Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 522: Forming a Team With Orochimaru

Chapter 522: Forming a Team With Orochimaru

The dark clouds filled the sky, and the majestic heavy rain poured down, crashing and falling to the ground, splashing countless fine sprays.

Wearing a black robe with red cloud patterns, a hat on his head, and a pair of big sunglasses on his face, Taki was looking down at these splashes and hurriedly leave the village.

After arriving at a deserted place, Taki said: Zetsu, I know you are in the vicinity, come out.

Hai hai.

White Zetsus clone came out from behind Taki, and said with a chuckle, I already know about the team change, and to be honest, I finally thought of a way to adjust the conflict between you. Is it really okay to separate like this?

Maybe it's because Kakuzu is too old and there is a generation gap with me. Stop mentioning him. Zetsu, tell me the location of Orochimaru. Hyuga said kindly.

After Akatsukis movement pattern changes, White Zetsu will become more and more important, and he will even become Akatsukis contact center!

Therefore, Taki will not offend him like that idiot shadow clone, Hyketsu.

Orochimaru is now near the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Iron. This is the exact location.

While saying that, White Zetsus clone drew a rough map on the ground, and said with a grin, How about it, is it clear?

Takis face twitched slightly, he forcibly resisted the desire to complain, and said: Can you send another clone to follow me?

What a willful request, but, okay.

White Zetsus clone then split into two people, but the regrown parts of the two White Zetsus Clones were blurred, theres no facial features, and even the hands and feet are indistinct.

Okay. White Zetsus clone said with a laugh.

Taki controlled the irresistible desire to complain in his heart, turned around and rushed towards the Land of Fire with no emotion.

At the same time.

Near the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Iron, Sasori and Orochimaru also officially parted ways.

Sasori, your next mission is to contact Shisui of the Body Flicker.

White Zetsus clone smiled, This mission shouldnt be difficult for you.

Sasori, who is hiding inside Hiruko, said solemnly: Lead the way.


White Zetsus clone looked towards Orochimaru again, and said with a smile, Hyuga Taki has come to look for you, so don't suddenly disappear.

I understand.

The corner of Orochimarus mouth showed a grin, and his golden vertical pupils showed a playful look.

After the two left, Orochimaru turned around and entered the forest. As he walked, four white snakes fell from his sleeves, slithered quickly along the lush grass, and then disappeared in the four directions of East, West, North and South instantly.

After a long time, the small white snake slithering towards the east opened its mouth and sprayed out a wet Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looked back, squinted his eyes and said coldly: I finally got rid of you.

Just now, White Zetsus clone deliberately left with Sasori in front of him, just to lower his vigilance!

Many years ago, Orochimaru licked the White Zetsus clone fiercely, and successfully obtained some cells from the other party. After some experimental testing, Orochimaru found that the cells of White Zetsus clone are very active and it was completely possible to regenerate after being split, but the number of splits is limited!

In other words, the White Zetsus clone who left with Sasori just now will definitely split on the way, and then leave the split body to monitor him!

In view of this, Orochimaru made four small snakes, which are divided into East, South, West, North direction to roam. In this way, even if the split body of White Zetsus clone splits again, it is impossible to track the four small snakes at the same time!

Then, Orochimaru rushed into the forest and continued to head south. During this period, the cautious Orochimaru threw out four small white snakes again and they also slithered in the four directions of East, South, West, and North.

He repeated it again and again, and one day later, a certain white snake sneaked into the Land of Rice Fields.

Land of Rice Fields is located to the north of Land of Fire, sandwiched between the Land of Iron and Land of Hot Water, and facing the sea in the north. The geographical environment is not bad, of course, the most important thing is that his north stronghold is just off the coast of Land of Rice Fields, on an unnamed small island.

While crossing the Land of Rice Fields, Orochimaru suddenly wanted to establish a Shinobi Village in this country, which can not only allow him to nurture his own force openly, but also cover up the traces of the stronghold at the north!

But this idea was quickly suppressed, because it is not the time yet!

Two days later, Orochimaru rushed to the coastline, and then jumped directly into the sea. An hour later, he arrived at a small island.

The small island is covered with brownish-yellow rocky soil, and there are no flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals as far as the eye can see. It is as quiet as hell.

After landing on the island, Orochimaru quickly went into the islands depth with a smile, and within a short while, he reached the north stronghold that he had worked so hard to build.

The stronghold entrance is an inconspicuous stone cave. As soon as Orochimaru approached, a 13-year-old young Shinobi jumped off the rock wall on the right and knelt down on one knee excitedly: Orochimaru-sama!

Dosu, how are Kimimaro and Jugo? Orochimaru walked past the Shinobi into the stronghold and asked indifferently.

Orochimaru-sama, Jugo often went mad, but he was suppressed by Kimimaro-sama. There was no accident at all.

Most of Dosus face was wrapped in white bandages, and only one eye could be seen.

Thats good.

Orochimarus figure slowly disappeared into the depths of the dark cave.

At the same time.

Near the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Iron, the split body of White Zetsus clone, which is responsible for monitoring Orochimaru, is hiding in a big tree with a displeased expression on his face.

Before, when he saw Orochimarus four small white snakes, he knew what Orochimaru was thinking about, but unfortunately, this split body was not enough to support him to split enough to monitor Orochimaru and track the four small white snakes.

So, he did not split again, and just obediently monitored the Orochimaru in front of him, and at the same time, he reported this matter to the main body.

At this moment, a piece of information came into his mind.

Hyuga Taki is here!

The split body immediately drilled out of the tree trunk, and said with a smile: Orochimaru, Hyuga Taki is here.

Orochimaru, who was resting his back under a tree, raised his head slightly. His golden vertical pupils looked at the split body with a slight mock, and then he replied with a hoarse and gloomy voice: I see, let him come over.

Hyuga Taki


The Abyss

Its getting more and more interesting!

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, and various thoughts came to his mind.

Half an hour later, Taki quickly shuttled through the forest, and quickly found Orochimaru resting under the tree under the lead of the split body of White Zetsus clone behind him.


Taki raised his head slightly, and under the big sunglasses, Byakugan was already activated.

In the gray vision, the clothes and skin on Orochimarus body have turned into dotted lines, and only there are only Chakra flow in the Chakra Pathway System, which vaguely showing a human shape.

Are you observing me? Orochimaru stood up from the ground, and a powerful pressure pressed against Taki.

Taki is not afraid at all. After all, he has fought Orochimaru in Ryuchi Cave before, so theres no way he would be afraid of mere pressure!

Taki chuckled and said: You are the legendary Sannin after all. It was difficult to see you in the past, so of course I want to see you closely now.

So, what do you see? Orochimaru slowly approached, his golden vertical pupils looked at Takis big sunglasses with blank expression, seeming to be able to see the Byakugan under the sunglasses.


Just as Taki wanted to answer, Orochimaru suddenly attacked him. His two pale arms instantly swelled up, like a snake, they are winding towards Takis big sunglasses.

But unfortunately, under Minatos nerve reflexes, Orochimarus surprise attack was too slow. Taki unhurriedly activated the Byakugan again, and the powerful vision instantly enveloped Orochimaru, and then

Gentle Fist Art Eight-Trigrams Two Palms!

Taki slapped his palms forward, and Orochimarus two arms are attached to him in the next instant.

Plak plak!

As soon as the palm and the arm touched, Taki poured Chakra into the tenketsu on Orochimarus arm, blocking the Chakra of his arm, and then, Taki continued to attack. Gentle Fist Art Eight-Trigrams Four Palms!

Taki slapped his palms while advancing. Under the terrifying nerve reflexes, even if Orochimaru's arm twisted exaggeratedly to dodge, it was still slapped by Takis palms.

Not bad.

Seeing that Taki is close at hand, Orochimaru tip-toed and quickly retreated, and at the same time, he automatically lowered his arms in mid-air, You passed, Hyuga Taki.

So it was a test.

Taki said with a smile, I thought Orochimaru wanted my Byakugan, but with Caged Bird, its impossible to take my Byakugan.

Orochimaru is very smart, so he knows the meaning of Takis words, and said with a sneer: Oh, so thats the reason you want to team up with me?

As expected of Orochimaru, one of the Sannin.

Taki didnt pretend, and said straight to the point, Although there is only one person in each generation of Hyuga Clans Main House, they hold the secret of Caged Bird. Once our Branch House go against the wishes of the Main House, our life and death are not up to us anymore! I hope to get your help, Orochimaru!

Orochimaru stared at Taki with piercing gaze, as if a poisonous snake seeing a prey, and then excitedly stretched out his tongue and licked his face: Do you want me to remove your Caged Bird?

If I can get the secret of the Caged Bird, I can just kill all the members of Hyuga Clans Main House, and easily control all Hyuga Clans Branch Houses members!!

What a huge force this is!

Orochimaru salivates when he thought of this!

Even the "silly pure sweet" White Zetsus clones split couldnt help but drill out from the tree trunk, staring closely at Orochimaru and Taki.

Let you study the Caged Bird?

Taki smiled and shook his head, The Caged Bird is related to my life, how could I let you study it.

Orochimaru was not angry. He just looked at Taki and said nothing.

Taki then continued: In the end, the Caged Bird is just a Cursed Seal. I think that with Uzumaki Clans Fuinjutsu, even if it cant be removed, at least it can be sealed!

Orochimarus eyes brightened when he heard this. As a research madman, he is quite interested in Ninjutsu, Forbidden Technique, Fuinjutsu, Cursed Seal, etc. Hearing the conjecture proposed by Taki, Orochimaru laughed happily.

Using Fuinjutsu to seal Cursed Seal is a very good idea, but Uzumaki Clan has been destroyed, and this clans Fuinjutsu should be in the hands of Yondaime Hokages couple.You should just ask them to cooperate. Orochimaru jokingly said.

With my current status, how can I come into contact with the high-ranking Yondaime Hokages couple?

Taki said with a snort, Orochimaru, I know many secrets of Konoha, such as Impure World Reincarnation!

Hearing this, Orochimarus pupils shrank immediately. Powerful murderous intention suddenly shot out from his golden vertical pupils, completely covering Taki!

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