Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 584: You May Not Believe It, But I Was Blocked By a Cat

Chapter 584: You May Not Believe It, But I Was Blocked By a Cat

At five oclock in the evening, Kakashi changed shift with Tenzo and went home from Danzos location, walking lazily on the street.

It's already mid-October, the autumn atmosphere is getting stronger, and the breeze blows, bringing a slight coolness.

Kakashi noticed a big black wild cat peeing under a utility pole on the side of the street.

Kakashis childlike heart turned on. He crouched down and picked up a dry branch on the side of the road, and poked the big black cat in the buttocks.


The big black cats body shuddered all over, it turned around and greeted Kakashis face with its cat kung fu.

What is Kakashi? At a critical moment, he jumped up from the ground, narrowly dodging the big black cat's attack, then he boredly the dry branch on the big black cats face, turned around and left.


A black shadow flashed, and the big black cat blocked his way.

Do cats hold grudges too?

Kakashi scratch his head, trying to bypass the big black cat, but no matter how he moved, the big black cat is always blocking him.

Kakashi tilted his head and looked the big black cat: Eh?


The big black cat also tilted its furry head, looking at Kakashi puzzlement.

Kakashi looked depressed, I was blocked by a cat on my way home. He turned around and planned to pass the other street, but within two steps, the big black cat unexpectedly jumped out again!

What the hell?!

Kakashi shook his head, then turned sharply and rushed away.

The big black cat reacted very quickly. As soon as Kakashi moved, it jumped out and followed Kakashi tightly, trying to stop him!

While running, Kakashi looked back at the big black cat chasing behind him, his right eye overflowed with strangeness: I why cant I get rid of this big black cat?

Kakashi is now a real Jonin. If word spreads that he can't even get rid of a big black cat, how will he face the enemy Shinobi who gave him the nickname Copy Ninja in the future? Kakashi turned around at the corner of the street, immediately stood against the wall, and then took out a piece of wall covering to cover himself. From the distance, the wall covering in front of him had perfectly merged with the wall next to him.

The big black cat also turned around the corner in a hurry. Because its speed was too fast, the four paws created a little dust on the ground. It then turned its head and looked towards the corner, but no one was there.

The big black cat sniffed and vaguely smelled the smell of that person, but, without seeing the white hair and one eye, the big black cat stretched out its right paw and patted its face, and then walked away gracefully.

After a while, Kakashi put away the wall covering, put his hands in his pockets with a calm face, and walked home slowly.

After walking two streets, Kakashi was blocked by a fat orange!

Whats going on?! Kakashis forehead overflowed with veins, and his right eye stared fiercely at the big fat orange.

Not to be outdone, the fat orange glared back at Kakashi, and his fat body was eager to move, as if it wanted to punch Kakashi in the face.

Kakashi moved left and right, the fat orange blocked him left and right, and a man and a cat froze in the street.

The passers-by looked at the pair strangely, but they didn't want to get involved, and left after a few glances.

Kakashi looked around, then he jumped directly to the wall next to him with a flicker, and ran wildly.


Although the fat orange is fat, its figure is extremely flexible, it jumps up to the wall in two or three moves, and follows behind Kakashi desperately.

Why are these cats always chasing me?

This is not spring either.

Kakashi thought depressedly, but Kakashi is Jonin after all. Relying on his ingenuity, Kakashi finally returned home safely, but he wasted nearly an hour to get rid of the cat.

Kakashi washes up and took a bath helplessly, then went to bed early.

Tossing and turning on the futon, Kakashi stretched out his sinful hand from under the quilt, digging under the bed.

I chose you!

Kakashi shrank his hands and took out a book with an unusually hot and bumpy cover.

Kakashi lit the desk lamp, squinted his eye and read at it seriously.

The next morning, just before four o'clock, Kakashi got up and took a shower.

He and Tenzo are responsible for Danzos security. Tenzos working hours are from 5 pm to 5 am, while Kakashi is in charge of5 am to 5 pm. The two are responsible for twelve hours each.

After making some noodles to fill his stomach, Kakashi left his house.

The sun always rises very late in autumn, which make the sky of Konoha dim at this time. Even the stars can still be seen faintly, which is very charming.

Kakashi walks alone on the street, yawning from time to time, and then rubbed his messy white hair.

I forgot to comb my hair.

Kakashi thought lazily.



Kakashi paused.

On the side of the street five meters ahead, behind a telephone pole, a black tabby cats head with sticks out.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief: I thought it was those two from yesterday.

But in the next instant, the black tabby cat with the jumped out, blocking Kakashis path.

Hey hey hey, are kidding me

Kakashi glared at the black tabby cat, trying to scare it away with his Jonin aura!

The black tabby cat is a little thin and looks like a malnourished stray cat.

Kakashi couldnt bear it, so he took out a beef jerky and fed it.

He prepared this beef jerky for his own lunch, but seeing the black tabby cat is only so big, how much can he eat?

But the facts taught Kakashi a lesson, the black tabby cat chewed with its mouth and a piece of beef jerky went down, it then chewed again, and another piece of beef jerky went down.

Kakashi can't give up halfway when doing good deeds, so he bit the bullet and fed most of the beef jerky before finally making the black tabby cat satisfied.

Well, I can eat food pills anyway, although it tastes bad.

Kakashi stood up and shrugged, Then, Im leaving.

Kakashi took two steps to the left, and the black tabby cat blocked him.

Kakashi took two steps to the right expressionlessly, and the black tabby cat blocked him.

Did I just feed my beef jerky to a bastard?!

Doesn't your conscience ache?!

Kakashi bent over and stared at the black tabby cat.


Seeing that Kakashi was not moving, the black tabby cat squatted down, stretched out its front paws and licked with its tongue, then began to wash its face.

How can I talk to a cat

Kakashi sighed, and stepped back slowly.

The black tabby cat suddenly stopped washing its face, and took a few steps forward to maintain a blocking posture.

Kakashi frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Then, Kakashi began to recall from the time he could remember. Half an hour later, he suddenly remembered that when he came home from get off work yesterday, he stabbed a big black cat in the butt with a dry branch.

Is that big black cat the boss of all the stray cats in the village?

So I was hunted down by a stray cat offering a bounty?

Kakashi frowned: If thats the case, its not easy.

Kakashi thought for a while, and his eyes lit up suddenly: Thats it!

Summoning Technique!

Kakashi bit his thumb and summoned out his speaking Ninken, Pakkun.

Morning, Kakashi, is there an emergency mission for you to call me out so early? Pakkun yawned after he came out, looking around from time to time.

It has nothing to do with mission, but it should be more serious than the mission.

Kakashi squatted down, put his hand to cover his mouth, and leaned into Pakkuns ear and said, I seem to be offered a bounty by a stray cat in the village.

What? Pakkun was startled.

Anyway, go discuss it with that cat and ask it to let me go. Kakashi said while pointing to the black tabby cat that was squatting two meters in front of him and started washing its face again.

Pakkun looked dumbfounded, and then, he said bitterly: But Kakashi, I am a dog and it is a cat. We are not the same species, so I may not be able to communicate it smoothly.

Well, anyway, I'm counting on you. Kakashi patted Pakkun on the head.

Pakkun had no choice but to turn around and run towards the black tabby cat.

Hello, hello. Pakkun said.

Meow? The black tabby cat tilted its head and stretched out its paw tentatively to pat Pakkuns head.

Pakkun took two steps back and asked: Why do you stray cats offer a bounty for Kakashi?

Meow! The black tabby cat saw Pakkun dare to dodge its paw and became interested, so it couldnt help but take two steps forward, and its cats paw is about to move around.

Hey, Im talking to you. Pakkun said sternly.

Meow. The black tabby cat poked its paw, and slapped Pakkuns.

Pakkun was furious, and rushed to bite it.

Although it's different from what I thought, but

Kakashi waved his hand, Thank you, Pakkun.

After saying that, Kakashi jumped onto the fence and ran away.

When Kakashi arrived at Danzos house and changed shift with Tenzo, it was already past five oclock.

Captain Kakashi, you are late. Tenzo complained weakly.

Staying up late every night is really hard.

Well, you may not believe it, but on the way, I was really blocked by a black tabby cat, and then I wasted some time thinking about life. Kakashi said.

Black tabby cat, why dont you just fat orange cat?

Tenzo narrowed his eyes and looked at him expressionlessly.

I'm not lying. Kakashi put his hands on his hips helplessly, wanting to explain but didn't know where to start.

He cant tell the story of him poking the big black cat in the buttocks yesterday, right?

I dont care, since Captain Kakashi is half an hour late, then you have to make up for this half an hour! Tenzo said confidently and slipped away.

What can Kakashi do? He sighed and squatted in the corner of the wall and silently looked at the door of Danzos house.

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