Chapter 553: Meeting Nono

The one who can use Flying Thunder God Technique this well, even in the entire Shinobi World, is only Kanp alone.

However, he has no time to be proud, after all, he has a guilty conscience.

After putting the kunai into the ninja bag, Kanp started committing crimes.

He was very well prepared. When he came here, he had already put on black tights, a mask, gloves, and covered his scent with herbal juice to ensure that no traces of Gekko Kanp would be left here.

The materials in the data room are classified according to time. Kanp looked around and found the data of the era when Nidaime Hokage was in power. After looking through it for a while, he quickly found Forbidden Techniques research materials left by Nidaime Hokage in a cardboard box.

Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu, Bringer-of-Darkness Technique, Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, Flying Thunder God Technique, Impure World Reincarnation

Kanp began to drool when he saw this.

They are all good things!

Excluding those that Kanp has already mastered, the remaining Forbidden Technique is also of great value, but unfortunately, these are only research results of the techniques, they are all recorded in the Scroll of Seals .

Kanp found the research materials of Impure World Reincarnation, flipped through a few pages at random, and then collected them.

Unfortunately, the green light cluster in his mind didn't have any respond. Obviously, research data cannot be collected, just like the Hashiramas cell transplant data obtained before.

In that case, it can only be packed and taken away.

A few minutes later, the taboo data room plunged into darkness again.

Five minutes later, Kanp dispersed the five madara.

It didnt take long for the five Anbus Shinobi who had fallen into the Genjutsu to wake up one after another.

Damn it!!!

The Anbus Shinobi who was guarding the entrance of Hokage Tower immediately issued a warning signal after waking up, and the brilliant fireworks exploded silently in the dark night.

Is it from the Uchiha Clan just now?

Sharingan, its definitely Sharingan!

Inside Hokage Tower, two Anbus Shinobi outside the taboo data room were shocked, and each took out their sword to looked at the surrounding with vigilance,

Is the other party's purpose

The two looked at the door of the reference room behind them in unison, and under their mask, cold sweat started dripping from their pale faces.

It was stolen again?!

Without mentioning the riots caused in Hokage Tower, when Kanp disbanded the five madara, he had already brought the information of Impure World Reincarnation to the depths of the Forest of Death, and then he created Byakugan shadow clones to monitor the surroundings. He himself made a bonfire, and then read the research materials with the light of the fire.

Halfway through, Kanps eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, No wonder Orochimaru unscrupulously used Impure World Reincarnation in front of White Zetsu clone and Taki. To use Impure World Reincarnation, in addition to the most basic hand seals, the deceased's DNA, the human sacrifices, it is also necessary to sketch a huge amount of technique formula on the ground!

And as long as there is a slight error in the outline of these technique formulas, the Impure World Reincarnation will fail!

Kanp remembers that when he turned into Taki and Orochimaru used Impure World Reincarnation on Uzumaki Clans clansmen, he did not see these technique formulas on the basement floor.

They were obviously hidden by Orochimaru by some means, or he used invisible pen to write the technique formulas of Impure World Reincarnation. In this way, unless they have a photographic memory and stare at the pen in Orochimarus hand without blinking, no one will want to learn Impure World Reincarnation secretly from him!

However, the huge amount of technique formulas needed for Impure World Reincarnation are intermittently recorded in these research materials!

Kanp was overjoyed and quickly created a few shadow clones to find these technique formulas from these research materials.

After more than two hours, the shadow clones work is finally completed!

Looking at the densely packed technique formulas recorded on the paper in his hand, Kanp had a headache, but then the shadow clone's words made him feel even more uncomfortable.

The shadow clone said: These technique formulas have traces of being modified.


Orochimaru, that beast, hes not a son of human at all! Kanp threw the paper in his hand to the ground.

However, according to the handwriting and obsolescence, it should have been modified by Nidaime Hokage. The shadow clone continued.


Orochimaru is one of the Sannin after all, so he wont be bad enough to do this kind of thing. Kanp squatted down happily and picked up the paper on the ground.

But then, the shadow clone said again: But there is still a problem

Can you finish your sentence in one breath? I hate half-talkers the most! Kanp was furious.

He was so angry that he even scolded himself!

The shadow clone glanced at him, and continued: The last page of the research materials is missing.

What? Kanps heart tightened.

The shadow clone frowned and said: According to Orochimarus Impure World Reincarnation, the last page should record the technique formula that erases the consciousness of the Impure World Reincarnation.

Orochimaru, sure enough, he is really a bastard!

Kanp is extremely angry. Just now, he thought that Orochimaru is a good person, but he was really blinded!

If there is no technique formula that erases consciousness, then you cant collect Shodaime. The shadow clone added.

Kanps face darkened. Indeed, although after the success of Impure World Reincarnation, he will be spiritually bound to Hashirama, but even Orochimaru had to use technique formula to erase his consciousness when controlling Hashirama in battle. From this, it can be seen how powerful Hashiramas willpower is!

That is to say, without the technique formula that erases consciousness, even if Kanp can summon Hashirama with Impure World Reincarnation, he cannot collect anything from him.

Orochimaru, that bastard only cares about his own pleasure, and doesn't care about what people will do later.

Kanps thoughts revolve, To solve this problem, there are only two ways left. One is to let Taki steal a kunai engraved with a technique formula from Orochimaru, and the other is Scroll of Seals!

Scroll of Seals records the complete version of Impure World Reincarnation, and there must be a technique formula rune that erases the consciousness of Impure World Reincarnation in there.

But now that he has alarmed Hokage Tower, it would be inappropriate to go there again.

Kanp sighed, then sat by the bonfire, looked at the technique formulas on the paper by the flames, and tried to draw them on the ground.

Hokage Tower.

In the corridor outside the taboo data room, the lights were brightly lit, and two rows of Anbus Shinobi stood silently against the wall.

After a while, Minato walked out of the taboo data room expressionlessly. Just now, he used shadow clone to quickly check and found that all research materials on Impure World Reincarnation were stolen!

The Forbidden Technique who blasphemed the undead was stolen?

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Minato's expression became more and more serious.

After a while, Anbu Commander, Eagle rushed over.

How is it? Minato asked.

It has been confirmed that it is Uchiha Clans Sharingan Genjutsus Shackling Stakes Technique. Eagle said softly.

Although the five Anbu said they were hit by Uchiha Clans Genjutsu, but just in case, Minato called Yamanaka Clans Shinobi to confirm it using Mind Reading Technique.

Uchiha Clans Shinobi

Minato frowned. Even among Konohas higher-ups, only very few people know about Impure World Reincarnations information, let alone the Uchiha Clan who had always been excluded from high-level position.

Do they see what that person looks like? Minato asked.

Eagle shook his head: None of the five saw it.

Minato nodded slightly, and said: You will be responsible for the secret investigation of this matter.

The Uchiha Clan Eagle hesitated.

He is aware of Shisuis spy plan, so what happened at this time is really surprising.

Minato said in a solemn voice: Go to Advisor Danzo to investigate.

What? Eagle was taken aback.

Minato is certain that even Fugaku, the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan, does not know about Impure World Reincarnation, so it must be one of the higher-ups who leaked the secret.

And the first suspect is undoubtedly Danzo!

Uchiha Clan has no shortage of extreme Shinobi. As long as Danzo buys one of them, and then reveals some secrets, Uchiha Clans Shinobi will take the risk and he will achieve the effect of sowing dissension!

That's right, it must be Danzo!

No one can spread this matter! Minato said with a serious expression.

Yes! Eagle and the two rows of Anbus Shinobi immediately responded in unison.

Land of Earth.

The second floor of a hostel in Iwagakure.

At a certain moment, Tenk, who is sleeping on the futon, suddenly opened his eyes, and in the dark night, a cold kunai was pressed against his throat.

Im here to help you! No matter who the other side is, the first sentence Tenk said is ready to bring the relationship closer.

Who are you? Nono stared at Tenk.

After escaping from the orphanage, she lurked in the sewer, and did not dare to come out until it was dark, and then she saw the Roots contact spy mark.

Nono has seen these marks many times, but has never responded, because as early as a month ago, the Root sent someone to contact her, saying that the way Root contacted spy had been discovered by the enemy Shinobi, so she absolutely cant believe it!

For this reason, Nono has always turned a blind eye to it.

It's just that her current situation is not good now, coupled with her distrust towards Danzo, after a lot of entanglement, Nono finally took the risk to find this place by following the mark.

I, I, I, Im here to help you.

Tenk had a bitter face. He cant say his name, or his information will be leaked in the future, and it would easily arouse unreasonable suspicion from others.

Who the hell are you! The kunai in Nonos hand got a little closer.

At the critical moment, Tenk finally recovered his IQ, and hurriedly said: Kabuto, Yakushi Kabuto, Yakushi Kabuto entrusted me to rescue you.


Nono was stunned, What proof do you have!

Tenk quickly took out a helmet.

When Kabuto was taken into the orphanage by Nono, he was timid, so he found a helmet to protect himself, and was ridiculed by others for a while. Therefore, Nono had a deep impression of this helmet.

No wonder.

Nono took back her kunai. She finally understood why Danzo had to send someone to say that the previous contact information was untrustworthy, It turned out to be Kabuto

Wait, Kabuto sent someone to save me?

Has he already left the Root?

But what about his Curse Mark?

When Nono looked up suspiciously, a sudden sharp pain hit from her abdomen, her vision darkened and she passed out immediately.

Tenk picked up Nono, with a sneer on his rough face.

How dare you threaten me with a kunai, what a trash!

Then he simply cleaned up the room, covered Nonos eyes, and finally lifted her up.

Flying Thunder God Technique, go!


Tenk carried Nono and appeared behind a pile of ruins thirty kilometers away. Seeing that no one is nearby, Tenk dug out the Explosive Tags buried in the ground.

Since there is no enemy chasing, he didnt need to detonate the Explosive Tags rashly. Although it can destroy the evidence, it will also cause Iwagakures Shinobi to be alert, so detonating it after getting away is not too late.

While teleporting and digging, half a minute later, Tenk carried Nono to three hundred kilometers away.

And the Network Cable Tenk created also end here.

The next step is for the Explosion.

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