Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 603: Land of Iron’s Laboratory

Chapter 603: Land of Iron's Laboratory

On a deserted island along the coast of the Land of Fire, an old man with a red beard on his face was lying on the rough sand. The waves were coming, and the tides ebb and flow, dragging him to the sea little by little.


In the sound of the tide, a whispering call awakened the unconscious man.

He slowly opened his eyes, and saw the blue sky and white clouds, and seagulls flying through the air.

Where am I? Roshi propped himself up while covering his head.

You finally woke up, Roshi. Yonbis voice came from the seal world inside his body.

Roshi was startled, and then suddenly remembered what happened before he unconscious.

Son, are you okay?!

Roshi immediately projected his spiritual consciousness into the seal world.

The chain outside the stone seal had nothing to rely on after Kanp left, and it took more than half a day for Yonbi to finally remove the chain from the seal!

Thats why Roshi can easily walk into the seal world at this moment.

In the center of the lava volcanic seal world, Yonbi squatted in the crater, and the four red-furred tails behind him hung down listlessly into the crater, shaking unconsciously.

As a collection of Chakra, Yonbi mobilized his Chakra immediately after Kanp left to heal the two tails that were cut off!

Seeing Roshi coming in, Yonbi said nonchalantly: Im fine, Roshi, how about you?

After experiencing this tragedy, Yonbi that his relationship with Roshi could go further!

Im okay.

Roshi shook his head, and a puzzled look started to appear on his face, Its so strange. Before I was knocked out, my Chakra and the seal world were sealed by the other party. If they wanted to, they could kill me easily, but why did they let me go? What are they trying to do?

Yonbi bared his teeth when he heard this: Youre indeed fine, but I have two of my tails chopped off!

Haah, forget it, just treat it as being bitten by a dog!

Yonbi thought viciously in his heart: Dont let me see them again!

One person and one gorilla chatted for a while. After confirming that both parties are fine, Roshis consciousness returned to the outside, only then did he remember that he was on a deserted island surrounded by an endless sea.

Roshi was startled, and hurriedly communicated with Yonbi, and asked: Son, where are we now?

I only know that we are on a certain island in the sea. As for the exact location, I don't know. Yonbi said.

After being wrapped into a ball by the chain of the Lock Tail Seal, Yonbi could not sense any information from the outside at all. It was not until he removed the Lock Tail Seal that he was able to sense to the nearby deserted islands and the sea.

Then, how long have I been unconscious? Roshi asked immediately.

Yonbi thought for a while, and said: Perhaps one day and one night.

Roshi frowned tightly. He carefully observes the environment, temperature, and wind direction in the surrounding sea area, and his face gradually became serious.

This is not the sea area of the Land of Waterfall!

The Land of Waterfall is close to the sea, so if the people from Abyss spends one day and one night to carry him from the Land of Waterfall to the sea area of the Land of Waterfall, it is reasonable.

But unfortunately, it is now the end of November, and the cold current in the extreme north is constantly invading the Land of Earth, Land of Waterfall, Land of Iron and other places. In this case, the temperature of the sea areas near these countries are absolutely frightening, but now, Roshi felt that there is still a little warmth here!

Roshi was shocked: Could it be that this is the sea area of the Land of Fire?

Thats not right!

It must be known that he was knocked out in Land of Waterfall, and from Land of Waterfall to the sea area of the Land of Fire, it needs to cross half of the Land of Fire, and even for Elite Jonin, it would take about seven days!

One day one night?

Are you kidding me?!

Roshi, whats wrong? Yonbi asked strangely.

Son, this should be the sea area of the Land of Fire, if it is you, how long will it take to go from Land of Waterfall to here? Roshi asked solemnly.

Yonbi was also startled, Thats right, for such a long distance, even it is impossible for me to finish it in one day and one night!

Furthermore Yonbi suddenly remembered that Roshi fell into Genjutsu yesterday, and then the seal world was sealed, and then after a few minutes, the people of the Abyss came in and chopped off his tails.

Did the other party rushed from the Land of Waterfall to the sea area of the Land of Fire in a few minutes?

Space-Time Ninjutsu!

Yonbi has been alive for a long time, and soon thought of something, The other party must be proficient in Space-Time Ninjutsu!

Roshi then said: This Abyss is stronger than imagined. It seems that we should avoid contact with them as much as possible in the future!

Yonbi nodded thoughtfully: They chopped off two of my own for research, it should be enough, right?

If its not enough, will they come back again?

Yonbis head is full of thoughts.

Land of Fire.


Entering December, the cold current blows from the north. Because of that, the temperature on the Konohas side drops sharply, and the sky is covered with white clouds, which seems to be calling for snow.

This morning, Kanp sent the thick-dressed Karin and Hinata to the Academy. When he returned, he suddenly received the memory of a shadow clone.

It is the shadow clone who was sent by him to establish a secret lab in the Land of Iron with Kabuto!

They already finished setting up the laboratory?

After Kanp returned home, he left a shadow clone for emergency, and the main body quietly went online and left.

After a few seconds, Kanp came to the depths of a hidden canyon on the Land of Fire and Land of Irons border.

Drilling out of the canyon, Kanp went straight to the Land of Irons capital according to the memory of the shadow clone.

Because the Land of Iron is close to the extreme north, it is covered with ice and snow for more than half a year every year. At this time, Konoha has just entered winter, but here is already a world of ice and snow, and the sky is snowing heavily, the heavy snow fall fell down like dandruff, and he couldnt see what was ten meters away!

Kanp put on a mink coat to keep out the cold, and then put on a straw hat to protect himself from the snow, and marched step by step against the severe cold wind and snow.

Half a month later.

Land of Irons capital.

Standing at the gate of the city, Kanp shakes off the snow from the straw hat, and heaves a long sigh of relief: Im finally here!

Land of Irons wind and snow were more terrifying than he had imagined. After traveling for a while with Body Flicker Technique, he decided to walk. In fact, he wanted to hire a carriage, but its a pity that the carriage could not run in this weather.

Entering the Land of Irons capital, Kanp saw rows of warriors wearing coats and armors shoveling snow on the side of the road with shovels in their hands, and there were many civilians helping them, full of enthusiasm.

Kanp didnt look at them for long, and rushed towards the southeast according to the memory of the shadow clone.

Half an hour later, Kanp came to a tavern.

Konoha Tavern?

This name is very capricious.

Kanp opened the sliding door and stepped in. A wave of heat rushed towards his face accompanied by the sound of conversations in twos and threes.

Looking around, Kanp found that the tavern was not big, with only four small tables and a few guests, while Kabuto is wearing a kimono, making oden cooking with a fake smile on his face.


Kabuto pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and greeted Kanp calmly, What do you want to eat? This shop has authentic oden cooking from Konoha!

Then, one portion of oden. Kanp glanced at the work in Kabutos hand, and said casually.

Understood, please wait for a while, guest, it will be ready soon. Kabuto smiled eloquently, showing the role of the small vendor vividly.

Seeing this, Kanp secretly sighed, As expected of a spy that can lie on the side of Five Great Countries, his acting skills were second to none.

When Kanp finished eating the oden, all the customers in the store were gone. Then Kabuto came over with a smile, bowed and said: Kanp-sama.

Kanp asked softly: The laboratory is right below?

As expected of Kanp-sama, you can guess it easily.

Kabuto said, Kanp-sama, please come with me.

After saying this, Kabuto formed hand seal to create a shadow clone to look after the tavern, and then brought Kanp to the back and entered a small warehouse.

Kabuto opened the wooden board on the ground, revealing a dark stone step leading to the ground.

The two entered in a file, and walked about eight or nine meters before reaching the ground. Kabuto turned on the lights, and a slightly yellow laboratory came into view.

The laboratory is square and made of earthen tunnels, and the surrounding earthen walls are extremely compact.

In the middle of the laboratory is an operating bed, which is brand new and bright, and there is also a shadowless lamp. It looks like it was bought at a high price.

There are two long tables on both sides, and there are a lot of exquisite experiment equipment, such as scalpels, glassware, microscopes, tweezers, and some messy machines that are powered on.

As for the wall facing the entrance and exit, there are several iron cages with a few white mice inside.

Kanps eyes lit up slightly, and he asked: Has the transplanting already started?

Kabuto shook his head, and said: Although there is experimental data from the Root, I'm still not at ease, so I'm still in the observation and preparation stage.

Kanp nodded gratified: Thats what a rigorous scientist should do!

No matter what, other peoples information belongs to others. If you use it directly without checking it, it will definitely not work!

Kabuto went around to the long table and took out a finger-thick glass test tube from a machine. There was a trace of green liquid at the bottom of the test tube, which was Hashiramas cells.

He then said: When the observation is over and the data is recorded, I will dilute Shodaimes cells and practice the transplantation.

The transplant object are naturally the little white mice in the iron cages.

Kanp looked at the mice and asked: When the experiment is in the late stage, do you need a human experiment?

Kabuto nodded, but thinking of Kanps character, he said: With the experimental data Kanp-sama given to me, it should be possible to reduce the number of human experiments.

Although it is not said, it seems that human experiments are still indispensable.

However, there are so many bandits in the Shinobi World, so there should be no shortage of experimental materials.

After communicating his thoughts with Kabuto, he would naturally have no objections, and immediately said that the future experimental materials will be done with bandits!

Are all the equipment ready? Kanp knew that he couldnt help the experiment, so he started directly with money.

The money is enough, but there are still a few instruments that have not arrived.

Kabuto pondered, said, Kanp-sama, if the experiment reaches the stage of human experiment, it may be make some commotion.

Kanp then said: Dont worry.

Kanp immediately took out the small notebook, tore off a blank white paper, and wrote a few hand seals on it.

In the past, when Kanp talked to Minato to discuss business matters, Minato would use Fuinjutsu to cover the office to prevent the sound from coming out.

Although Kanp did not collect this Fuinjutsu, he is not blind. After Minato casts it so many times in front of him, how can he not remember its hand seals.

Kanp irresponsibly handed the small note to Kabuto, saying that learning this technique can prevent the sound from leaking, disregarding whether Kabuto can practice.

Kabuto took it with a wry smile: Thank you, Kanp-sama.

No need to thank me, this is all I should do. Kanp said modestly.

After visiting the laboratory, Kanp quietly left the tavern, and then found an inn with bathhouse in the vicinity to live in, soak in hot water during the day, and go to the tavern to hang out with Kabuto at night.

Five days later, Kabuto finally completed the observation record of Hashiramas cells.

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