Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 552: Commence The Plan

Chapter 552: Commence The Plan

Because of the influence of the Third Shinobi World War, Iwagakure, like Konoha, also got a large number of orphanages appearing during that period.

In one of the orphanages, Nono, who is wearing a nuns gown, is carrying a bucket of water and a rag, and was about to wipe the corridor on the first floor.

At this moment, a pudgy young nun stumbled in and ran in: Sister! Sister, its bad!

Whats the matter? Nono asked a little strangely.

Sister, whatwhats your name? The young nun asked nervously.

My name?

Nono showed a gentle smile, My name is Yumiko.

The young nun heaved a long sigh of relief: Yumiko, yeah, your name is Yumiko, you are not Nono.

Clang dang!

The bucket in Nonos hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the water instantly spilled on the floor.

Sister, whats wrong with you? The young nun seemed to have noticed something, and she retreated slightly with some vigilance.

Its nothing, I'm just not feeling well, I'm sorry, I have to leave first.

Looking at the young nun's expression, Nono felt extremely uncomfortable and painful in her heart!

It was finally exposed

Although she appeared in this village as a spy, she also really likes this orphanage, and she likes also this short, fat, kind-hearted and gentle girl in front of her!

Unfortunately, everything ends here.

Are you, you, are you going to kill me? The young nuns feet softened, and her chunky figure suddenly fell to the ground like a winter melon, and the floor trembled.

Nono shook her head, and smiled softly: No matter what, I am Yumiko.

After saying that, Nono turned around and disappeared into the depths of the orphanage.

The young nun stared blankly at Nonos disappearing figure. The scene of the two of them taking care of the children together in the past few years could not help appearing in her mind.

She is obviously such a gentle person, how could she be a spy?

Or, is this all her disguise?

No, the look in her eyes when taking care of the children is absolutely impossible to fake!!

The young nun struggled to get up from the ground, and then she saw an Iwagakures Anbu suddenly fell in front of her.


The young nun lost control in an instant and screamed loudly.

The high-pitched cry is like the rubbing of a shovel and a pan, which makes Anbus eardrum hurts.

Enough, Im an Anbu!

The Iwagakures Anbu took out a portrait and tried to interrupt her, I heard that person is from your place?

The young nun doesn't care if he is an Anbu, and continued screaming or howling!


Enough, I said enough.

The Iwagakures Anbu was furious and covered the portrait on the squat nun's face, which interrupted her screaming.

Im sorry, Im so sorry!!

The young nun seemed to have come back to her sense, and hurriedly bent over to apologize. Her fat body was so bent, and the swaying fat suddenly squeezed out from the waist and abdomen, even the loose nun's clothes couldn't cover it.

The Iwagakures Anbu closed his eyes behind his mask and said: Its okay, its okay. Get up quickly and see if this woman is from your place.

Let me see!

The young nun straightened up and took the portrait smeared with her saliva. When she saw it, her fat face suddenly showed hesitation, It seems to be and it doesnt seem to be.

Seems to be and doesnt seem to be? What is the correct one? The Iwagakures Anbu was a little impatient.

That, that

The young nun deliberately showed a tangled expression and said, There is indeed a nun in our orphanage who looks very similar to the person in the portrait, but her name is Yumiko, not Nono.


The Iwagakures Anbu asked nervously, Where is she?

She was wiping the floor before, but she left as soon as you came. The young nun said aggrievedly.

Bastard!!! The Iwagakures Anbu cursed secretly, turned around and ran outside to send a signal.

The young nun picked up the rag and bucket on the ground and sighed deeply.

A few minutes later, dozens of Iwagakures Anbu surrounded the orphanage from all directions, and then launched an investigation.

The news of Iwagakures Anbus suddenly gathered in the orphanage spread quickly. Although the villagers didnt know what they were doing, it did not hinder their gossip.

When Tenk heard this news, he knew that Nono had appeared!

But orphanage?


Tenk slapped his head: Why am I so stupid? With Nonos character, she must be an undercover agent in the orphanage!

Furthermore, in order to publicize to the public, Iwagakures higher-ups often send representavies to the orphanage to express their condolences.

Tenk regretted secretly, but he did not move slowly, and immediately rushed to the orphanage.

But when he got there, the area around the orphanage was already surrounded by Iwagakures Anbu and he couldnt get in at all.

Nono will not be caught, right?

Tenk scratched his head, thinking that it would not matter if she was caught, after all, even if its wartime, if a spy is caught, they will be thrown into prison for mining at most. So even if Nono is caught, he wont die for a while.

Tenk walked around the neighborhood a few times, but found that there are more and more Iwagakures Anbu surrounding the orphanage, and he couldn't help but feel happy: Could it be that Nonaiyu hasn't been caught yet?

Thinking about this, Tenk hurriedly left the Roots spy contact mark in the vicinity, then returned to the hostel he rented and waited quietly.

At night.

Konohas Hokage Tower is dark.

madara sneaked out from the dark corner, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, a pair of scarlet 3-Tomoe Sharingan is faintly discernible.

As for Shackling Stakes Technique and Mirror Heaven and Earth Change, Kanp had collected them in the previous month, but because his Sharingan hasnt evolved to 3-Tomoe back then, it cannot be used normally.

But now, madara is an expert with three tomoe!

But I cant be proud!

madara squinted his eyes, leaned against the darkness, and quietly lurked towards the Hokage Tower.

Since the last time Aoi and Idates robbing, Minato has arranged another group of Anbus guards at Hokage Tower.

In other words, there are now five Anbu in Hokage Tower. Two of them are guarding the taboo data room on the second floor. As for the other three people, madara doesnt know.

I have to take care those three Anbu first.

madara quietly formed hand seals for Sensor Ninjutsu.

In an instant, madaras sense tentacles quickly spread outward, ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, and ninety meters!!

It's the limit?!


madara secretly scolded the trash, which is the main body, but his movements were extremely clean, and he arrived to the entrance of Hokage Tower with a flicker.

According to his Sensor Ninjutsu, one of the Anbus Shinobi is on the tree near the entrance of Hokage Tpwer.

madara looked sideways, and under the hazy moonlight, on a tree five or six meters high, a looming black figure sat there while reclining.

Although they are responsible for guarding Hokage Tower, those who dare to challenge the authority of Hokage Tower like Aoi and Idate are the minority after all, so after careful guarding at the beginning, these Anbus Shinobi will inevitably slack off.

The result of this slack is

madaras eyes widened fiercely, and under the moonlight, his scarlet pupils emitted a faint red glow, piercing the night like fireflies.

And then there is no then.

madara did used Shackling Stakes Technique just now, but unfortunately, the Anbus Shinobi didnt notice him at all. The eyes of the two sides didn't meet, so his Genjutsu could not be conveyed to this Anbus Shinobi.

After all, it hasnt been long since he first used Sharingan, and madara cant reach the level of Shisui and Itachi who had learned since young.

But that's okay, I'll just wait!

madara silently stared at the figure on the shadow of the tree.

After a while, the Anbus Shinobi hiding in the tree seemed to perceive his gaze, and looked down with a frown.

In an instant

He felt the world is spinning, and the Anbus Shinobi suddenly finds himself in a scarlet world. The moon above his head was a huge blood-colored pupil with three huge tomoe!

And he himself was firmly nailed to the stake by a few thick wedges, unable to move.

After that, the severe pain rose again and again like a tidal wave, attacking his body crazily!


He raised his head to the sky and roared, his voice spread far away, but he felt that he didn't make any sound.

This is the Uchiha Clans Shackling Stakes Technique!

Damn it, how dare they?!

The Anbus Shinobi felt grief and indignation in his heart. He struggled desperately, but he only has the strength of an Elite Chunin, so how could he get rid of madaras Genjutsu?

Outside the Hokage Tower.

After taking care of this Anbus Shinobi, madara immediately waved to the rear and another madara emerge from the darkness. His figure flashed and he quickly jumped onto the Hokage Towers rooftop.

Here, there is also an Anbus Shinobi guarding.


The Anbu on the roof is more vigilant. As soon as he saw someone, he was about to make a noise, but when he saw the gesture of the person coming, he immediately relaxed his guard.

He saw that the other side is also an Anbu!

But then, he felt something was wrong, Whats wrong with the other partys eyes

In the next moment, this Anbus Shinobi was also hit by Genjutsu.

Weak chicken!

madara grinned. Although Hokage Tower is important, it is impossible for Anbu to send their Tokubetsu Jonin, Jonin, and Elite Jonin to guard this place. After all, these are all important combat forces.

Just like guarding the gate of Konoha, the most powerful one is at best Elite Chunin!

madara walked to the edge of the roof and waved towards the dark place below. After a while, four figures quickly jumped onto the rooftop. There are four madara.

Shackling Stakes Technique is very strong. Even if its a Jonin, if they didnt pay attention, they can be caught too. However, this Genjutsu has a time limit. If the time is up and madara does not find the information about Impure World Reincarnation, then this action is just like beating the grass to startle the snake, and it will be much more difficult for him to sneak in like this again.

So, just in case, Kanp specially dispatched six madara.

Five of them would use Shackling Stakes Technique to lock the five Anbus Shinobi, and the remaining one is responsible for receiving!

After entering the Hokage Tower, the four madara did the same thing. With unintentional mental calculations, they easily took care of the Anbu outside Hokages Office on the third floor.

Then, there are only two Anbu in the taboo data room on the second floor left. After everything was taken care of, the last madara quickly enters the taboo data room, and then turns on the lights. Under the bright white light, the madara looks around. But unfortunately, he didnt see the Scroll of Seals.

Then he quickly checked the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no problem, he threw out a kunai engraved with Flying Thunder God Techniques imprint, and then disbanded.

In the next instant, Kanp descended like a god, appearing instantly, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab the kunai which was about to fall to the ground!

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