Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 523: Cooperation Reached

Chapter 523: Cooperation Reached

Impure World Reincarnation!

This is the terrifying Forbidden Technique that Orochimaru got when he sneaked into the taboo data room on the second floor of Hokage Tower during the Sandaimes reign and studied the Forbidden Techniques materials left by Nidaime Hokage.

Overturning life and death, playing with the undead, this Forbidden Technique was sealed by Nidaime Hokage as soon as it was born, and even the name was not allowed to be mentioned in the Sandaimes reign!


How did you know about this Forbidden Technique?

Orochimaru cant believe that a Shinobi from Hyuga Clans Branch House can know about this Forbidden Technique casually.

Under the big sunglasses, Takis eyes are solemn: This guy is really cautious.

In that case, I had no choice but to throw the blame away.

Who to blame other than Konohas Blame King?

Taki thought for half a second, and said with a smile: The information comes from Danzo.

Orochimaru slowly lowered his gaze.

Danzo indeed knows the existence of Impure World Reincarnation, but when did he come into contact with Abyss?


What Hyuga Taki said was the source of information!

Orochimarus eyes flickered: That means, there is a member of the Abyss around Danzo, or the Abyss dug this information from Danzos subordinates.

Although Danzo is extremely strict and he engraved Cursed Seal on each of his subordinates to prevent his information from being leaked, but Forbidden Technique like Impure World Reincarnation has nothing to do with Danzo, so it will not be bound by the Cursed Seal.

By delving deeper, the scope of this information source will be huge!

Orochimaru pondered for a few seconds and stopped thinking about it. He has already broken up with Danzo after all, so there is no need to worry about his business.

Impure World Reincarnation can indeed summon the undead from the Pure Land.

Orochimaru looked towards Taki and said with a smile, But why should I help you?

Taki pretended to suppress his excitement, and hurriedly said: I can help you with one thing, no matter what it is!

Orochimaru smiled and said nothing.

Three things!

Taki suppressed the excitement in his tone, clenched his fists, and said excitedly, If you dont believe me, I can swear an oath! I, Hyuga Taki, swear on the honor of the ancestors of the Hyuga Clan, that as long as Orochimaru helps me

I dont believe in oath.

Orochimaru interrupted him, staring coldly at Takis big sunglasses, and said hoarsely, In addition to accomplishing three things for me, I also want your eyes!

Taki was startled, and immediately smiled: Byakugan? Hahaha, Orochimaru, as long as my plan is successful, the Byakugan of Hyuga Clans Branch House can be liberated, do you still lack my eyes by then?

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his face, and said with a smile: Happy cooperation!

Orochimaru had already thought of what Taki said, and the reason why he still said that was just a test. If Taki agrees with that, then he is definitely lying!

When shall we leave! Taki asked impatiently.

Orochimaru shook his head: No hurry, just wait for now.

Wait? What are you waiting for? Is there a mission? Taki looked up towards the tree trunk, at where the split bodies of White Zetsus clone are located together.

Your group has no mission for the time being. The split bodies said with a sneer, and under their ugly white faces, his heart was beating!

Summoned the dead from the Pure Land, so, can the dead Madara-sama also be summoned?

Although everything has been carried out according to Madara-sama's plan, whether it is Akatsuki or Obito, there are some deviations from the plan. If possible, I want to report it to Madara-sama!

When the two split bodies White Zetsus clone let their imagination run wild, Taki looked towards Orochimaru unhappily: Since there is no mission, what are you waiting for?

Of course we wait until I completely master the Impure World Reincarnation. Orochimaru grinned, and looked at Taki with playful eyes

Takis face twitched upon hearing this, F**k, its too early!!

But after thinking about it, he remembered that Orochimaru is a research madman. He wants to research Ninjutsu, he wants to research Forbidden Technique, he wants to research Hashiramas cells, he also wants to research Kimimaros Kekkei Genkai disease, and researching Jugos Cursed Seal is even more important. In addition to these, he has other messy research projects, and from time to time he also has to work on missions, so even if he used shadow clone, he will still be too busy.

How can I criticize such a busy person?

But thinking of his unruly Missing-nin persona, Taki had no choice but to glare at the other party viciously, and said angrily: Orochimaru, are you playing with me?

Dont be angry, I will suspend the other research for a while and focus on Impure World Reincarnation.

Orochimaru seemed to enjoy seeing the flustered and exasperated Taki, and said with a chuckle, But correspondingly, you will be the one to complete the mission from Akatsuki, and you will also the one digging the remains of Uzumaki Clans Shinobi.

It was a fair deal, so Taki has no objection.

That wont do!

At this time, the two split bodies of White Zetsus clone suddenly said, The mission must be completed by the two people together.

Orochimaru ignored the split body and looked straight towards Taki, waiting for his answer.

Taki also didnt seem to care about the emotion of White Zetsus clone, so he nodded and said: No problem!

Hey, stop ignoring us! The two split bodies of White Zetsus clone were very dissatisfied, but their words carry little weight and had no deterrence at all.

Where are the ruins of the Uzumaki Clan? Taki asked.

The Land of Whirlpools has been destroyed for decades, and its exact location can no longer be found on the Shinobi Worlds map. Its on the small island east of the Land of Fire.

As Orochimaru said that, he took out a map of the Shinobi World, and drew a small circle outside the coastline to the east of the Land of Fire, and said, The remains of Uzumaki Clan should be on the island. If you cant find it, I will doubt your ability.

Taki took the map, then turned and left.

Hyuga Taki, Orochimaru, you two bastards!

The two split bodies of White Zetsus clone were surprised and angry, and quickly report the situation here to their main body, At the same time, each one of them continues to monitor the two.

At this time.

Zetsu and Hyketsu are on the border of the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass.

Truly troublesome.

White Zetsu suddenly complained, Im going to leave for a while, Yuki Hyketsu, you can go ahead first.

Hyketsu Hanbing tilted his head slightly, and his eyes under the ice crystals mask showed a trace of questioning, but White Zetsu obviously wouldnt answer. After all, who told him to always find trouble with White Zetsu?

Under Hyketsus gaze, Zetsu slowly sank into the ground.

After entering the ground, Zetsu moves with extremely fast speed, and he moved a distance of more than ten kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Is it related to Orochimaru?

Drilling out of the ground again, Black Zetsu asked.

Yes, the reason why Hyuga Taki wants to team up with Orochimaru is actually to use his power to summon the dead members of the Uzumaki Clan from the Pure Land to the living world, and then obtain Fuinjutsu from them and seal the Caged Bird.

White Zetsu excitedly said, Of course, these are not important. What is important is that we can also use the same method to summon the Madara-samas soul back!

Black Zetsu pondered and said: What is the specific method?

Using a Forbidden Technique called Impure World Reincarnation, and it seems that the remains of the dead are needed.

White Zetsu then said, As for the more specific details, I dont know. And that guy Orochimaru hasnt fully mastered this Forbidden Technique.

Hearing this, Black Zetsu became silent.

Summoning the soul of Uchiha Madara from Pure Land has both advantages and disadvantages. I need to think about it.

Should I tell Pain and Obito about this? White Zetsu suddenly asked.

Black Zetsu quickly shook his head, and said sternly: You must never tell them! White Zetsu, you must monitor Orochimaru closely, and you must get this technique!


Half of the face which represents White Zetsu showed a bitter smile, That guy Orochimaru is too cunning! He made a lot of small movements under the eyelids of my clone before, and it is too difficult to monitor him thoroughly.

Black Zetsu secretly cursed, What a trash!, and said angrily: Then send more clones there.

I understand.

White Zetsu responded with a bitter face, and then asked uncomfortably, Wait, you and I are obviously Madara-sama's subordinates. Why are you the one giving orders every time we do things?

Because I am the embodiment of Madara-samas will. Black Zetsu lied with his eyes open.

Oh. White Zetsu said nothing when he heard this.

A few days later.

Deep in a forest in the southern part of the Land of Fire.

Unconsciously, it was already at the end of November. The sun is getting weaker and the temperature was getting colder every day. Shisui sits by the blazing bonfire, and the flickering flames printed his expressionless face orange red.

Suddenly, a burnt smell came from the campfire, and Shisui was startled, only to realize that the rabbit he was roasting was burnt.

He sighed and simply threw the rabbit into the campfire, out of sight and out of mind.

It has been almost 20 days since I defected from Konoha, but the Missing-nin organization has not contacted me yet. Did they found a flaw, or did I hide too deeply for the other party to find me?

On the night of his defection, Minato had made an agreement with Shisui that if the Missing-nin organization did not find him within a year, it would indicate that the spying plan had failed, and Shisui could quietly return to the village, and Minato would also remove his wanted and Missing-nin status.

Although it has only been a little over half a month now, Shisui feels that the days are like years, and he is very tormented.

He took a deep breath and buried his head in his arms.

From time to time, there was the sound of firewood from the campfire.

Tap tap.

Tap tap tap


Is this sound of footsteps?

Shisui perked up his ears, and suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of the footsteps.

Tap tap

The footsteps were neither hurried nor slow.

Are they here for me?

Shisui slowly got up: Missing-nin organization, or Rogue Shinobi?

Taking out his kunai, Shisui was fully alert.

I finally found you, Shisui of the Body Flicker.

Hiruko, who walking slowly on the ground and, walked out from the shadow of the tree little by little like a snail moving.

Black robe with red cloud patterns

Shisuis muscle tense instantly: Its exactly the same as Biwa Juzos clothes!

The Missing-nin organization is finally here!

Shisui raised the kunai and stared at the other side coldly: Who are you!

I am Sasori. The hoarse and steady voice of Sasori came from inside Hiruko.

Sasori of the Red Sand?

Shisui narrowed his eyes, and said with deliberation, Is Orochimaru here too?

Sasori said in a deep voice: You chased me and Orochimaru back then, today, its your turn!

Shisuis thoughts spun: Does the Missing-nin organization plan to kill me directly, or do they want to confirm my strength first?

But no matter what it is, this fight is unavoidable.

Shisui revealed a firm look, and his pitch-black eyes quickly turned into 3-Tomoe Sharingan.

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