Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 613: The Otsutsuki Clan’s Descendants

Chapter 613: The Otsutsuki Clan's Descendants

Beyond the hazy moon, densely packed black eagles are circling and flying like moths, and on the back of each eagle, there was a humanoid puppet tightly wrapped in bandages!

After a rough look, Kanp calculated that the number is definitely over 9,000!

At this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared on the surface of the bright moon, and followed by a hole, and a puppet flew out sitting on a black eagle.

And through the hole, Kanp saw floating islands floating inside the bright moon, and clusters of tall buildings on the islands were vaguely visible, and apart from this, there was nothing else.

Kanp frowned when he saw this. Just now, he thought that Otsutsuki Clans technology is very amazing, but now, it seems that this so-called artificial moon and artificial sun are basically embroidered pillows. Although the appearance looks exactly the same as the real sun and moon, but in fact, the inside is hollow, and the real glow and heat are the is the Ninjutsu applied by the Otsutsuki Clans members on the artificial sun and moon!

As for the buildings on the floating islands, it should be Otsutsuki Toneris home!

But under the protection of so many puppets, how can I rush in silently?


Transparent Release?

Kanps eyes lit up, and he controlled the ice crystals to fall slowly, and when he was away from the artificial moon, he formed a seal with both hands: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Bang~ bang~ bang~

With the series of light smoke bursting, more than a dozen Ice Release shadow clones were caught by the gravity below, and they fell down at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, the shadow clones have Minatos nerve reflex, so they activated Sage Mode in an instant, refined Senjutsu Chakra, and used Senjutsu Chakra to power Ice Release, and quickly floated to Kanps sidde.

This is going to be a big fight.

Otsutsuki Clan, the real alien.


Ice Release shadow clone floated beside Kanp excitedly, staring at the bright moon above with piercing gaze.

Hold me. Kanp said and closed the Ice Release.

In the next moment, the ice crystals surrounding Kanp, melted and dissipated. When Kanp was about to fall, two streams of ice crystals entangled from the side and dragged him in the air.

Kanp breathed a sigh of relief, and then lit up Transparent Release.

Transparent Release: Stealth!

A layer of colorful and strange substances slowly enveloped Kanp, flowing and twisting like a layer of thick film.

When the bubble closes, the film completely disappears, and even Kanps body disappears without a trace. In midair, only two thin streams of ice crystals can be seen swirling around.

Next, we will split up! A group of people will attract the puppet's attention. You two will take me to the artificial moon!


More than ten Ice Release shadow clones immediately floated up.

Ice Release: Ice Crystals Dragon!

Ice Release: Ice Crystals Dragon!

Ice Release

The Ice Release shadow clones drove the huge and ferocious ice dragon and rushed towards the bright moon brazenly.

More than a dozen huge ice dragons meandered in front of the artificial moon, rampaging, and caused dozens of air crashes in a blink of an eye. When the puppets around saw them, they gathered together silently.

The puppets have no thoughts, and they didnt know what was going on. When they saw a riot broke out here, they immediately encircle and chased after it, so they were lured away from the moon without trouble.

Numerous puppets are driving the black eagle, and when they got close, they raised their right hands and aimed at the Ice Release shadow clones and their ice dragons, and then

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

Yellow Chakra condensed from the palms of the puppets' right hands and turned into a small Chakra ball, then lased away. Theyre densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and there were tens of thousands in a blink of an eye, covering most of the night sky! Roar!!

With the silent roar, more than a dozen ice dragons twisted their bodies, advancing instead of retreating, bravely counterattacking against the powerful yellow Chakra!

Bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~

The streamer-like yellow Chakra ball crazily lased on the ice dragon's ferocious dragon body, knocking out countless ice fragments, the crumbs swayed all over the sky, refracting crystal light under the moonlight.

Under the yellow Chakra balls all over the sky, more than ten ice dragons are like snow bathing in the scorching sun, and within a few seconds, they have melted at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Ice Release shadow clones immediately activated the power of Ryumyaku, pouring a steady stream of Chakra into the ice dragons crazily, to repair the ice dragons broken bodies.

On the other side.

When all black eagle puppets were attracted by the Ice Release shadow clones, Kanp successfully approached the bright moon with the support of the other two Ice Release shadow clones!

The hazy brilliance is close in front of his eyes, but it gives him an unreal feeling.

Kanp stretched out his hand to touch it, but was bounced back by a layer of powerful force.

Apparently, this looks impressive but is worthless bright moon surface has been covered with powerful barrier!

Should we use force?

Just break it!

The two shadow clones next to him said dangerously.

Kanp didnt bother to talk to them.

After all, although using force is fast, it will completely disturb the people inside.


Kanp turned his head to look at the battlefield on the other side.

Ice Release: Ice Age!

Ice Release: Ice Crystals Senbon!

Ice Release: Ice Storm!

Under the cover of more than a dozen ice dragons, several Ice Release shadow clones mobilized Ryumyakus power to quickly formed hand seals and attack!

The berserk torrent of ice crystals turned into a white crystal beam of light in mid-air, sweeping across hundreds of black eagle puppets, and finally hit the surface of the bright moon heavily.

Clang clang clang

With the crisp crashing sound, ripples appeared from the surface of the bright moon one after another!

On the other side, countless ice crystals senbon bloom like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and like needle-tipped wheat awns, they collided with yellow Chakra balls all over the sky.

Another huge ice crystal storm roared up, and instantly swept dozens of black eagle puppets, freezing them into a pile, causing them to fall from in the sky like dumplings.

With the crazy output of Ice Release shadow clones, the black eagle puppets under the moon are becoming less and less visible to the naked eye!

When nearly half of the black eagle puppet was wiped out, one puppet suddenly turned its eagle head and flew towards the bright moon.

The puppet sat on the back of the black eagle, making hand seals with both hands, and ripples appeared on the surface of the bright moon, revealing a hollow five or six meters in radius.

The black eagle flapped its wings and entered, but at this moment, a kunai suddenly lased from a distance.

The black eagle puppet turned around, and saw a flash of black light, which appeared in front of his face in an instant!


Three invisible air waves flashed by, and two Ice Release shadow clones appeared quietly while grabbing the invisible Kanp.

After punching the puppet, the three of them drove the black eagle and flew straight to the floating island in the center of the bright moon.

Father, is there an enemy?

In the luxurious buildings on the floating island, Otsutsuki Toneri is holding the hand of his father, Otsutsuki Fukuyama. His eyelids drooped slightly, and there was nothing under his eyelids, as he was born without eyes.

Fukuyama once wanted to transplant a pair of Byakugan to him, but after testing, he found that Toneri perfectly inherited their ancestors physique, and as long as he can get him a pair of Byakugan with high-purity, Toneri can directly awaken Tenseigan!

In view of this, Fukuyama did not transplant ordinary Byakugan to him, because they are not worthy!

Cough cough!

Fukuyama coughed weakly. His pair of Byakugan was filled with smell of death, and he said in a low voice, It should be Shinobi from the Shinobi World. Toneri, you should go in first.

To be able break free of the guardians Genjutsu, the other side is not ordinary people.

Father? Toneri looked at his father with some puzzlement. In his heart, his father is omnipotent. Even if there is an alien invasion, his father will definitely be able to beat the other side away!

This is an order! Although Fukuyamas body is deteriorating, as a father, he is still very majestic.


Toneri turned around, and a puppet servant naturally came over and led him into the depths of the palace.

After confirming that his son had left, Fukuyama turned his head and looked towards the black eagle that was flying closer.



The veins near Fukuyamas eyes bulged, and his powerful vision instantly caught the two

No, its three people!

Under Byakugans eyesight, he can vaguely see a fuzzy Chakra Pathway System, sandwiched between the other two!

Fukuyama showed a solemn expression. He is already dying, and if he fights the other party head-on, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an opponent on the other party!

Then the only way is Use the puppets to hold them back, and then use the artificial Tenseigan to destroy them!

Desperation flashed in Fukuyama's eyes, then he turned and walked towards the palace.

After a while, in the depths of the palaces on the floating islands, countless puppets flew up with black eagles spreading their wings.

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