Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 571: I Hate Two Kinds of People The Most

Chapter 571: I Hate Two Kinds of People The Most

After sending off Minato, Hiashi immediately sent someone to invite clans elders and his little brother, Hizashi.

Hyuga Clan usually has three elders, two of them are from the Branch House and one is from the Main House, but at the Third Shinobi World War, Main Houses Elder, that is, Hiashis grandfather, died in battlefield, so there are only two Hyuga Clans elders, which are both from the Branch House.

When Hiashi passes the position of Clan Head to the next generation of the Main House, he will retire and automatically become the Main Houses elder.

Clan Head, what's the matter? Why are you inviting us here so early?

The two elders are both in their 60s and 70s, with old faces and hair grey-white. Although their status is high, they didnt even have one tenth of their former combat power.

Hiashi sat in the main seat and said with a blank face: Ill speak about it after Hizashi arrives.

The two elders glanced at each other, then each closing their eyes and rested their minds.

After a while, Hizashi arrived: Sorry, Im late, big brother.

Hiashi nodded and motioned him to sit down, and then slowly said: You all should know about the conflict between Yondaime Hokage and Advisor Danzo. I want to hear your opinion.

An elder on the left said: Clan Head, the conflicts among the higher-ups are very complicated, I think we should not get involved too much.

Yes, although we are Konohas Noble Clan, but those higher-ups always like to guard against us. If we rashly interfere, Im afraid it will cause a backlash. Another elder also agrees with the first elder.

As for Hizashi, he said: I have the same thought as the two elders.

Hiashi then said calmly: But I have promised to help Yondaime.


The expressions of the two elders changed, Clan Head, you are too reckless!

Why didnt you discuss it with us first?

The two elders are quite angry. Although they are from the Branch House, they are still elders at any rate. They are Hyuga Clans higher-ups!

Hiashi smiled without saying a word.

He previously suspected that these two elders sent people to infiltrate Roots Headquarters, but at this moment, judging from their attitudes, he felt that shouldnt be the case, otherwise, how could they try to prevent him from helping Yondaime against Danzo?

As for Hizashi

Hiashi looked towards his little brother.

Hizashi smiled and said: Big brother, no matter what decision you make, I will support you!

Well, hes still the same as before.

Hiashi nodded slightly, and said: Hizashi, Yondaime will send someone to contact you later. When the time comes, you will lead our clansmen to cooperate with Yondaime. You only need to find Roots secret research base established in the village, and don't worry about the rest.

Secret research base? Hizashi frowned slightly.

It is likely to be built underground.

Hiashi said, If its not you do your best.

I understand. Hizashi nodded.

That afternoon, Minato sent Anbu to contact Hizashi, and then Hizashi mobilized fifty Branch Houses clansmen, and cooperated with Anbu to start looking inside from Konohas Gate.

In order to avoid unnecessary influence and improve efficiency, these fifty Hyuga Clans members were separated by one kilometer in pairs, and they all wore wide hooded windbreakers and sunglasses, which covers their eyes and veins.

Using Byakugans perspective ability consumes a lot of Chakra, and the fifty clansmen are all Chunin, so they have to slow down after a period of time. In addition, when using Byakugan, they can only focus in one direction, so the search speed of the fifty Hyuga Clans clansmen is not very fast, intermittently, three days passed by in a flash.

Fifty Hyuga Clans clansmen did find many hidden facilities built underground, but unfortunately, some of these facilities have been abandoned, some are simple storage rooms, and some are thieves dens for storing stolen goods, but there are no secret research base belonging to Root.

When the information was reported back to Hokage's Office, Minato suddenly felt a little uneasy.

We seem to be missing something.

Standing on the rooftop of Hokage Tower, Minato looked at the bustling Konoha, and a thought flashed through his mind.

Danzos Root was once infiltrated by Hyuga Clans Shinobi

Then, he will definitely guard against Hyuga Clans Byakugan

Minato trembled all over, and he vaguely have a foreboding that this operation will end without success.

Time passed, and seven days later, fifty Hyuga Clans members finally looked at the entire Konoha, but naturally, they found nothing!

Although it had been expected, Minato was still somewhat discouraged by this result.

Fortunately, there are still one to two years away from the success of the Gozu Tenno, and I still have a chance!

Hyuga Clans settlement, Gekkos Mansion.

Kanps family started to eat together again.

In the middle of the meal, Hoshino seemed to think of something and asked: Kanp, is Karins admission ready?

Karin is of the same age as Naruto and Hinata, so she should be enrolling in the Academy this year.

Kanp carelessly said: Isnt it done on the first day of school?

Hoshino was furious: Idiot, it will be too late if you wait for the first day of school!

Brother, how can it be done on the first day of school? Hayate said, snickering a little.

Karin also looked Kanp with a resentful face. She has an appointment with Hinata, that after joining the Academy, she will go to school together and became a pair of Konoha's best girl friends!

But now

Cough cough.

Kanp coughed dryly and said calmly, Dont panic, I know Hokage-sama well, so its not a big problem.

Schools will start in a few days, Kanp, dont delay Karins admission. Hoshino said and didnt say more.

The next day, Kanp assigned a shadow clone to go to the Root to sign in, and then after breakfast, he took Karin for the admission.

Although he said that he knew Minato last night, he couldnt really go to him just because of Academys admission. After all, Minato is a Villages Kage, the head of the village, and the hope of the whole village. How can he ask Minato to go through the back door?

So he decided to go to Iruka.

After Iruka became a teacher, Narutos class should be the first class he taught this year, and putting Karin in it just fits into Konoha 9 10?


When he came to Irukas house, Kanp started knocking on the door.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and the one appearing is a middle-aged Shinobi, who looked a bit like Iruka, He should be his Jonin father.

Hello Uncle, my name is Kanp, and I am looking for Iruka. Kanp said politely.

It turned out to be Kanp, I often hear Iruka mentioning you.

The middle-aged Shinobi said with a smile, Iruka went to the Academy early in the morning. If there is no urgent matter, why dont you come inside and have a tea?

Kanp hurriedly said: I will be a guest again next time. I have urgent matter this time. Sorry, sorry.

Leaving Irukas house, Kanp took Karin towards the Academy.

Big brother, can you do it?

At this moment, Karin felt a little nervous, and couldn't help but suggested, Why don't we ask Aunt Kushina for help?

I, Gekko Kanp, hates two kinds of people the most!

Kanp lowered his head and glared at her fiercely, and said, The first kind is the ones who go through the back door!

Karin shrank her neck, as if shocked by Kanps righteousness, secretly criticized herself, and then couldn't help asking: What about the second?

Kanp said solemnly: The second kind is the ones who didnt let me go through the back door!

Karins steps paused. She only felt that her worldview was shattered, her limbs were stiff, her internal organs were all burned, and she was dragged away by Kanp like a walking corpse.

Kanp came to the Academy arrogantly, and after making some inquiries, Kanp soon arrived at the teaching building where new students were admitted to the Academy.

At this time, like Kanp, there were quite a few parents who come here for the new students admission. The kids who followed behind them are looking around with their eyes full of longing.

Kanp looked back at Karin, who had been following behind with his head down, so he asked in puzzlement: Are you feeling well?

No. Karin muttered.

Then why do you keep your head down?

Kanp was displeased, Look at the other little br kids, each of them has their heads up and their chests raised. Karin, I, Gekko Kanp, I hate two kinds of people the most, the first kind

Big brother, stop talking, I will raise my head. Karin looked up at Kanp while gritting her teeth, for fear that he would say something shocking again.

Kanp shrugged, and was about to line up with Karin in his hand, when he suddenly saw the person in charge of maintaining order

Iruka! Kanp stopped queuing.

Karin lowered her head in shame.

As the saying goes, connection is very important. With Irukas help, Kanp smoothly walked through the express channel. And after handing in the registration form, the two took Karin for the test. If they want to enroll in the Academy, they dont just need to register, but they also have to take a test. If the kids are not suitable to be a Shinobi, then Unless the Academy is not full, or they have a background, they wont be able to enter.

The testing place is in a corner of the training grounds. As for the specific items tested, there are many, such as physical fitness, Ninja Tools throwing, and Chakra Refining. Generally, as long as they pass one of them, they can enter the Academy. After all, Shinobi is divided into Taijutsu Shinobi, Ninjutsu Shinobi and Genjutsu Shinobi. As a kid, they definitely can't be good at everything.

Of course, there are also some children who are not good at anything.

As soon as Kanp arrived, he saw a naughty kid crying and being dragged away by his father, who has stinky face. Obviously, he failed the test.

Seeing that Karin was a little distracted, Iruka thought she was afraid that she would fail, so he comforted her: Dont be nervous, the test is very simple, as long as one of them is passed, you can enter the Academy.

Karin was absent-minded and nodded.


Kanp poked him and whispered, After Karin enters Academy, can you let her into your class?

Iruka scratched his head and said: Kanp, this is my first time as a teacher. You trust me too much.

I mainly trust your luck.

Kanp coughed dryly, and said: Of course, we are good friends. I know your level very well. With you teaching Karin, I feel more at ease!

Iruka smiled a little embarrassed, and said: I will try my best.

While they are speaking, it was soon Karins turn.

Karin is a member of the Uzumaki Clan. Not to mention anything else, just her physical fitness alone is already the best in the audience. So after finishing just one test, the teacher who served as the staff member had his eyes glowing before giving her the score.

Then, Iruka took Kanp and Karin around again, and after completing all the procedures, the admission is considered complete.

Finally, Iruka sent the two to the Academys entrance, waved and said with a smile: After this, the Academy will officially start, Kanp, Karin, see you in four days.

See you in four days. Kanp waved.

Goodbye, sensei. Karin replied politely.

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