Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 612: The Moon’s Small World

Chapter 612: The Moon's Small World

In the warm spring water, the five Sharingan shadow clone quickly moved upstream. At this time, they looked up and could see the remaining shadow clone floating on the water.

But at this moment, the water bubbles floating around strangely emitted a hazy yellow light.

The five shadow clones vision blurred, and their spiritual consciousness was pulled into a strange world without knowing it.


Mirror Heaven and Earth Change!

In the next instant, the black pupils of the five shadow clones turned into scarlet three-tomoe in no particular order, and their pupil power instantly rebounded the Genjutsu.

After getting rid of the shackles of the Genjutsu, the five shadow clones glance at each other, and one of them disbanded himself immediately.

It didnt take long for Kanp to swim up from the water film at the bottom of the water pool and was attacked by the water bubbles Genjutsu, but with the help of Sharingan, Kanp quickly got rid of Genjutsu and regained consciousness, and then he immediately closed the Sharingan, and then swam up with the four Sharingan shadow cclone.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, a huge figure fell into the water, covering almost half of the water surface, casting a huge shadow.

At the same time, Kanp suddenly had more memories in his mind, which was the memories of the shadow clones floating on the water.

This is the river crab?

It looks obviously more like a sea crab.

This guy must have a lot of crab roe.

While Kanp was thinking like this, the four Sharingan shadow clones on the side had already swung their feet and moved towards the surface of the water.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!

Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!

Water Release: Wild Water Wave!

The four shadow clones formed seals with both hands, and the majestic Water Attribute Chakra gushed out of their body, stirring countless undercurrents instantly!

Kanp floated under the water, looking up at the water dancing wildly above, sparking a series of foamy sprays, surging towards the surface of the water.


The surging water instantly broke through the water surface, throwing the huge crab into the air. Kanp took the opportunity to quickly rush to the surface and flicker to the shore.

Wind Release: Breakthrough!

Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet!

Fire Release: Flame Bullet!

The four shadow clones did not wait for the big crab to fall, and once again formed hand seals and launched an offensive in an attempt to cook the big crabs in mid-air.

The wind assist the fire, so the fire is raging and the flames burn fiercely, wrapping the big crab like a substance, forming a huge crab-shaped flame!

Kanp glanced at the battle situation, then moved his head to look around.

This place is still underground. Next to the water pool should be the home of the big crab. There are crab eggs laid by the big crab everywhere. They are as big as a basketball, lying there densely.

Kanp tip-toed, and his figured instantly jumped over the crab eggs, and came to a higher rock. Looking around, Kanp quickly found the exit.

Stay here. Kanp shouted without looking back, and then quickly rushed towards the exit.

Behind him, under the violent fire of the four shadow clones, the big crab with a shell as hard as iron couldnt escape the fate of becoming a dish in the end.

The exit of the underground passage slanted upwards, and the terrain became higher as it went forward. The surroundings are covered with ferocious sharp stone pillars, which did not seem to grow naturally.

After a while, Kanp finally approached the exit. When he looked up, he saw a glare of sunlight pouring down from the eye-shaped exit.

Kanp narrowed his eyes and walked out after his eyes adjusted to the light.


When he came outside and looked at the beautiful scenery outside, Kanp was dumbfounded.

Is this really the moon?

Looking around, he can see blue sky and white clouds, the green mountains, blue sea, and the warm sunshine. No matter how he looked at it, this place looks more like a vacation beach, but the arc of the sea is somewhat curved.

Kanp moved around and found that the sea is actually a circle, or in other words, the sea was located in a circle and attached to the round wall!

Kanp realized: Thats right, this is the moon, and its still inside Moon!

This sea is attached to the inner wall of the moon!

In other words

Kanp raised his head and looked directly at the sun in the blue sky, and didn't find it dazzling: This is a man-made sun!

The technological development of the Otsutsuki Clan is also very powerful.

If the technology to create a sun can be used in my previous life

Kanp shook his head to get rid of unrealistic thoughts, and dropped a Flying Thunder God Kunai on the spot. Then his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Across the sea, Kanp came to a huge forest, spreading endlessly, like the Forest of Death.

Kanp listened carefully, and could vaguely hear the sound of insects cry, but nothing else.

There is no wild beast?

Kanp thinks about it, This small world is not too big. If there are wild beasts standing at the top of the food chain, such as tigers, leopards, or wolves, I am afraid that they would have eaten all the nearby prey and then starved to death.

The only thing that can survive in this small world is insects that feed on plants.

His figure flickered, and Kanp once again turned into an afterimage and disappeared. From time to time, he threw a Flying Thunder God Kunai along the way, pulling out a network cable through the earth-moon channel.

Kanp continued to move forward, and it didnt take long for the artificial sun on the top of the head to slowly set, and there was a bloody sunset appeared on the horizon.

At night, a bright moon the size of a millstone suddenly appeared in the night sky!

Kanp is amazed by this, For this small world, the people of the Otsutsuki Clan must have spent all their money!

Kanp continued to move forward, but immediately stopped, and he suddenly raised his head to look up at the bright moon in the night sky.

If I remember correctly, the huge palace complex built by the Otsutsuki Clan is on that moon!

Kanp narrowed his eyes slightly, bit his thumb, and slammed his palms onto the ground after forming hand seals: Summoning Technique.


Light smoke flashed by, but there was nothing in front of Kanp.

Whats going on?

Kanp was shocked.

Where is the miko snake?

Could it be that my name has been crossed out from the Ryuchi Caves Summoning Scroll?


Kanp shook his head fiercely. Although he did not collect the traditional Ryuchi Caves Sage Mode, he was the orthodox contractor that has trained the Sage Mode at any rate, and signed a summoning contract with Garaga and the three miko snakes!

Even if Orochimaru sold his butt and contributed a thousand living sacrifices, it is impossible for the White Snake Sage to ban my identity as a contractor of Ryuchi Cave!

Then, the only explanation is its too far?

No matter how mysterious the Three Holy Lands are, they are still in the Shinobi World, but here is the moon, and the distance between the earth and the moon is more than 300,000 km!

His plan to go to the moon with the help of the miko snakes floating ability cant be done, so he only has one choice left.

Kanp sighed, and silently lit up the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, and then Kanp activated Sage Mode, and his whole figure was instantly shrouded in invisible shimmer, like an immortal.

With a move of his thought, the Senjutsu Chakra inside Kanps body instantly turned into tiny ice crystals one after another, carrying him to the bright moon hanging in the night sky.

As the altitude gets higher and higher, Kanp gradually sees the bright moon in the sky at night. It is a huge circular island floating in the sky, and with the help of some kind of Ninjutsu or technology, it exudes a faint yellow light.

Its appearance was exactly the same as the moon, carrying the sinking and floating, and outside the moon, Kanp also saw a lot of puppets!

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