Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 678: Mei’s Mission

Chapter 678: Mei’s Mission

In the depths of the vast sea, two huge snake shadows, one purple and one red, are meandering under the sea surface at high speed, causing countless ripples and sparkling waves!

Manda’s injuries have not healed and it is in poor condition. Although Garaga has just been hit by Kanpū’s Sandwich Technique, but thanks to the huge amount of Senjutsu Chakra inside its body and the slim snake shape, Garaga’s speed steadily overwhelmed Manda, and it quickly approached Manda at a speed visible to naked eye!

Manda didn't look back, but it could feel Garaga approaching it from behind.

‘Damn, damn it!’

‘Orochimaru, you beast!!’

Manda swung its tail desperately to get away from Garaga’s approach, but there was nothing he could do… and flowers bloom!

Garaga approached it and bit Manda’s butt!


Manda felt very painful that it immediately curled up its body, entwining Garaga tightly.

Garaga is not polite to it. Its vigorous and flexible body instantly exerts its strength, then the purple snake scales and the red snake scales rubbed wildly, making countless harsh and jerky noises!

Immediately after, the two snakes brawled, and the calm sea is turbulent under their melee and the waves are splashing!

The scarlet blood quickly stains the nearby sea red!

At a certain moment, a ring-shaped air wave suddenly exploded above Garaga’s head, and then a figure lightly landed on it.

“Gekko Kanpū?!”

When Manda saw Kanpū appear, its entire face turned purple: ‘Orochimaru, that beast is simply not a son of man!’

‘You already let Garaga mess me up while you take care of Gekko Kanpū, but now, how dare you lie to me!!

“Hand over the Jinchuriki.”

Kanpū looked at Manda with a smile, and at the same time, he converted the Senjutsu Chakra inside his body into Lightning Attribute and poured it into the Kusanagi Sword in his hand.


The lightning spread around Kusanagi Sword’s blade, and in a blink of an eye, it was covered by densely packed azure blue lightning, which almost blinded Manda’s eyes.

Although Manda is Orochimaru’s Summoned Beast, the relationship between the two is not a master-servant relationship. Manda will never die for Orochimaru, let alone an unknown Jinchuriki!

So Manda spat out the unconscious Jinchuriki very quickly, and then dissipated into smoke with a bang, decisively returning to Ryuchi Cave to recover.

Taking the unconscious Jinchuriki back, Kanpū put him on the top of Garaga’s head, and then he said: “Garaga, please send me back to the Land of Fire.”

“Understood.” Garaga discerned the direction and immediately swam towards northwest.

After a while, and on the calm sea, a small black speck was galloping towards it from a distance. It was none other than Orochimaru who was tricked by Kanpū.

Following the smell of blood, Orochimaru successfully found the area where Manda was fighting with Garaga, but at this time, the blood color in the sea has almost completely dissipated, and the surrounding area has long been deserted!

Orochimaru lowered his eyes, but the anger in his eyes kept flickering like light!

He really didn’t expect Manda to be so useless that it couldn’t even last for such a short time?!

Right now, in such vast sea, how can he find Kanpū and Garaga?

As the sea breeze blew, Orochimaru, who was standing on the sea, gradually regained his composure and fell into thought.

After Orochimaru arrived at the coastline before, he made a series of plans in an instant.

One is to let White Zetsu’s clone lure Kirigakure’s Shinobi.

The second is to get Manda take Jinchuriki into the sea to escape from Kanpū’s Flying Thunder God Technique!

The third is to contain Kanpū by himself. When Kirigakure’s Shinobi arrives, Orochimaru naturally has a way to escape in troubled waters.

But Orochimaru still made a fatal mistake, that is, he underestimated Kanpū’s Flying Thunder God Technique’s distance!

Orochimaru silently calculated that there is at least one hundred and fifty kilometers from the coastline to here!

According to the information collected by Orochimaru, Kanpū’s sensing talent is inferior to Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and his other talents, so in theory, Kanpū’s Flying Thunder God Technique’s sensing range should not reach such an exaggerated distance of one hundred and fifty kilometers!

‘What went wrong?’

Orochimaru closed his eyes and pondered intently. After a while, a divine light shine in his mind!

‘Sage Mode?!’

Orochimaru suddenly remembered that Kanpū had been in Sage Mode when fighting against him just now!

‘That’s right, Sage Mode can strengthen ninja’s Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and of course sensing capabilities!’

If this is the case, Orochimaru knew that unless he can crush Kanpū head-on, no matter what he does, it will be impossible to steal Jinchuriki from under Kanpū’s nose!

It's useless even if Manda takes the Jinchuriki back to Ryuchi Cave, after all, Kanpū has the strong Garaga.


Orochimaru let out a breath of foul air slowly, then turned and left.


On the northern coastline, after Mei killed White Zetsu’s clone and checked the vicinity, she actually found traces of battle here. There are also traces of giant snakes crawling all the way to the sea.

‘Is it Orochimaru and Kanpū?’

“That guy didn’t lie to me?” Mei felt that her character was still a little impulsive, and she felt a little sorry for White Zetsu’s clone.

‘It’s just…’

Mei turned to face the sea with a solemn expression.

‘Has Kanpū run away?’

When Mei was not sure what to do, there was a sudden explosion in the sky behind him, which is a signal of assembly for Kirigakure’s Shinobi!

Mei did not hesitate and immediately rushed towards the direction of the signal.

When she arrived, nearly a hundred Kirigakure’s Shinobi had gathered there.

“What happened?” Mei asked.

“Genki-sama ordered everyone to return to the village immediately!”

A Kirigakure’s Anbu looked towards Mei with no emotions, and continued, “Terumi Mei, Genki-sama wants to see you.”

“What?” Mei was startled.

“If you have anything to say, say it after returning to the village.”

After the words fell, the Kirigakure’s Anbu flickered and disappeared.

The rest of Kirigakure’s Shinobi look at each other. Although they are a little puzzled, this was Genki’s order after all, so no one could disobey it!

“Let's go back.”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t catch that Gekko Kanpū.”

“Don’t worry, Genki-sama will definitely avenge Mizukage-sama!”

The group of Kirigakure’s Shinobi discussed for a while, then got up and returned to Kirigakure.

Mei had her heart set on chasing Kanpū, but the sea is vast. And even if she has two types of Kekkei Genkai, she has no chance of finding Kanpū in the sea, let alone there’s order from Genki.

Helpless, she can only choose to return to Kirigakure.

After returning to the village, Mei immediately rushed to the Mizukage Building.

After the death of Yagura, all the power in the village fell into the hands of Genki. Although he did not sit in Mizukage’s position, his power was so great that no one in the entire Kirigakure could compete with him!

To put it simply, it is only a matter of his thought to choose who will be the next Mizukage!

“Genki-sama.” After Mei came to Genki’s office, she gently knocked on the door and entered.

In the office, Genki with an old face and dim eyes is sitting on an office chair. In front of him squatted a slender secretary with a graceful back, holding a document and seemed to be kissing him.

Seeing Mei coming in, Genki quickly waved away the beautiful secretary, then pointed at a letter on his desk and said kindly: “Terumi Mei, this is the letter I found in the Anbu, take a look.”

Mei picked up the letter. When she opened the letter, she saw it was the letter written by Minato to Yagura!

The content of this letter is confidential. After reading it, Yagura locked it in the Anbu. When he died, the entire Anbu fell into Genki’s hands, and this letter was naturally no exception.

“Genki-sama, does Akatsuki really exist?” Mei thought about what Kanpū had said to him and White Zetsu’s clone she had encountered before, and her eyes could not help but show a solemn and curious look.

“Currently, the village does not have enough information to determine whether this letter is true or false. In addition, Yondaime is dead, so I plan to…”

Genki looked at Mei with a smile and said, “I plan to send you to Konoha.”

“What?” Mei was stunned when she heard this.

‘Send me to Konoha?!’

Subconsciously, Kanpū’s figure emerged in Mei’s mind.

“First, Yondaime died of Gentle Fist. This is an indisputable fact. You need to demand justice from Konoha on behalf of the village!”

Genki can’t see the handsome guy in Mei’s mind and said directly, “Secondly, find out the whereabouts of Sanbi. Whether Sanbi was taken by Akatsuki or by Gekko Kanpū, the clue must be in Konoha! You have to investigatecarefully!”


Mei, who had come back to his senses, was a little embarrassed, “Genki-sama, in case Konoha doesn’t cooperate…”

“Don’t worry, the village will put pressure on Konoha in due course, and even if it is just on the surface, they will fully cooperate with your investigation.”

Genki continued without waiting for Mei to speak. “Of course, this mission may take a long time, so Terumi Mei, you have to be mentally prepared!”

Mei is helpless, but she could only nod as Genki is her superior.

“Of course, this mission is also a test for you!”

Genki said with a smile, “Everyone is sad when Yondaime is dead, but the village cannot be left without Kage. Terumi Mei, do you understand what I mean?”

Hearing this, Mei’s eyes lit up: “Understood!”

“Very well, then go down and prepare. You will leave tomorrow.”

Genki coughed dryly and said, “By the way, remember to call my secretary in when you go out. Sigh, I’m getting old, look, I can't even read clearly, so I can only rely on others.”

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