Chapter 95: Application

Big brother, happy birthday!

After everyone sat down, Hayate couldn't wait to take out a piece of cloth from his pocket and handed it to Kanp.

Kanp smiled and said: Hayate, I told you that you don't need to prepare anything.

Kanp reluctantly took the cloth from Hayates hand and opened it. He then saw a string of hand beads inside.

It's just that Why does this string of hand beads look so familiar?

Kanp fell into contemplation, countless pictures flashed messily in his mind, and finally, it was fixed on Shisui's birthday. Kanps felt numb as he remembered it!

On Shisui's birthday, Kanp spent fifty ry on the street to buy two hand beads, one for Shisui as a birthday present, and one for Hayate who is at home.

However, he didn't expect that this string of hand beads actually came back.

Kanp can't help but sigh at the impermanence of the world!

"Big brother, do you like it?" Hayate looked at him expectantly.

I like it, I am very moved, thank you, Hayate.

Kanp silently wrapped the hand beads in cloth again and put them in his pockets.

When the red bean paste is hot, the group of nine people officially started eating.

Half an hour later, the food that everyone brought have all disappeared, and in the end, there is only a mess of garbage left.

Fatty, I'll leave the rest to you. Kanp looked at the trash all over the ground and subconsciously looked at Fatty.

"Why me?"

Fatty was confused, and asked.

Because, youre the one who cleaned up the trash last time, right, Shisui? Kanp looked towards Shisui.

Shisui nodded subconsciously.

It's just that when he nodded, Fatty turned depressed: I didn't expect that even Shisui would treat me like this

The flesh on Fattys cheeks trembled slightly. Resisting the grievances in his heart, he began to clean up the trash on the ground.

Seeing this, Hayate hurriedly rushed over to help.

Thank you Hayate, you and your big brother are completely different. Fatty was a little moved.

Why? Hayate asked strangely while helping.

Because that guy always

Fatty wanted to say that Kanp was bullying himself, but wouldnt it be shameful to say so?

Forget it, let's save some face for that guy.

By the time the trash was cleaned up, the sun had already set, a few stars twinkled in the gray sky, and the forest breeze blowing from the depths of Senju Park also brought some coolness.

"It's almost time to go home," Anko said.

Its getting darker too fast. Tsukasa looked at the sky, and looked at Shisui with some reluctance.

Because it's almost winter. Iruka shrank his shoulders and said, Speaking of which, its just a little more than a month before the New Year.

In Naruto World, theres no New Years Eve, so the New Year referred by Iruka refers to is the last day of the year, which is December 31.

Of course, there will be holidays during the New Year, and there will be three days for some of the Shinobi, but the Academy will have a half-month holiday, which is one week before and after December 31. It is an annual holiday.

As for winter vacation, it is from the end of February to the end of March.

Therefore, the Academy has three vacations, namely annual vacation, winter vacation, and summer vacation.

Think about it this way, it's not bad to spend four or five years at the Academy.

After returning home with Hayate, Kanp received another birthday gift from Keiko: A string of wooden beads.

is exactly the same as the string of wooden beads that Keiko gave to Hayate.

Kanp didn't even have to guess, it must be fifty for two bunches bought from a street stall, maybe it was from the same stall he bought!

As expected of my own mother!

Kanp didn't want to wear it, but due to Keikos majesty, Kanp brace himself and wore it for two days. When Keiko was transferred from the day shift to the evening shift, Kanp will decisively take off the wooden beads.


The days that followed became more and more dull. Kanp read notes in the morning, collected theoretical knowledge, and exercised his body in the afternoon. At night, he will train Body Revival Technique, refine Chakra, and train Body Flicker Technique. Occasionally, Inoue and Matsushita would bring some crayfish, and from time to time, there will be information from the frontline to inform who died, and who are injured again. Fortunately, both Kanp and Hayates fathers are still active on the frontline.

Time passed quietly, and unconsciously, it was already December 23rd, and this day was also the beginning of the Academy's New Year Holiday.

Students, the New Year Holiday will last until January 7th. And on 8th the next year, everyone has to come to the Academy on time for class, understand?

Yu looked at the bronzes who were gradually restless below, shook his head and laughed, Okay, then let's start the holiday!

"Oh oh!"


Come on, let's go shopping together!

The restless bronzes can't wait to rush out of the classroom to welcome the wonderful holiday.

Anko and the others have also run to the door, and they are waving to Kanp and Iruka.

"You should go first, Iruka."

Kanp looked at Yu who was still on the podium and turned to Iruka.

You you dont really want to apply for early graduation, right? Iruka was a little shocked, Although you have read senior's notes for more than a month, but

"You are reluctant to let me leave?" Kanp joked, and then said with a smile, "Okay, just go, don't make Anko and the others wait too long, don't wait for me. I'll send Hayate home later.

Okay. Iruka sighed, got up and walked towards Anko and the others.

Soon, only Kanp and Yu were left in the classroom.

Yu looked at Kanp strangely, and said, Kanp, aren't you going home yet? I'm going to close the door.

Yu-sensei, in fact, I'm staying here because I want to tell you something. Kanp got up and walked to the podium.

"What's the matter?" Yu asked.

I want to apply for early graduation! Kanp said slowly but firmly.

Early what did you say?!

Yus expression changed, and his expression gradually became serious.

I want to apply for early graduation. Kanp said again.

Yu looked at Kanp, and after a while, he shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't agree to your application!"

After saying that, Yu turned around and walked out.

Sensei, can you give me a reason for your rejection? Kanp said.

Yu stopped, turned around and looked towards Kanp with a calm expression.

Yu knows that Kanp had mastered the three basic techniques, and his Ninja Tools throwing skill is also very good. Even his small Chakra Reserve seems to be growing every day. Yu thought that if he refused Kanps application, it would make him flustered and exasperated, or even fly into rage, but his calm reaction surprised him.

But even so, Yu did not want to change his mind.

So he smiled and said: Kanp, you are only in the second year, and there are still a lot of theoretical knowledges you need to learn. Even if you think that theoretical knowledge is useless, but

"I've finished my studies."

Kanp smiled, I have already completed the six years of theoretical knowledges of the Academy.

That's right, during this period of time, Kanp finally collected all the contents of the 38 notes, and except for some overlapping contents, Kanp has collected a total of twenty-four blue light dots, which include tracking, anti-tracking, trap creation, information gathering, geometry, etc. All of these theoretical knowledges were poured into Kanp's consciousness.

Now, he is a model student, not just in name only, but also in reality!

Yus heart skipped a beat: Are you telling the truth?

"Of course, Yu-sensei, if you don't believe me, you can test me at any time."

Kanp said with confidence, It doesn't matter if it is the first years theoretical knowledges or sixth grades theoretical knowledges.

Yus eyes became slightly solemn.

Yu-sensei, I know that my talent is definitely not comparable to that of Shisui, but because of this, I can't waste time! Therefore, I finished six years of the Academys theoretical knowledges in advance, so that I become a stupid bird to fly first, because only in this way will I have a chance to catch up with other outstanding and talented students in the future!

As he said that, Kanp unconsciously showed a sad expression, and his eyes were full of melancholy, Iruka, Anko, Tsukasa The thought that I will be separated from so many good friends makes me very sad too, but

"Since you are sad, then just don't apply for it." Yu said quietly.

Kanp's words can't be said anymore.

The two pair of eyes are staring at each other on the podium, after a while, Yu nodded and said: I understand, when the holiday is over, I will give you a test paper, if you can get it 90 points in the test, I will agree with your application!

Thank you, Yu-sensei!

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