Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 583: Experimental Subject: Fat Orange

Chapter 583: Experimental Subject: Fat Orange

Hyuga Clans settlement.

Gekko Mansion, backyard.

Kanp sat casually on the wooden corridor, holding a kunai in his right hand, gently sliced his left thumb, and forced out a few drops of blood into a glass vessel.


Not far away, a yellow fat orange tied up by Kanp, seemed to be stimulated by the smell of blood, struggling desperately, that weak, boneless and fat cats body is constantly moving in the rope tied into a loop, trying to escape from hell!

Kanp casually threw out the blood-stained kunai, and with a thud' sound, it plunged into the grass in front of the fat orange, cutting off its two whiskers.

The fat orange was so scared that its pupils shrank into a line, and its hair burst into fluffy balls in an instant.

Kanp looked at the fat orange with a smile. Of course, he was not going to kill the cat, but to experiment with the Heart-Binding Curse Mark!

Heart-Binding Curse Mark needs to be led guided by blood, combined with hand seals, Chakra, and his own will to succeed.

As for the so-called will, in fact, there is actually nothing mysterious about it. It is similar to orders, such as do not reveal a certain secret', do not betray someone', which are the commands' used to restrain the cursed person.

But this kind of order is also limited. For example, if you place an order of cannot reveal the secrets of such and such, you can no longer issue an order of cannot betray someone, and of course you cant give the order of no suicide.

Its like Danzos Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, once someone was marked with this curse, even if they fall into Genjutsu, they cant tell the information about Danzo, but they can quietly betray him from the bottom of their heart, such as Sai.

However, the scope of application of the Heart-Binding Curse Mark is definitely wider than that of Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal!

After Kanp finished squeezing the blood, he was about to send the fat orange into his soul when he saw a figure suddenly jump over the wall and enter.

Husky! The person who came was dressed in Anbu, listening to the voice, it is his former teammate from the Wild Team, Wild Cat.

Wild Cat glanced at the fat orange tied up, and immediately felt sympathy. She picked up the fat orange, and after untying it, she rubbed its fluffy hair to soothe it, while fiercely staring at Kanp, and angrily said, Husky, why are you bullying this cat! Yo, why are you here? Kanp didnt dare to answer, so quickly changed the subject, and sealed the glassware into the scroll at the same time.

Of course it's because Hokage-sama calling for you.

Wild Cat snorted dissatisfiedly, Husky, are you in trouble again? I saw Sandaime is also in Hokage-samas office.


As a smart man, Kanp thought of a possibility, and wondering if it was Asuma who came back to file a complaint?

Only children complain!

Kanp pouted his lips and looked disgusted.

Okay, lets go, dont let the two Hokage-sama waiting. Wild Cat patted the fat orange, and released it with some reluctance.

Its fluffy, meaty, and feels so good!


The free fat orange jumped onto the wall, turned his head and screamed at Kanp, then left quickly.

Kanp was not angry by this. He followed Wild Cat to the third floor of Hokage Tower, and after a briefing, he entered Hokages Office.

There are three people in the office, Minato, Hiruzen, and Asuma.

After Hiruzen and Asuma found Minato, Asuma told Minato what happened in the Fire Temple without omission and in detail.

Minato knows Kanps strength better than Hiruzen, Flying Thunder God Technique, Sage Mode, Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, Konoha-Style Kenjutsu

If Kanp wants to kill Asuma, how could Asuma come back alive?

Hokage-sama, Sandaime-sama. Kanp called solemnly.

Minato nodded with a smile, and said: Kanp, do you still recognize Asuma?

Kanp looked towards the non-mainstream youth, nodded and said: I've seen him in the Fire Temple.

Asuma subconsciously clenched his hands, but he didnt do anything. He just looked at Kanp with extremely complicated gaze, his eyes are filled with hatred, incomprehension, doubt, and even a trace of inexplicable fear.

Asuma is afraid of Kanp will reveal' Kazumas true face, and worried that the comrade he approves of is actually a hypocrite with a brutal mind.

Asuma was restless, feeling uneasy.

Kanp, what happened at the Fire Temple that day? That Kazuma you killed was the Twelve Guardian Ninja under the Daimyo. Hiruzen asked while smoking from his pipe.

When Kanp saw Asuma here, he knew that Minato already knew what happened. It would be boring for him to repeat it, so he said, That Kazuma is the Shinobi who collected Kyubis Chakra back then.

Three people are startled when they heard this.

What do you mean by collecting Kyubis Chakra?

But then, Minato showed a look of realization.

Back then, Kushina was attacked by Obito when she was giving birth. Although there was no danger in the end, a small amount of Kyubis Chakra leaked out and was taken away without anyone noticing.

That person is that Kazuma?

It turned out to be him. Minato frowned slightly.

Although Kanp finally retrieved the Kyubis Chakra, that Kazuma Minato felt a little tired.

Kazuma is not a Shinobi from Konoha, but he secretly took Kyubis Chakra, he absolutely has ulterior motives!

How can such a person become the Twelve Guardian Ninja?

After recalling, Hiruzen also understands what can cause Kyubis Chakra to be leaked and collected by outsiders!

As for Asuma, hes completely dumbfounded.

Kanp didnt care about him, and continued: After I retrieved the Kyubis Chakra collected by Kazuma back then, he held a grudge. This time, when I met in the Fire Temple, that guy

Kanp began to shake his head as he spoke, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Whats wrong with Kazuma? Hiruzen asked.

He wants revenge!

Kanp helplessly said, It's a pity that he is not my opponent, so he threatened me with Asuma's life in order to protect himself, haah

Kanp glanced at Asuma vaguely, shook his head and sighed.

The silence speaks better at this time!

Minato and Hiruzens faces sank upon hearing this.

They felt that Kazuma is really vicious and cunning!

Asuma is obviously his friend, but he can turn his face to do such a thing for his own life!

The most hateful thing is that Kazuma even bit Kanp back at the end, saying that everything was caused by Kanps Genjutsu!

There is no doubt that Kazuma is going to use Asumas identity as Sandaime Hokages son to cause trouble for Kanp!

So shameless!

At this time, Asuma trembled slightly, as if trembling with fear after stimulated by this bloody truth!

Kazuma how could he do such a thing?!

We are like-minded close friends!

But when the truth was revealed, Asuma remembered an important doubt that had been overlooked.

Even though he couldnt open his eyes in pain that day, he could hear Kazuma whispering in his ears. Afterwards, Kazuma that he was hit by Kanps Genjutsu, but he was able to maintain a sober consciousness, and Kanp only robbed him of the control of his body. But as far as Asuma knows, only Nara Clans Shadow Imitation Technique can do it.

And regarding Shadow Imitation Technique, only Nara Clans Shinobi can use it!

Asuma clenched his hands into fists, the veins on the back of his hands were exposed.

People's hearts are dangerous.

Hiruzen didnt blame his son for being ignorant. After sighing, he looked towards Minato and said, We also should give the Daimyo an explanation as soon as possible, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

I will tell him the entire process of development. Minato said with a smile.

Although Daimyo is the nominal supreme leader of the Land of Fire, this world is the world of Shinobi. The true leader of Land of Fire is of course the Hokage!

After the matter here came to an end, Kanp left Hokage Tower.

Back home, the first thing Kanp did was to find the fat orange!

Before, it actually looked back and yelled at him when it left!

Who said that Kanp doesnt hold grudges?

After searching, Kanp found the fat orange who was dozing off under a peony flower a few kilometers away.

He confirmed the figure, and it was indeed the one let go by Wild Cat.

Kanp picked it up in one fell swoop.

The fat orange was awakened soon, all of its four paws kicked. Seeing that it was Kanp, it immediately attacked him.

At the same time, the fat orange also releases a heart-piercing meow', trying to attract the attention of cat lovers.

Unfortunately, after Kanp slapped it, the fat oranges vertical pupil became confused, and it immediately became honest.

After returning to the backyard of the mansion, Kanp continued the previous Heart-Binding Curse Mark experiment.

Taking out the glassware from the sealing scroll, Kanp dipped his fingers with the blood on it, then pulled the yellow chest hair at the fat oranges heart, and began to engrave the technique formula on it.

The fat orange lay on the grass, clutching on Kanps wrist with its four paws, as if it wanted to stop him from bullying it, but the cats power is not enough!

After some time, Kanp finished engraving the technique formula. In order to prevent the fat orange from wiping off the technique formula, Kanp slap slapped the fat orange to make it unconscious, then quickly formed hand seals, and pressed his palm on the blood color technique formula on the fat oranges chest , And at the same time, he transfers his own commands to the technique formula via Chakra.

When you encounter a one-eyed man, stop him!

Kanp seriously integrates his will into the technique formula.

When Kanp lifted his palm from the fat oranges chest, the blood color rune exuded subtle rays of light, and then slowly faded into the fat oranges heart.

Its done?

Kanps eyes shimmered slightly, and he gently rubbed the fat oranges belly to wake it up.


The fat orange meowed in a daze, and then suddenly jumped out of the grass. When it was about to run away from the wall, Kanp flickered in front of him, and at the same time, he closed his right eye tightly.


The fat orange wanted to bypass Kanp directly, but for some reason, it paused, and its vertical pupils stared at Kanps face, and it couldn't move its feet for a while.

Kanp closed his right eye, and walked to the left calmly.

The fat orange cleanly blocked Kanps path with a small leap, and even called out with a cute look: Meow?

Kanp was happy when he saw this. Turning around and walking to the right, the fat orange jumped and blocked him again.


The fat oranges cat body is not feeling good.

It wasnt until Kanp opened his right eye again that the fat orange was finally liberated. It turned around and turned into a cloud of yellow fat and galloped away.

Kanp looked at the fat oranges back in relief, and immediately frowned.

Although it was successful this time, what if it was just a coincidence?

No, I have to find more cats to experiment with!


Because of the war, there are many one-eyed men in Konoha

I cant give them trouble!

Kanp thought for a while, and decided to change the order, for example a white-haired one-eyed man?

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