Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 94: Birthday Present From Shisui

Chapter 94: Birthday Present From Shisui

After sorting out the thirty-eight notebooks, Kanp picked up a first-year notebook and read it.

The handwriting on the notes is very delicate and pretty, each stroke gives a delicate feeling, and the kerning is not close, so it looks very comfortable to read.

In order to ensure the collection effect, Kanp slowed down the reading speed a little bit, but in the end, it only took half an hour for him to finish reading this notebook.

Now, collect!

The green light cluster in his mind did not fluctuate.

Kanp was startled, and then remembered that todays three collections have been used on Iruka's notes.

Well, half an hour was wasted.

Kanp smiled wryly and put away his notes, and then began refining Chakra and training Body Revival Technique.

After dinner, Hayate entered the house to refine Chakra, while Kanp went to the backyard to train Body Flicker Technique.

Speaking of which, Kanp now has two kinds of Body Flicker Technique, one is the Body Flicker Technique collected from Inoue, which is in the category of Ninjutsu, and the other is collected from Might Duy, which is Taijutsu and relies on a powerful body for high-speed movement. For the latter type of Body Flicker Technique, unless Kanp has trained Body Revival Technique for seven or eight years, he will not even be able to start', so he what he is now training is the Ninjutsu Body Flicker Technique.

In the actual combat training class in the past few days, Kanp consciously exercised his body, especially his legs, and he felt that his body is more powerful than before.

At this time, Kanp was standing in the backyard where the weeds were lush. First, he moved his feet, warmed up, and then formed hand seals: Shunshin no Jutsu! (Body Flicker Technique!)

In an instant, the Chakra inside Kanps body quickly flowed and condensed on his feet. When he lifts his left foot, his whole body turns into a gust of wind and rushes out, one step, two steps, three steps, and then he fell to the ground with a loud sound and slid for more than two meters on the grass.

At the beginning, he only managed to do two steps before he lost his balance and fell, but now, he has been able to hold on to the fourth step. Kanp's progress is very obvious!

He climbed up from the grass with difficulty, brushed off the weeds on his body, and turned his head.

At this time, the position where Kanp is standing is more than seven meters away from the position where he started just now.

Excluding the two meters that he was sliding, Kanp ran a distance of five meters in three steps. This distance is not worthy of praise, but it just took an instant, so he moved five meters almost like a teleport!

Kanp was very excited by the strength of Body Flicker Technique. He couldn't help but train again, and then after two more falls, he had to stop because his Chakra was exhausted.

Body Flicker Technique is indeed strong, but the consumption of Chakra is also very large. Each step will consume an amazing amount of Chakra. Kanp has calculated that with his Chakra Reserves at this time, he can only move for eleven steps or so in a row at most.

Both training Body Revival Technique and refining Chakra have a long way to go.

Kanp felt a little depressed. And after thinking about the thirty-eight notebooks in the room, Kanp's head is getting even dizzier.

In the next few days, when Kanp went to school, he took the notebooks he would collect for that day, and then in the classroom, in front of Yu, he collected these theoretical knowledges with great vigour.

In the afternoon training, Kanp mainly focuses on exercising his body. In the evening, he refines Chakra, trains Body Revival Technique, and Body Flicker Technique.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

November 11th.

Kanp ushered in his first birthday after transmigrating.

In Senju Park, Anko, Tsukasa, Iruka, Kotetsu, Izumo, Shisui, and Hayate, even Fatty is here.

Hmph, I here because I was afraid that Shisui would be too lonely.

Faced with Kanp's weird gaze, Fatty argued with his belly pushed out, and he did not lose his momentum at all, And I also brought sushi!

Where is my birthday present?

Kanp stretched out his hand unceremoniously.

Fattys face turned black: I brought sushi!

"Birthday present."

"No!!" Fatty said angrily.

Youre not good enough, not obedient, not sincere, hmph, Ill tell your parents! Kanp muttered softly, but looked towards Shisui expectantly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Shisuis mouth, then he took out a box and handed it over: Here, Kanp, happy birthday.

"Your relationship is really good."

Kanp took the box and looked towards Fatty provocatively.

Fattys stomach is about to explode with anger, Im obviously at odds with Gekk Kanp, but Shisui actually thinks we have a good relationship?

This misunderstanding is too big!

Furthermore, Shisui even prepared a present for Gekk Kanp!!

Faced with Kanp's provocation at this time, Fatty couldn't wait to snatch Shisui's gift from him!

"Can I open it now?"

After provoking Fatty, Kanp looked towards Shisui again.

Of course. Shisui said with a smile, I hope you like my gift.

Kanp smiled and opened the box. Inside was a kunai made of fine iron, its whole body is glowing with pure black luster, the edges are sharp, and flickering with cold light. It turns out to be a kunai that has edge!

Kanp instantly remembered the kunai that Kakashi had taken without paying back then, In terms of quality, the two kunai seem to be on the same level!

Kanp held the kunai handle and felt the cold, hard touch in his palm, and instantly fell in love with this Ninja Tool!

"Shisui, thank you!"

Kanp said seriously.

He wouldn't hypocritically say that the present was too expensive and let Shisui take it back. After all, that is too hypocritical!

Kanp really likes this kunai, and he has to have a deep friendship with Shisui. So, if he is being hypocritical, wouldn't it be annoying?

Seeing that Kanp did not refuse, there was a flash of admiration in Shisuis eyes, and he said: To be honest, I was worried that you would refuse it.

Kanp immediately activated a bowl of chicken soup: Shisui, our friendship is not something that can be measured with a kunai.

Hearing this, Shisuis eyes lit up: "That's right!"

Kanp and Shisui looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

Fatty, who stood next to them, is like a third party. He wanted to leave, he wanted to interject, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only stand there stupidly, acting as a background wall with both width and thickness.

But Fatty was very sullen.

"Hey, you guys, come over and help light the fire!"

Anko shouted from the distance.

Anko, who holds the financial power of the six-member team, can't control herself this time. In addition to various balls, she also bought a lot of red bean paste this time.

At this time, the weather is getting colder, so it is a happy thing for Anko and Tsukasa to cook a big pot of red bean paste in the wild.

It's just that after adding firewood to the pot, Anko found that Kotetsu cant even light the fire.

Fortunately, there is Shisui here!

Tsukasa sat next to Anko, her eyes are shining brightly while looking at Shisui, and she looked towards the kunai in Kanp's hand from time to time: That is Shisui's present, I really want it

"Why can't we make a fire again? This Senju Park must have a grudge against us."

Kanp put away his kunai while complaining. He remembered the last time they had a picnic in Senju Park, they cant light the fire at first.

Sorry, I forgot to bring a match. Kotetsu scratched his head and looked at Kanp in embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's okay to eat it cold."

Kanp said indifferently, and then he remembered his Great Fireball Technique, which seemed to be unexpectedly suitable for igniting the fire, but Kanp definitely wont do it.

Being low-profile is second, as the key is that he likes to eat cold.

No, red bean paste is delicious only when it's hot! Anko gave Kanp a blank look, then looked towards Shisui, Shisui, do you know how to use Fire Release Ninjutsu?

Shisui, please. Tsukasa also came to the scene, holding the little puppy, Shiramaru, and both looked at Shisui with pitiful expression.

No problem.

Shisui quickly formed hand seals with his hands, Katon: Endan! (Fire Release: Flame Bullet)

Shisui opened his mouth, and a small tongue of fire quickly sprayed out of his mouth onto the dry branches under the iron pan. With a bang, the flames instantly ignited.

Thinking about it~~ As expected of Shisui~~

Tsukasa looked at Shisui with her eyes shining, if it wasn't for Anko pulling her aside, she would probably have stuck to Shisui.

Fortunately, Fatty stood up again at a critical moment, blocking Tsukasas sight with his stalwart body.

Tsukasa was stunned for a moment, and her whole person was feeling not well. At that time, she let go of her hand and signaled Shiramaru to drive Fatty away.

Woof woof woof~!

Shiramaru was very fierce, wagging its tail and jumped up and down on Fattys feet, baring his teeth and roaring.

Fatty looked down at it and said: Inuzuka-san, your dog is so fierce.

You are fierce! Stinky Fatty!

Tsukasa is angry and aggrieved.

Okay everyone, sit down.

Kanp chuckled and said.

Although Tsukasa is his friend, and although Tsukasa likes Shisui, Kanp doesn't think the two can really be together, because Shisui, like him, has broken away from low-level tastes!

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