Chapter 631: Failure

At night.

In a small country, Zetsu looked up at the fleeting shooting stars in the night sky, frowning slightly.

These shooting stars seemed to be messy, but if he observes carefully, he can still find that their "trajectories" all point to one place, that is the Moon!

White Zetsu didn't think anything of it, but Black Zetsu is different. He knew that his mother is sealed in the Moon, and he also knew that there are Otsutsuki Hamuras descendants who guards the seal on the Moon.

Could it be that these shooting stars made by Hamuras descendants?

What are they up to?

Black Zetsu felt a little worried.

In Black Zetsus cognition, the distance between the Earth and the Moon is unknown. It is impossible for ordinary Shinobi, even the God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama to go back and forth between the Earth and the Moon, so after the death of Sage of Six-Paths and Hamura, the contact between the Earth and the Moon has been lost. Hamuras descendants cannot come down from the Moon, and it is also impossible for people from the Shinobi World to know what happened on the Moon. The two have lived in peace for thousands of years.

But now, the appearance of these shooting stars makes Black Zetsu a little uncomfortable.

If the Otsutsuki Clan on Moon intends to come to Earth, then those things that year may also be revealed, will it affect my plan?

These shooting stars

Hyketsu suddenly came to Zetsus side, and spoke in a rare friendly way, Why do they seem to have fallen from the Moon?

Black Zetsus expression is solemn, cautious as he is, he didnt not reply immediately.

White Zetsu rolled his eyes and said: Even if they fall from the Moon, it has nothing to do with you.

Im just curious about what's on the Moon.

Hyketsu shrugged casually, and continued to provoke Black Zetsu, Maybe there are groups of palaces and endless jewels on it

Do you believe on such childlike lies?

Black Zetsu interrupted him with a sneer, Youre so naive.

Hearing his disdainful tone, someone else would definitely blow up, Hyketsu is quite contented.

The more disdain Black Zetsu shows, the more it shows that he is uneasy.

However, there are some things that can be done in moderation, and it wont be good to let Black Zetsu see any clues.

While the two were talking, another shooting star flashed across the night sky.

The Moons surface.

Kanps ugly face looked like a meteor flickering after being captured by the Earths gravity with an ugly expression.

After more than a dozen experiments, Kanp has made the test rock from two meters in diameter to ten meters in diameter, but the results of the test are still extremely unsatisfactory.

After the rock is captured by the Earths gravity, the intense heat generated by the friction between the rock and Earths atmosphere will penetrate into the inner space of the rock in a very short time, and then it will be like a microwave oven. As the rock falls crazily. The temperature in the microwave oven will also be getting higher and higher. Even if the shadow clone is wearing a Yonbis lava Biju Cloak, it cant resist it!

Although expanding the internal space of the rock can make the shadow clone last longer, the larger the inner space of the rock, the larger the diameter of the rock. If the rock cannot be completely burned before it hits the ground, it will inevitably give great disaster to the Earth!

Kanp thought about it, and suddenly came up with a solution: Ice Release!

I can just use Ice Release to cool the inner space of the rock!

Kanp immediately lights up Ice Release, creates an Ice Release shadow clone, and then creates a ten-meter-diameter rock for the Ice Release shadow clone to enter.

In the dark inner space of the rock, the Ice Release shadow clone started to make ice without any hesitation, leaving only a two-meter-diameter circular hole as a place for himself.

Kanp then throws the rock away.

The ten-meter-diameter rock was slowly captured by the Earths gravity, and its speed gradually increased, moving towards Earth fell at a rapid speed.

When the rock enters the atmosphere, the violent friction instantly causes sparks.


The scorching flame wrapped the rock in an instant, and the terrifying high temperature brutally penetrates into the inner space of the rock, and comes into contact with the ice made by Ice Release shadow clone, then

Szttt sztt

With the melting sound, the ice cubes quickly evaporate into water vapor under the high temperature, and condense in the internal space of the rock. As more and more ices are melted, the high-temperature water vapor accumulates more and more.

This scene seemed a bit familiar

Ice Release shadow clone noticed something was wrong, and immediately increased his output, trying to condense the high-temperature water vapor into ice again.

But after a few seconds


The falling rocks that turned into meteors exploded loudly, and bloomed in the night sky like fireworks. Numerous small meteors scattered and fell in the atmosphere, and finally dissipated like sparks.


Gekko Mansions backyard.

Whats wrong with that shooting star?

Suddenly, Hayate pointed at the exploding meteor, and his face isfull of doubts, Why does it seem to have exploded?

Kanps shadow clone said calmly: It may be because there is ice inside the meteor, and after ice and fire collided, it exploded.

Hayate looked puzzled, but immediately showed a regretful expression: Its a pity that Yugao is not by my side.

Are you despising me?

Kanps shadow clone said with displeasure, Hayate, as a younger brother, you should be kind. Back then, I feed you and clean your shit and pee, taught you Ninjutsu, taught you the principles of life, you


Hayate is stunned, and couldn't bear the nausea at that time, Brother, stop talkingI, Ill go back to sleep first.

Seeing that there were no more shooting stars in the night sky, Hayate ran away decisively.

Kanps shadow clone shook his head in disappointment, and then found that the girl Karin didn't seem to show up.

All of them are white-eyed wolves.

Kanps shadow clone sulked, and then looked up at the bright moon in the night sky again: After so many failed experiments, it seems that the Meteor Project is basically a failure, but then

Kanps shadow clone frowned slightly, then shook his head after a while: Ill just let the main body worry about this matter himself.

The Moons surface.

Kanp, who received the memories of Ice Release shadow clone, has an ugly expression on his face.

I thought it was a clever plan, but it exploded.

Kanp understood that the explosion was caused by the rapid fusion of ice and fire in a fixed space, causing the water vapor to expand wildly

He thought about it, and suddenly came up with another idea.

Shadow Clone Technique!


Kanp once again created an Ice Release shadow clone, and instructed: This time, use ice to make rocks!

The shadow clone is not stupid, and immediately understood Kanps intentions. He immediately used Sage Mode, and uses Senjutsu Chakra to cast Ice Release to create a huge ice rock.

The shadow clone opened a passage in the ice rock, and then blocked the passage with Ice Release.

Kanp then created more than ten shadow clones, lifted the ice rock with Extraordinary Strength, and threw it to Earth.

Soon, the huge ice rock was captured by Earths gravity, and the speed gradually increased. When the ice rock entered the atmosphere, the fierce friction instantly produced a hot flame, which instantly surrounded the ice rock and burned blazingly!

When the flame is burning, the shadow clone in the center of the ice rock is completely shrouded in red, and there were distorted flames all over the top, bottom, left, and right, front and back, which was thrilling!

The scorching heat carried by the flame penetrates the icy rock, slowly passing to the inside, and quickly melted the outer layer of the ice rock. The melting speed far exceeded the previous rock surface!

The shadow clone was shocked physically and mentally, and hurriedly pressed his hands against the inner wall of the ice rock, pouring his Chakra frantically, trying to repair the ice rock.

But the speed of his repair couldn't compare with the melting speed of the ice rock. In less than half a minute, there is only one layer of fist left on the huge ice rock.

At the next moment.

The shadow clone dissipated.

It failed again.

When the memory returned, Kanp sighed depressingly.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work Thats it, lets end it here today. Ill go back to sleep first, and do it again tomorrow.

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