Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 99: Iruka’s Advice

Chapter 99: Iruka's Advice

The last day of the year was quietly spent by Kanp and Hayate with training.

In the early morning the next day, Kanp was still lying in the bed when his friends came to look for him and knocked on the door.

Kanp didn't want to pay any attention, but in the morning, Hayate was going to meet Ygao to play in the snow, so Hayate, who didn't have the slightest desire to stay in bed, got up from the bed full of energy, quickly put on his clothes and ran out to open the door.

Big brother, your classmates are here.

Hayate knew Iruka and the others, so he let them in immediately, shouted at the bedroom, and ran to wash up.

So Iruka, Anko, Tsukasa, Kotetsu, Izumo and even Fatty and Shisui rushed all the way to the bedroom.

This makes Kanp, who is shrinking in the blanket, turn pale with fright.

Fatty deliberately didn't look at Kanp's surprised gaze. He kept his composure and followed Shisui closely. Because he was wearing a fleshy yellow coat, he looked like Jinhua Ham.

"Kanp, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you!" Anko threatened viciously, "If you don't hurry up and have a snowball fight with use, I'll blow your head off!"

"Hehe, who's going to the snowball fight?"

Kanp said angrily, I am different from you have to read the book well now, and I can't be distracted

Before he finished speaking, Anko pulled out a huge snowball from behind like a juggler, and looked at Kanp with a threatening expression.

You are right!

Kanp gave in.

After quickly dressing and washing, Kanp found the onigiri that is still warm in the pot in the kitchen.

Keiko only comes back from working overtime at five o'clock in the morning, and she hurriedly made some onigiri for Kanp and Hayate, and went to make up for her sleep. In the next three days, she can finally have a good rest.

After breakfast, Anko and the others went out for a snowball fight while surrounding Kanp.

Originally Anko wanted to call Hayate too, but unfortunately, Hayate is having a date with a lady

Kanp was very depressed when he thought about this.

At this time, there were some Shinobi on the street outside, and they were shoveling snow quickly on the commercial street with a shovel. Kanp even saw a touch of familiar green among them.

It's none other than Might Guy! At this time, Guy was shouting loud and passionate slogans, and he was doing his best. The snow under the shovel was flying around crazily, and at first glance, he was like a small snow shovel motor.

Kanp wanted to go over to say hello, but Anko and the others kept pulling him to the nearby small forest.

Snowball fights must of course be in places with a lot of snow. Now there are people shoveling snow on the streets everywhere, having a snowball fight there is completely impossible.

Anko said plausibly.

"I don't think Kanp and Shisui should be in the same team in the snowball fight. They must be very strong." Kotetsu said.

We can put them on different team, I'll be in a group with Shisui! Tsukasa called out immediately. It was cold today, so Tsukasa is wearing thick clothes which made her look like a ball, and her red cheeks made her look very cute.

Her Ninken, Shiramaru followed behind, running to the snow from time to time, deliberately walking with one foot on the deep and one foot on the shallow, and had a lot of fun.

"I'm also with Shisui!"

The Jinhua Ham, Fatty also firmed his position, and his small eyes are looking at Kanp, imagining that when Kanp and Shisui fought, he would quietly throw a lot of huge snowballs on Kanp's face, What a great feeling~


Iruka pulled Kanp to the side, and asked softly, How is your application?

At present, apart from Kanp and Yu, only Iruka knows about Kanps application for early graduation.

After the holiday, Yu-sensei will issue a test paper to test me, and he will agree to my application if I get 90 points or more in the test. Kanp did not hide it, and said, Iruka, if everything goes well, I'll be leaving the Academy at the end of the semester.

Iruka nodded, his face was a little decadent, and he was silent for a while before asking softly: Kanp, sometimes I feel it is really strange, everyone obviously plays together every day, and I don' t see how hard you are in training, so why did you suddenly become so good?


Kanp smiled stiffly and said, You are complimenting me, right?

"No." Iruka's shook his head expressionlessly.

Kanp rolled his eyes, then brewed his feelings, and said: "Work hard and so on is not for others to see, Iruka, I start training every day when I come home from the Academy, until 12 o'clock in the evening, even if it's a holiday. You see that I slept in bed this morning, right? It was actually because I stayed up all night to train. Haah Who knows about my hardships?

Iruka stared at Kanp in surprised, and after a while, he choked out a sentence: Kanp, I suddenly wanted to hit you.

Kanp sighed: Maybe because I'm not good enough, which made you lose your sense of awe.


Iruka was speechless until he turned his head and saw Shisui walking in front of him. A flash of thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but say to Kanp, Kanp, even if you pass Yu-senseis test, the graduation exam arranged by the Academy will definitely be more difficult than normal graduation. I think you have to be mentally prepared in advance!

You what do you want to say? Kanp felt a malice from Iruka.

Kanp, go challenge Shisui! If you can beat him Of course it's impossible.

Iruka smiled and said, I mean, with Shisui's talent, he will definitely pass the graduation exam! Kanp, you need to challenge Shisui to test your own strength. If you can't even hold on for one minute against Shisui, I don't think you should mention anything about graduation in the future."


Kanp subconsciously looked towards Shisui.

To be honest, Kanp is very excited to have a fight with Shisui. Firstly, he can improve his actual combat experience, and secondly, he also wants to see Shisui's limit.

Since getting to know Shisui, Kanp has always wanted to throw a Collection Technique on him, but Kanp has always resisted, because, even if the current Shisui is talented, he has not yet reached his peak in the original work, so using the Collection Technique on him now is too wasteful.

But if he can fight Shisui in a real fight and feel Shisui's limit, maybe, he can also throw a Collection Technique!

Just like the last time Kanp and Shinichi spar, Shinichi used Byakugan and Gentle Fist, and Kanp collected Gentle Fist at the time, even though it was an incomplete version.

When Iruka saw Kanp's thoughtful look, he hurriedly advised: Kanp, in fact, I don't support you. After all, the village is fighting Land of Wind's Sunagakure right now. At this time, becoming a Shinobi is really dangerous, I

"Iruka, you're right."

Kanp interrupted Iruka, and a smile of anticipation appeared on his mouth, "I'll challenge Shisui later!"

After a short while, the group of eight people arrived in the small forest.

There are only few people here, and the snow is as deep as ankles as far as the eye can see. The trees in the forest are also covered with snow. Whenever the wind blows, the snow will fall from the trees.


Anko suddenly yelled and plunged directly into the small forest. At the same time, she grabbed a large amount of snow, pounded it into snowballs, and threw it towards the people behind.

"So despicable!"

Tsukasa immediately squatted down to grab the snow, and began to fight Anko.

The rest of the people also dispersed, forming two groups and starting to throw snowballs at the others wildly.

After a while, the outside of the small forest was completely covered by the hustle and bustle.

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