Chapter 100: Sparing

After playing until about ten o'clock, the group of eight finally stopped while gasping for breath.

After the war, the snow under the small forest has been ruined by them, and they can't bear to look directly at it anymore!

Kanp was panting slightly, and then looked at Shisui, whose hands were sweating and theres a hearty smile on his face, not far away, and decided to take action.

Shisui! Kanp called out loud, the fighting intent in his eyes and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

"What?" Shisui turned his head, and when he met Kanp's eyes, he was stunned.

Kanp took out the kunai given by Shisui, and seriously said: Please give me advise!

Feeling the strong fighting intent from Kanp, Shisui's eyes also showed solemnity. When he moves his right hand, there is already an extra kunai on his hand.

"Hey, what did you two want to do?" Anko squatted on the ground with a doubtful expression on her face.

But in the next instant, Kanp and Shisui disappeared at the same time.


"They disappeared?"

"How is it possible?"

Anko, Tsukasa, Fatty, and even Iruka, who is mentally prepared, were taken aback.

But almost at the moment they disappeared, a sound of steel colliding was heard from between the two of them, and then the figures of Kanp and Shisui appeared again, but the positions of the two of them were already changed.

So close!

Kanp tighten the grip of his hand holding the kunai, secretly thought that he was lucky. Just now, when he and Shisui both used Body Flicker Technique and attacked each other at the same time, they took exactly five steps!

If they move one or two more steps, Kanp might end up be planted on the snow.

But Kanp didn't let go of his guard, and suddenly, there was a series of sounds of breaking through the air behind him.

Kanp turned his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see dozens of shuriken whizzing from four directions, up, down, left, and right!

So fast!

Kanp subconsciously also wanted to throw shuriken, but when he lowered his hand, he remembered that he didn't bring any other Ninja Tools except for the kunai in his hand!

Seeing that the shuriken is about to arrive, Kanps eyes are slightly narrowed. With his vision and combat experience at this time, he is still unable to parry the shuriken coming from the four directions at the same time. Helpless, he can only form a hand seal quickly.

Shunshin no Jutsu! (Body Flicker Technique)

In an instant, Kanp's figure turned into an afterimage as the shuriken dropped to his position and disappeared, and suddenly appeared eight meters to the right.

Kanp felt cold in his heart.

Although he escaped the crisis, he used Body Flicker Technique twice, and nearly half of the Chakra in his body had been consumed!

At this time, after Shisui threw a wave of shuriken, his right hand held kunai upside down, and he rushed towards Kanp quickly.

He didnt use Body Flicker Technique?

Kanp feels a little at ease, It seems that Shisui doesn't have a lot of Chakra. At least, he cant use Body Flicker Technique unscrupulously. If this happens then, I won't be defeated in seconds!

Afterwards, Kanp clenched the kunai in his hand, but instead of advancing or retreating, he turned around and charged towards the dozen or so shuriken that had fallen in the snow.

Kanp knows that his strong point is the Ninja Tools throwing. As long as he gets the shuriken in the snow, his combat power will definitely get +5!

It's just that as soon as Kanp ran over, Shisui threw two kunai, and they whistled past Kanps front.

When Kanp was forced to stop by these two kunai, Shisui had already rushed behind Kanp, and the kunai in his hand ruthless stabbed towards Kanp's temple.

Feeling the piercing sound coming from the back of his head, Kanp's heart thumped, and in an instant, Kanps mind recalled the scene of Shinichi rabbit kicking the eagle and kicked him to the ceiling, then Kanp immediately copied that move, and as he leaned forward to dodge Shisuis kunai, he kicked backwards with both feet, actually using a back-to-back version of a rabbit kicking an eagle!


The moment Kanp kicked Shisui, and Shisui's body turned into burst of smoke and dissipated.


Kanp turned pale in shock, and hurriedly rolled away to the side with his hands on the ground.

In the next instant, handfuls of shuriken shot from the front.

After five or six consecutive tumblings to dodge the shuriken, Kanp finally stabilized his figure, then he quickly got up and stepped back, meanwhile, the kunai was crossed in front of his chest. He is vigilantly looking at Shisui five or six meters away. The latter said nothing, but his eyes are flickering like eagles, looking for Kanp's weak spot.

At this moment, Kanp couldnt help but secretly complained: I didn't expect, ah I didn't expect that you, Uchiha Shisui, would actually plan so much ahead!

First, he used kunai to block my route, and then he use clone to attract my attention, while his main body takes the opportunity to pass me and retrieve the shuriken in the snow first!

When the two confronted each other, Anko, Tsukasa and the others were already stunned.

What the hell is going on here? Anko shouted, Why are you two fighting so well!!

Amazing! Kanp can actually fight Shisui like this! Tsukasa hugged the little puppy, and her eyes glowed, But as expected, Shisui is the strongest!

The collisions between Kanp and Shisui just now were both thrilling and exciting, but it is undeniable that Shisui is indeed supressing Kanp.

Kanp admits that, after all, his actual combat experience is not as rich as Shisui, but in terms of momentum, Kanp is definitely not inferior!

When Kanp and Shisui confronted each other, both sides were also looking for each other's flaws, trying to penetrate their defense.

Time passed, one minute passed, two minutes passed, and Kanp's forehead was gradually overflowed with cold sweat.

"Hey, why are you two standing still for a long time? Can't you fight anymore!"

Anko, who changed from a surprised state to audience state next, was not happy, so she squeezed a snowball and threw it at Kanp.

Kanp was furious: Didn't you see that we are competing on momentum using Haoshoku Haki?!


Iruka booed mercilessly. As the instigator, he feels that Kanp is only trying to drag over one minute by saying compete on momentum'.

As for the Haoshoku Haki, what the hell is that?

When Kanp opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the field changed. Shisui knew that they couldn't fight anymore. He put kunai away and a smile appeared on his face again. He then said: Kanp, I didn't expect that you have already mastered Body Flicker Technique, but your actual combat experience is still a bit worse.

Kanp certainly wouldn't blew himself up by saying that his Body Flicker Technique only has six steps. He shrugged helplessly and said: It cant be helped. After all, our class is either bronzes or Fatty. Where can I go to increase my actual combat experience.

Fatty was originally excited by Shisuis teaching Kanp a lesson, but he didn't expect that the flames of war burned to him in a blink of an eye!

Fatty pointed at Kanp tremblingly and questioned: Gekk Kanp, you bastard What do you mean by me except bronzes? I, I my theoretical knowledge is the strongest!!!

"Fatty, hit him, hit him!!"

Anko seems to fear that the world is not chaotic enough.

Shisui smiled and retrieved the shuriken from the snow, and said to Kanp: Kanp, when we have time in the future, we can spar again!

Well, its kind of embarrassing Kanp was shy.

Since you know its embarrassing, then Fatty said with a snort.

Then Ill take up to your offer! Kanp didn't wait for Fatty to finish, and immediately decided on the matter.

You, you, you As Fattys words were completely blocked by Kanp, he almost exploded with anger!

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