Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 632: Paying Attention

Chapter 632: Paying Attention

The next day.

Kanps shadow clone got up early to send Karin and Hinata to the Academy, and then he went to Anbu to sign in. He was unpretentious and low-key these days.

In contrast, Kakashi, the Captain, is late for every assembly, and his reason is the same: Blocked by cats!

The people below did not dare to object, so they could only push back the meeting time by half an hour tacitly.

On this day, Kanps shadow clone went home after participating in the sixth teams training camp, and was blocked halfway.

Oh, Kanp, after such a long time, lets have our long-lost battle!! The guy who blocked the road is Guy who had disappeared for half a year.

Guy has cleared a bunch of missions during this period, and can take a good rest for the next six months. Of course, with his character, it is absolutely impossible to waste his time on rest.

Kanps shadow clone scratched the head, and said frankly: Guy, you should go find Kakashi, Im just a shadow clone.

Shadow clone? Guy looked up and down Kanp, and the dark eyes under the long eyelashes are full of doubts.

Kanp shrugged, and didn't bother to explain. At any rate, he was not afraid of lying, he calmly passed Guy, and walked straight towards his home.

Guy looked suspiciously at Kanps back. When he disappeared at the end of the street, he turned around to find his close friend, Kakashi.

Why are you here again? Kakashi was being blocked by a few cats under a telephone pole. Since he is not in a hurry, he leaned on the telephone pole to read Icha Icha Paradise.

Although he has read it several times, every time I readd it, there will be unexpected gains.

Kakashi has benefited a lot from this.

Kakashi, where is that guy Kanp? Guy asked suspiciously.

The training is over, so of course he is going home. Kakashi said without raising his head.

Isnt that a shadow clone?

Guy folded his arms and said hesitantly, I just went to find him, but he told me he was just a shadow clone.

Shadow clone?

Kakashi raised his eyebrows, and immediately nodded calmly, It's indeed his style to run away without announcement, leaving only one shadow clone.

So he didnt lie to me?

Guy looked distressed and said, I created a powerful Taijutsu during this period of time, and I want to find Kanp to spar and test it.

Kakashi frowned when he heard this. His heart suddenly filled with an ominous premonition, so he quickly closed the Icha Icha Paradise, stuffed it into his pocket, and said: I should go home.

After saying that, Kakashi directly forms hand seals and use Transformation Technique.


Inside the light smoke, the white-haired Kakashi is already green.

Hey, Kakashi, you Why did you become like me? Guy stared at Guy in front of him with a look of shock.

This is no other way.

Kakashi looked at the scattered cats under his feet, shrugged, Who made these cats recognize my face

After saying that, Kakashi turned around and jumped onto the wall, running quickly.

Guy was stunned for a long time before he went to catch after him. Under the setting sun, Guy shouted at Kakashi in the distance: My dear friend Kakashi, lets have a bloody battle!!!

The setting sun goes down, and the bright moon slowly rises into the sky.

It was night, and under the gentle moonlight, one after another shooting stars streaked across the starry sky and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Its weird.

At Minatos home, Kushina sat on the balcony and looked at the shooting stars across the night sky, frowning slightly, Although there are indeed shooting stars every year, but they are not continuous like this, not to mention that it has happens for two nights.

Minato is on her side, his blue pupils looks very gentle, and he said with a smile: Maybe there will be more tomorrow night.

How is it possible, Minato, what do you think of these shooting stars? Kushina smiled happily. She pointed at the night sky and began to spread her knowledge of shooting stars.

Minato didnt argue, and just hugged and snuggled her.

Time passed.

Late night on the third day.

The couple appeared on the balcony again, looking at the shooting stars under the night in astonishment.

One by one, one after another, across the sky, flickering in an instant.

Minato, I was wrong. Kushina looked incredulous.

When did shooting stars look like this

Although Kushina knew a lot of words, there is really no word to describe this situation.

Minato also showed doubts and guessed: Kushina, these shooting stars Is it possible if Shinobi the one summoning it?

Shinobi? How is it possible?

Kushina retorted, Minato, the shooting stars comes from space, how can Shinobi go to space?

Minato is just making a guess, so he hesitantly said: Let's see it tomorrow.

Husband, there shouldn't be more tomorrow, right? Kushina trembled.

If it is as Minato guessed, and these shooting stars are controlled by Shinobi, then once the Shinobi who controls the shooting stars becomes hostile to Konoha, the consequences will be disastrous.

Late at night on the fourth day, Minato and Kushina watched the shooting stars together with fear.

It is the same as yesterday.

The shooting stars fell on the night one after another, looking very beautiful!

But Minato and his wife didnt have the slightest appreciation for this beauty.

Early the next morning.

After he went to work, Minato immediately called Shikaku to discuss this matter.

You noticed it too, Yondaime-sama.

When Shikaku heard Minatos guess, he immediately nodded and said, In fact, I was also observing these shooting stars for the past few days, and the more I look at them, the more suspicious they become!

Shikaku, what do you think? Minato looked at him expectantly.

In terms of IQ, Shikaku has never disappointed him.

And this time is no exception.

According to my observations, although the whereabouts of these shooting stars are uncertain, but by following their trajectories backwards, I found that they seem to have an intersection.

Intersection? Where?? Minato asked nervously.

It should be the Moon.

Shikakus expression also showed some hesitation, and he added after finished speaking, Of course, this is a conclusion obtained through visual inspection, and there may be deviations. If Yondaime-sama wants more accurate information, we have to rely on the telescope.

I understand.

Minato immediately mobilized a team from Anbu to detect and record the trajectory of the shooting stars and the time they appeared.

As time goes by, every night, there will be fleeting shooting stars under the starry sky.

And this abnormality gradually attracted the attention of other Shinobi Villages.

Following Konoha, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, and Kumogakure have also established an astronomical observation department to record this strange shooting stars phenomenon.

Especially Kumogakure, Yondaime Raikage waved his hand and directly ordered the construction of a huge astronomical telescope to observe whether these shooting stars really came from the Moon.

Only Kirigakure, who is under Yondaime Mizukages bloody mist policy, didnt do anything. After all, any foreign object can no longer affect them!

Time passed.

Kanp doesnt know how long he has stayed in the Moon. In short, his daily mission is to check in on the surface of Moon, and then start various death tests, just to safely send shadow clone to Earth.

Unfortunately, although Kanp has done anything he could think of, all his experiments still ended in failure!

In the end, Kanp was almost desperate, and his whole body exuded an aura of decadence.

In the end, Kanp came to the surface of the Moon with bloodshot eyes, and looked up at the Earth above.

With the rotation between the Earth and the Moon, the Earth at this time is already above the Moon, and because of its size, it is like a huge millstone lying on an egg. Every time Kanp looks up, there will be an inexplicable oppression.

Of course, that's how it looks after a long time.

Kanp casually picked up a pile of gravel on the ground, and fiercely threw it towards the Earth above.

How can I go back Kanp said to himself with an extremely impatient expression.

If he can only stay on the Moon for the rest of his life, what is the difference from death?

The more Kanp thought about it, the more irritated he became.

After a while, the gravel thrown by him was captured by the gravity of the Moon and fell slowly.

From the corner of his eyes, Kanp glanced over the slowly falling gravel, and a gleam of light gradually emerged from the depths of his eyes.

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