Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 602: Fixing Gate Is Easy

Chapter 602: Fixing Gate Is Easy

The Four Symbols Seal is a spiral stripe. If you enter the seal counterclockwise, you can see a huge and empty seal world.

In the center of the seal world, there is a group of scarlet Chakra the size of a water tank floating, exuding ferocious malice. It is the Chakra from Kyubi.

But at this moment, traces of lava-like Chakra descended from the sky. As if they wanted to occupy the center of the seal world, it rushed straight towards Kyubis Chakra grandiosely.

Gu lu gu lu

Hua hua

The two groups of Chakra collided in mid-air, and instantly boiled violently like flames meeting boiling oil.

The two Chakra entangled, surrounded, rubbed, and changed crazily like clouds and mists. In the dimness, they have vaguely presented the blurry image of fox and monkey.

More and more Yonbis Chakra poured in from the outside, and the blurry image of the monkey seems to become a little clearer, but even so, it still cannot shake the Kyubis Chakra!

After some time, the lava-like Chakra belonging to Yonbi began to retreat, moving far away from the Kyubis Chakra, take root in the distance, and the lava-like Chakra from above also flew there in a line, gradually merged, and finally turned into a group of Chakra about the size of Kyubis Chakra.

After Kanp finished guiding all Yonbis Chakra into the seal world, he immediately projected his consciousness into the seal world. Seeing that the Kyubis Chakra and the Yonbis Chakra were clearly separated and far apart, he was relieved.

Fortunately, there is no chemical reaction.

Kanp is worried about the fusion or repulsion of the two groups of Chakra, and then it would cause explosion of something.

Fortunately, none of this happened!

Kanp then used Senjutsu Chakra to draw a trace of Yonbis Chakra and began to train.

Gu lu gu lu

As the lava-like Chakra poured into his right arm, Kanps right hand slowly overflowed with a red Biju Cloak. Compared with Biju Cloak from Kyubis Chakra, Yonbi Biju Cloak is more aggressive. There is a special effect of lava bubbling. As for the power After sensing it, Kanp felt that it was inferior to Kyubis Chakra.

Because of the experience of using Kyubis Chakra, Kanps learning speed is also very fast. As long as he endures the scorching heat brought by Yonbis Chakra, he can also use it easily, but if he wanted to use it like Kyubis Chakra, which can cover his whole body, it requires more practice.

After training it for a while, Kanp led the Yonbis Chakra back to the Four Symbols Seal, and then closed the seal to isolate perception.

Then, it is time for the usual Hashiramas collection.

After digging out Hashirama from the ground, Kanp threw away the two remaining Collection Techniques for today.

Unfortunately, they all failed again.

Kanp guessed that Wood Release is too powerful, so that even if Hashirama keeps showing it to him, the probability of successful collection still depends on his character and luck.

Kanps hands are always black, so what can he do?

After returning to the mansion, Kanp disbanded the shadow clone and had a noisy dinner with his family, and then he went to Kakashi to inquire about Roshi.

Although he left Roshi on the island, he still has to confirm Minatos attitude towards Roshi, the Jinchuriki.

When he arrived at Kakashis house, its already night. Kanp then knocked on the door for half an hour, but there was no movement inside.

Does he not want to see me, or is he doing something shameful?

Kanp was distracted and accidentally knocked the door to pieces.

Sorry, sorry, I didnt mean it.

Kanp bowed to the torn apart gate apologetically, and then sneaked into Kakashis house.

The lights in Kakashis house are not turned on, so the place was dark. Kanp then started searching, especially in the bedroom, toilet, kitchen and other places. Unfortunately, after searching for a while, he found that Kakashi was really not at home.

Its all right!

Kanp returned to the gate and quickly repaired the gate!

Although the gate was torn to pieces, but fortunately, there are edges and corners, but after Kanp fiddled with it, he found that it couldn't stick together.

Without much choice, Kanp then use Earth Release, using Earth-Style Wall to create two lifelike gates.

The earth gates look no different from the wooden gates, especially in the night, if you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference at all!

Kakashi only has one eye, so he must not be able to see clearly!

Kanp clapped his hands in fear, turned around and slipped away.

As a result, as soon as he turned the corner of the street, he saw Kakashi walking slowly with his hands in his pockets under the street lamp.

Captain Kakashi, what a coincidence.

Kanp said with a natural smile, I just went out for a walk after I was full. I didn't expect to meet you.

Kakashi rolled his eyes: Then you are walking too far away.

It will take at least an hour to walk from Kanps house to Kakashis house, so Kakashi didnt believe even one words coming from Kanps mouth.

Captain Kakashi, where have you been? Why are you back so late? Kanp began to change the subject.

Kakashi shrugged and said: Thinking about life on the road, before I know it, its already so late.

Kanp suddenly realized.

He must be blocked by those stray cats.

Although Kakashi can use shadow clone to lure away those stray cats, there are many stray cats in Konoha. With just one shadow clone, there is definitely no way to lure away all the stray cats, so even if Kakashi is as cunning as a fox, it still took him some time to get away from those stray cats!

Kanp remained calm, and continued to ask: Captain Kakashi, has Hokage-sama decided on Roshis matter?

Hearing this, Kakashi straightened his waist slightly, nodded and said in a low voice: Minato-sensei sent other teams to the Land of Rains border today.

Kanp was shocked when he heard this.

Although Kakashi didnt say it clearly, since Minato sent people there, it was obvious that he intended to fight for Roshi, or the Yonbi inside Roshis body!

Kanp looked around, leaned forward and lowered his voice: Will war break out?

Kakashi shook his head and, and said: As long as our identity is not discovered, there will be no war.

Kanp frowned, and has some doubts towards Kakashis words.

But considering that in the original work, Iwagakure did not start any war because of Roshis defection, he also accepted it.

After Hokage-sama caught Roshi, what does he want to do? Kanp continued to ask.

Kakashi turned his head and looked around, as if trying to sense something, and then said in a low voice after a while, I dont know the details, but Commander Eagle just issued an order to each team that when moving outside, we need to attention to collecting information about other countries Biju.

Hearing this, Kanps heart skipped a beat: Does Minato want to collect all nine Biju?

Could it be that he was possessed by Black Zetsu?

Or was he a transmigrator like me?

Or does he want to unify the Shinobi World?

What do you think? Kakashi asked calmly when he saw Kanps surprised expression.


Kanp swallowed spit out a mouthful of saliva, and said, Does Hokage-sama want to unify the entire Shinobi World?

As for other things such as being possessed or transmigrating, Kanp can't say it even if he has doubts about it!

Kakashi then said: Although I thought so too, but when I asked Minato-sensei just now, he didn't respond to me directly.

How can I hear dissatisfaction from your tone?

Kanps lips twitched. The Kushina incident in the original work was caused by various reasons, but among the many clues, if Kakashi hadnt confided the information about the day Kushina gave birth in front of Rins tombstone, Obito wouldnt have found out about it!

Of course, these words cannot be spoken.

After chatting with Kakashi for a while, Kanp said his goodbyes, as it is already so late.

On the way.

Kanp rubbed his chin and thought about what he heard just now.

Now that Minato wants to collect the nine Biju, no matter what the reason is, this undoubtedly has a fierce conflict with Akatsukis plan!

Maybe without waiting for plot start, Akatsuki will start targeting Konoha, and even invade

Thinking of this, Kanps whole body didnt feel too good.

At the same time, something happened to Kakashi!

Standing in front of the gate of his house, Kakashi took out the key and plugged it in, but he couldnt get it in!

Whats going on?

Is the keyholes position changed?

Kakashi took two steps back, and under the dim moonlight, he found that something was wrong with the gate of his house The color seemed to be much lighter than usual.

He took two steps forward and pushed it with his hands, and found that the feeling of touch has changed too. The key point was that no matter how he pushed, the gate wouldn't budge!

This is earth wall?!

Kakashis right eye drooped emotionally, and Kanps figure emerged in his mind.

That bastard!!

Saying that he takes a walk, it is clear that the gate of my house has been demolished by him!

Kakashis figure flickered, and after quickly crossing the wall, he the messy wooden door fragments under his feet.

He demolished my wooden gate and made an earth gate with Earth-Style Wall

Very good

Kakashi clenched his teeth, and in his heart, there is an urge to get up tomorrow morning and tear down the gate of Kanps house.

Then he thought that the gate of Kanps house was made of iron.

Kakashi looked down at the messy wooden door fragments under his feet, and seemed to understand something.

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