Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 572: Admission Trivia

Chapter 572: Admission Trivia

After returning from the Academy, Karin seemed to be in a state of excitement. She has been tossing and turning in the bedroom, and it is unknown what she is doing.

Kanp was also lazy to care, so he lay down on the wooden corridor in the backyard and dozed off.

Should I go to the Root to sign in for work?

It would be good to let the shadow clone do this kind of boring thing in the future. A person as delicate as myself can't stand the humidity underground.

Of course, the daily Collection Technique was still thrown to Hashirama, but unfortunately, it failed again and again.

Kanp guessed that it might have something to do with the purple stardust that is fusing in his mind. If the fusion is completed and he obtained Sage Body, he might be able to collect Hashirama in one shot.

But these are all Kanps guesses, and he dare not give too much hope.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of this day, Kanp was lying on the futon, dreaming of a beautiful life. At this moment, Karin suddenly rushed in and lifted his quilt, and exclaimed in excitement: Big brother, get up quickly and send me to the Academy! Im going to be late!

Kanps brain hurts. He reached out to grab the quilt and said in a daze, Let Kaa-san

Kaa-san has to go to work.

Let Tou-san

At this point, he should go for the morning jog.


This guy left the village on a mission yesterday.

Forget it, let me do it.

Kanp is used to waking up late, so when he suddenly get up early, he feels that his whole body are protesting!

After a lot of tossing, Kanp took an onigiri in his mouth and led Karin to go to the Academy.

When they came out, there happened to be movement from the house next door. Kanp turned his head to see that it was Hiashi and his daughter, Hinata.

Hinata-chan, here, here. When Karin saw her little best friend, she immediately jumped and waved.

Hello, Karin, good morning! Hinata was led by her father and said hello with a blushing face. Her white eyes were full of longing for the future school life.

Hehehe. Karin took Hinatas other hand naturally, and then the ground of four people walked side by side, hand in hand.

After Kanp swallowed the onigiri, he felt something weird. He glanced at Karin, who is holding his hand, and then looked towards Hinata, who was holding Karins hand. Finally, his eyes fell on the one holding the hand with Hinata, Hyuga Hiashi.

No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like a family of four

Kanp couldnt bear this grievance, so he shook off Karins hand immediately.

Karin glanced at him, but didnt make a fuss, and just tightened Hinatas hand.

It didnt take long for Hiashi to let go of Hinatas hand.

The two little ones are free of restraints, and their walking speed was much faster. They whispered to each other from time to time, their voice are tender and clear, like two little larks chirping, spreading far away in the morning light.

Hiashi slowly adjusted his footsteps to the same frequency as Kanp, his eyes looked straight ahead, but his mouth opened and closed slightly, and asked softly: Kanp, did someone really infiltrate Roots Headquarters?

During this period of time, he also secretly investigated and screened his clansmen who are capable of infiltrating Roots Headquarters, but these people have all, families, wealth, children, and they live a happy live. How can they have any motive to infiltrate Roots Headquarters?

Without blushing, Kanp replied calmly: Yes, this is the information I get from the Root.

Byakugan? Hiashi asked calmly.

Kanp nodded, and immediately remembered that Hiashi didn't look at him, so he said: The other party does have Byakugan.

Hiashi frowned slightly, and asked again: What did Root lose?

Kanp tightly shut his mouth, If he can answer this question, wouldnt that just hes confessing himself?

I dont know. Kanp replied.

Is that so Hiashi sighed, and didnt speak any more.

When they arrived at the Academy, hundreds of people had already gathered in the training grounds in front of the teaching building. Besides the freshmen, most of them were parents.

Kanp, Karin!

Sensei! I am here!!

The voices of Kushina and Naruto came from under the tree in front of the Academy.

Its Naruto. When Hinata heard Narutos voice, she suddenly remembered the scene of being slammed by him, and immediately blushed, but it was not as exaggerated as in the original work.

I hope I won't be in the same class as Naruto.

Karin muttered, then rushed over cheerfully, Aunt Kushina.

Sister Kushina. Kanp and Hiashi also walked over.

After they greeted each other, Kanp asked: Will Hokage-sama come?

He will come, but as Yondaime Hokage. Kushina patted Naruto's head and said.


Naruto snorted and said pridefully, It doesnt matter if he comes or not.

Kushina changed from patting to hitting, and said angrily: Naruto, your father is not only your father, but also the Villages Kage. You need to be more considerate of him!

Plak plak plak

She said while hitting Narutos head.

Narutos neck shrank, and he didn't dare to resist at all. He can only ask for Kanps help with his pitiful eyes.

Kanp replied with a reassuring look towards Naruto, and earnestly persuaded: Sister Kushina, its better not to hit a child down, it will be hard for them to grow taller.

Naruto suddenly burst into tears, looking towards Kanp gratefully.

Its better to beat him up. Kanp continued.

Narutos whole body shook, and his grateful gaze suddenly became grief and despair.

Kushina glared at Kanp, who seemed to not care, and then said to Naruto: Naruto, if you enter the Academy, please listen to the teachers words, otherwise

Crack crack crack

Kushina clenched her hands, there is a crisp sound of bones, and her red hair began to move automatically without wind.

Cold sweat dripped from Naruto's forehead, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: I know, I know, Kaa-chan, dont be angry, I will definitely listen to the teacher.

Wow, look, look, so handsome! Karin Lin suddenly pointed to a small kid and said.

Kanp subconsciously turned his head to look, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

That kid is wearing clothes embroidered with Uchiha Clans emblem, plus that arrogant expression on his face

Uchiha Sasuke!

Kanp glanced at Karin, seeing that she wasn't drooling, so he gave up the thought of beating her up.

Thats Itachi, right? Kushina asked softly.

Kanp was taken aback, only to find out that the parent' who led Sasuke to school was Itachi.

Well, he already awakened his Sharingan to 3-Tomoe, and his talent is no less than Shisuis. Kanp introduced in a low voice.

Sharingan? What is that? Seeing that his mother was no longer angry, Naruto suddenly became active, leaning over his head and asking curiously.

Sharingan is Kekkei Genkai, just like Byakugan.

Kanp said without thinking, But Byakugan is white, Sharingan is red.


Naruto looked at Hinatas eyes and said, Are you Byakugan?

Hinata nodded.

Naruto looked towards Sasuke and Itachi again, and then scratched his head and wondering: But their eyes are black.

Kanp was too lazy to explain, and said casually: When they are angry, their eyes turn red.

It sounds interesting.

Naruto blinked, looking at the little kid, who was holding his brother tightly, and suddenly had the urge to beat him up, and then make him angry so his eyes turned red.

Immediately afterwards, Narutos gaze was attracted by a little girl with pink hair.

Sensei, who is that person? So cute~~

Naruto grabbed Kanps hand excitedly, pointed at the little girl, who was bouncing over, and asked.

Kanp glanced at the bouncing little girl with pink hair, Hmmm, Haruno Sakura was quite cute when she was a child, no wonder Naruto fell.

Naruto, what are you talking about?

Kushina seemed to perceive that her son was not in the right state, so her red hair began to dance in the air, and a powerful aura instantly enveloped Naruto.

Naruto was shocked, and the excited expression on his face gradually disappeared. At a critical moment, Narutos desire to survive began to explode: Kaa-chan, I said that girls hair is really ugly, pink is ugly, red is much better.

Is that so?

Kushina clenched her fist against Narutos temple and began to rub hard.

Aouu Naruto began to howl miserably.

Attracted by the screams, Sasuke glanced sideways, then continued to hold Itachi's hand indifferently.

Sakura glanced at Naruto. Seeing his teary, snotty, slobbering appearance, she showed a ladylike smile, but there was a middle-aged girl in her heart who put her hands on her hips and curled her lips: So ugly!

As time goes by, more and more new students arrive at the Academy.

Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Inuzuka Kiba and other Konoha 9 Kanp has an impression of also arrived one after another accompanied by their parents.

Finally, half an hour later, Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato appeared and gave a speech on the training ground.

As the morning light fell, Minato's hair glistened, coupled with the familiar Yellow Flash heroic story, he immediately dazzled countless freshmen.

Kanp looked left and right, and found that Sakura also showed a starry-eyed expression towards Minato.

Appearance power?

Kanp then glanced at Naruto and shook his head silently. Because of the presence of fox whiskers on both sides of his cheeks, Naruto in childhood didnt look handsome like Minato at all, no wonder Sakura doesnt like him.

After Minato finished his speech, the Academys teachers also posted the class list, and countless parents flocked in an instant.

Kanp and his group stood outside, as if nothing had happened, but Hiashi had activated his Byakugan, and the powerful sight passed through the gap in the sea of people and fell on the sheets of white paper.

After seeing for a while, Hiashi said: Hinata, Karin and Naruto are in the same class, and their teacher is Iruka.

Kushina smiled, showing expression of everything under control.

Kanp didnt respond much either, showing expression of it was all basic exercises.

Lets go, lets go to Iruka-sensei to sign up. Kushina said with a smile.

With the announcement of the class list, after confirming their childs class, the parents on the training grounds scattered to the various classes in the teaching building, Kanp and the others also poured into the teaching building along with the others. At this time, they are no different from other ordinary people.

Soon, Kanp and the others arrived at Irukas class.

Iruka stood at the door of the classroom with a smile on his face, checking the students and communicating with the parents. Although it was his first time to be a teacher, he looked very good, and he already has a bit of a teacher's demeanor.

At this time, there are already a lot of students in the classroom. Looking around, apart from the extra he doesnt know, the Konoha 9 such as Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, etc. have all arrived, and the young InoShikaCho has already known each other, so they sat together, while chatting continuously, talking about something, and the people who didnt know each other are scattered around and sat around while looking around.

Kanp looked away after seeing it, and then communicated with Iruka in a serious manner, just like the relationship between ordinary parents and teachers.

After all, Kanp hates people who go through the back door the most!

Then, I will entrust my family to you, Iruka-sensei!

Kanp enthusiastically held Irukas hand and shook it vigorously up and down as if entrusting him with a funeral.

Iruka smiled, but his expression was a bit awkward. He then lowered his voice and asked: Kanp, what the hell are you doing?


Kanp coughed lightly, and replied in the same low voice, Dont let other parents know that we are close, otherwise, they will definitely think you are partial to Karin.

Iruka glanced at the parents chatting in groups of three or four beside him, his face twitched, but his voice was still lowered: You think too much, Kanp!

Seeing Karin, Naruto, and Hinata walked into the classroom, Kanp wanted to leave, but Kushina mingled with the group of parents next to her, chatting with each other.

Kanp glanced at Hyuga Clans Clan Head next to him, and seeing that he didn't move, then he, Gekko Clans Clan Head, couldnt move either.

At the same time, he began to observe the parents silently, but unfortunately, he didnt find Shikaku, Choza, Inoichi and the others, guessing that it should be their wives sending their children here.

Kanps gaze swept around, but he couldnt tell who was whose wife, so he had to carefully observe and savor them one by one.

It wasn't until the bell rang that all the parents left unsatisfied.

If its not that there is no WeChat, Kanp believed that the parent chat group will be established in minutes.

Walking out of the gate of the Academy, Kushina has a mission and left first, leaving the remaining two Clan Heads walking home slowly.

The two walked without a word. Halfway through, a familiar figure walked towards them. He is wearing a large kimono, his right eye and right hand were bandaged into rice dumplings, and his loose and old face was very recognizable in Konoha, it is none other than Shimura Danzo!

Clan Head Hiashi, Gekko Kanp. Danzo greeted the two blankly.

Advisor Danzo. Hiashi nodded slightly.

Although Hiashi did not hold a high-level position, but with Hyuga Clans power, his status is also extremely high.

As for Kanp his expression was a little unfriendly.

Whats wrong with this bastard? You call Hiashi as Clan Head, but Im not?

Who do you look down on?

Is Clan Head Hiashi free? I will treat you to tea. Danzo invited Hiashi in front of Kanp.

Hiashi instantly felt a sense of malice coming from Danzo.

Is he trying to drive a wedge between my Hyuga Clan and Yondaime?

Hiashis thoughts revolved, and then he refused calmly: Sorry, I have something to do at home.

There is indeed something in Clan Head Hiashis house. Danzo stared at him with squinted eye.

Hiashi frowned slightly, Why does it sound like someone is dead at home?

Danzo continued with a cold face: Dont Clan Head Hiashi know? Your clansman has colluded with outsiders in order to remove the Caged Bird.

Hiashis face immediately changed, Remove the Caged Bird?

What a joke!

But then, he remembered what Minato had mentioned to him before: Hyuga Clans Shinobi infiltrated Roots Headquarters!

Hiashi had checked before, but according to his investigation method, it is true that none of the Branch Houses members has any motive to infiltrate Root Headquarters, But what if it is to remove the Caged Bird?

If thats the case, those people in Branch House are all suspected, even his younger brother Hizashi!

Who is on the other party? Hiashi stared at Danzo closely. He wanted to know the identity of the person who dared to try to remove the Caged Bird!

Wellyou have to check it yourself. Danzo laughed and left, his laughter was full of cheerfulness.

Hiashi stared fiercely at Danzos back, with complex expressions of doubt, solemnity, unbelief, and entanglement flashing in his eyes.

As for Kanp, he was already confused.

What is Danzo smoking?

Branch Houses members colluded with outsiders to remove the Caged Bird?

What a crazy thought.

Just what is the purpose of Danzo doing this?

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