realized he would have to search for them slowly. Lost in thought, he left the dungeon.

The Dungeon Hall was much quieter now. After three consecutive raids without setting a new record, people stopped paying as much attention.

Lin Moyu found a relatively secluded place to rest.

After five continuous raids—about ten hours of constant fighting—he was physically and mentally drained.

With the rise of his attributes, his endurance grew as well. He now only needed a short rest to recover.

He was already level 28 (43%). After a few more raids, he would be able to level up. He gathered that by the time he collected three Fire Crystals, he would likely have reached level 30.

Moments later, a strange energy fluctuation surged in the square outside the Dungeon Hall.

Lin Moyu, who was resting, slowly opened his eyes and saw a group of people approaching.

The entire square fell silent when the group of people appeared.

That was boss accessory aura, and there was more than just one.

Ning Yiyi carried a boss accessory, the Goblin King's Ring, so Lin Moyu was familiar with the aura. But Ning Yiyi only had one such piece of accessory. As such, the aura wasn't very intense.

But now there were at least ten boss auras mixed together, making the aura much more intense.

Lin Moyu was curious, wondering what kind of party had so many boss accessories. Even independent institutes, would only have a few boss accessories at most, making it hard to equip an entire party.

When the teleportation concluded, the crowd saw clearly the group's appearances. Although unfamiliar with the individuals themselves, but the crowd recognized their attire and emblem, prompting a burst of gasps.

"They're from the Chuangshi Institute."

"Why are people from a top institute here?"

"That's really strange. They rarely show themselves, all mysterious and aloof. I've been at the academy for years and have barely seen them a few times."

"Reportedly, the top institutes are not located in the academy, so it is difficult to see them at the academy."

"Then why are they here now."

Of the top three institutes of the Xiajing Academy, the Chuangshen Institute was naturally the strongest, uncontested year after year. Followed by Chuangshi Institute and Yanhuang Institute, whose strength was comparable, making it hard to say which was stronger.

In any case, compared to other institute students and ordinary students, students of the three top institutes were regarded as mysterious and powerful presences.

The sudden arrival of the Chuangshi Institute's party drew much attention.

"They all seem to have boss accessories."

"Goblin King's Ring, Flame Wurm's Necklace, Wind Spirit's Earrings..."

"My goodness, even though it's just gold rank boss accessories, but they practically have full sets."

"I wish I could have just a single boss accessory."

The voices were filled with envy.

In the world, there were countless bosses and dungeons. Some dungeons dropped materials that could be made into special accessories, known as boss accessories, with incredible properties.

For those under level 40, the best boss accessory was the Goblin King's Ring, regardless of level.

The Goblin King's Ring could raise all skills by one level. This property alone made it the king of accessories for class users below level 40.

Lin Moyu observed the group of people, twelve in total, including both men and women.

Without saying a word, ignoring all the chatter, they went straight into the Dungeon Hall.

Lin Moyu didn't pay them too much attention. Anyone who came to the Dungeon Hall, did so to raid dungeons. Since he won’t be able to meet them in the dungeon, it wasn't worth paying attention to them.

Someone followed them into the Dungeon Hall, and then came out shouting, "They went into the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon."

Lin Moyu's lips curled into a smile. It turned out they went to raid the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon. That wasn't surprising. They should be after the legend.

In the Dungeon Hall, there were the dungeons of the fire, wind, and water elements. If these dungeons, just like the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon, could provide corresponding Elemental Crystals, then it would be possible to complete weaker Elemental Divine Stones, which could aid in class sublimation during the third class awakening.

At this time, boss accessory aura surged once more, and it was more intense than the previous one.

Another group of class users teleported in. This group had even more boss accessories, causing another round of exclamations.

"Oh my god, the Yanhuang Institute has also dispatched people!"

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