Chapter 679: Is That It?



Summer is coming, and the dense forests in the southern part of the Land of Fire are filled with cicadas’ high-pitched courtship calls, which are like a magic sound filling the brain, and the noise is so loud that people’s scalps will split.

Obito lay on a rock under the shade of a tree. The breeze was gentle and comfortable, but the cry of cicadas was too loud and he couldn't sleep at all.

Turning over, Obito suddenly opened his one eye.

In the orange’s spiral mask, a scarlet 3-Tomoe Sharingan looked faintly at White Zetsu’s clone, Tobi, who suddenly emerged from the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Obito asked, standing up.

“The information just came in, the clone monitoring Orochimaru and Hyuga Taki is dead.” Tobi said with a smile.


Obito gently jumped off the rock and asked, “What about the mission? Is it completed?”

“I don’t know.”

Tobi shook his head, “Because we are separated by the sea, we can only confirm his death for the time being.”

Upon hearing this, Obito frowned, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: “Get Nagato to contact Orochimaru and Hyuga Taki immediately.”

“Are you worried there’s accidents?” Tobi asked strangely.

“Orochimaru is very ambitious. If there are enough benefits, he will definitely betray Akatsuki!”

Obito snorted and blamed himself, “I thought too simply before and only considered Hyuga Taki’s Gentle Fist, but forgot Orochimaru’s ambition!”

Tobi looked confused: “What do you mean?”

“Sanbi, you idiot! “Obito reminded angrily.

‘Why is the White Zetsu’s clone with me so stupid?’

‘If Tobi has a tenth of Black Zetsu’s intelligence, I will be satisfied!’


Tobi blinked his eyes several times before he realized, “You suspect Orochimaru is trying to steal Sanbi, so… does he really dare to do this?”

“He is one of Konoha’s Sannin. His strength is powerful and his methods are weird. You can’t even find the secret bases he built all over the Shinobi World. Hmph, those who underestimate him will not end well.” Obito said solemnly.

Tobi tilted his head, thought for a while and said: “This is just your guess, I still don’t believe Orochimaru dare to do this.”

“Let's wait for the result from Nagato's side.” Obito looked at Tobi.

“Understood, I will contact him immediately.”

Tobi nodded, then quickly got into the ground, and quickly passed the information to the clone in Amegakure through the underground organic network.

Half an hour later.

At the twenty-two-story steel tower in the center of Amegakure.

Deva Path Pain formed a seal with one hand, and powerful pupil power poured into the ‘Zero' ring on the thumb of his right hand.

An invisible ripple spreads out instantly…

Land of Water’s sea territory.

A large ship was riding the wind and waves, sailing towards the Land of Fire at a very fast speed.

On the big ship, Mei stood on the bow. Looking far into the distance, she could only see the sea and sky, with white clouds.

“What are you thinking about?” Ao walked out of the cabin and walked to her side.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mei to go alone to Konoha for the mission. As her usual partner, Ao was called in without hesitation.

Of course, in addition to the two of them, there are also nine Kirigakure’s Shinobi, and there are three each for Jonin, Chunin, and Genin.

“It’s nothing.” Mei didn't want to talk about her thoughts, so she dismissed Ao casually.

Seeing that she had no desire to speak, Ao sighed and turned back to the cabin.

This ship is very big, but apart from Kirigakure’s Shinobi, there are only the captain, deputy captain, sailors, and boatmen on board. There are no ordinary passengers, so there is only the sound of Ao’s footsteps in the empty cabin corridor.

When passing by a certain cabin, Ao suddenly stopped, and looked at the door of the room on the left as if he was aware of something.

Behind the door.

Orochimaru sat quietly on the ground. His right hand slowly rubbed the ‘Void’ ring on the little finger of his left hand, while his eyes stared at the door with a cold smile.

After a while, Ao sighed heavily.

This room… once left him dreaming, but unfortunately, the female passenger never returned after leaving the Land of Water.

‘What a pity!’

Ao returned to his room with emotion, closed his eye and fell asleep.

After he leaves.

Orochimaru lowered his gaze.

The ring on the little finger of his left hand kept sending out subtle fluctuations, and this is the signal that Deva Path Pain is summoning him!

Then, Orochimaru took out another ring engraved with the word ‘Blue’. This is Taki’s ring. After his shadow clone was destroyed outside the canyon, it was retrieved by Orochimaru’s white snake.

This ring is also exuding the same fluctuations at this moment.

So here comes the problem.

Orochimaru’s eyes flickered brightly: ‘Should I come in contact with them?’

‘Although leaving Akatsuki now is the best choice, but… there is no benefit to do so now.’

If there is Sanbi, Orochimaru will leave without any hesitation, but now that Sanbi has been snatched away by Kanpū, it would be a bit of a loss for him to leave Akatsuki like this.

So he poured Chakra into the ‘Void’ ring on the little finger of his left hand.

In the next instant, his Chakra brought his consciousness out and spread outward along a strange ripple in an instant.


On the 22nd floor of the central steel tower, Orochimaru’s thought projection distorted and appeared in front of Deva Path Pain.


Deva Path Pain looked at the thought projection in front of him expressionlessly, and asked calmly, “How is the mission??”

Orochimaru sneered and said: “Yondaime Mizukage has died under Taki’s Gentle Fist, but Sanbi was snatched away by Gekko Kanpū.”

‘It’s him again!’

Deva Path Pain snorted coldly and asked: “Where is Taki?”

“It was only his shadow clone that disappeared during the fight with Kirigakure’s Shinobi, and his ring is now in my hands.” Orochimaru replied gloomily.

Thinking of Taki’s affair with Kanpū outside the canyon, Orochimaru is not in a good mood, but since he decided to leave Akatsuki at the right time, he naturally would not help Deva Path Pain solve Akatsuki’s ‘internal worries’. He even hopes that Akatsuki will be as messy as possible, so that he can fish in troubled waters!

“What’s the reaction from Kirigakure?” Deva Path Pain didn’t notice Orochimaru’s strangeness and asked directly.

“The envoy, Terumi Mei has been sent to Konoha.”

Orochimaru said, “Do you want to kill her?”

Deva Path Pain nodded: “Of course, but not now. Wait until she leaves Konoha before taking action.”


Orochimaru chuckled and asked, “Is there anything else, Pain?”

After pondering for a while, Deva Path Pain asked: “Is there any information about Rokubi?”

“Rokubi’s Jinchuriki has defected for some time and his whereabouts are unknown.”

Orochimaru said, “At the moment, it can be determined that he is not in the Land of Water, but the rest is unknown.”

“I will tell Zetsu to look for it.”

Deva Path Pain said, “Don’t run around when you return to the Land of Fire, I will get White Zetsu to take Taki to find you.”

After that, he waved his hand to dismiss Orochimaru’s thought projection.

Then, Deva Path Pain contacted Hyōketsu and asked him to inform Taki to return to the team as soon as possible.

Hyōketsu naturally responded that he will do so immediately.

“Hey, you were contacting the leader named Deva Path Pain just now, right!”

As soon as Hyōketsu opened his eyes, he saw the bloody sickle across his neck, and Hidan said with a snort, “Why haven’t my ring delivered yet!!”

“Go ask Pain.” Hyōketsu flickered and disappeared in a flash.


Hidan violently plowed the ground with a scythe and shouted, “Hey hey hey, that white-faced bastard who's digging into the ground, where's my ring? Where's my ring?!”

How smart is White Zetsu’s clone? Why would he care what Hidan, a crazy cultist, is talking about? He’s in underground at this moment, silently following Hyōketsu, trying to find out the contact information of the Abyss.

But he was soon disappointed, because he saw Hyōketsu hiding in a tree hole, and then sat cross-legged. He didn’t know what Hyōketsu had done, but after a few minutes, he came out without doing anything else.

‘Is that it?’

White Zetsu’s clone is very confused.

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