Chapter 265: Rinnegan

After Nagato and Konan left Konohas camp, more than a dozen people waiting outside, who are dressed in hooded gowns and their faces couldnt be seen, immediately surrounded the two.

Miss Konan, Nagato, how is it?

Does Konohas Orochimaru agree to talk to us?

Those Akatsukis Shinobi chatter continuously, and they sounded like they are not too old.

Konan shook her head slightly: Orochimaru rejected us.

I knew it! Orochimaru killed many people in our country, cold-blooded people like him

Shh, this is Konohas territory, dont let anyone hear it!

Miss Konan, what should we do next?

Should we go home directly?

We cant just go back like this! Currently there are a large number of Iwagakures Shinobi in our country, so when Konoha pushed Sunagakures Shinobi to our country, the three Great Shinobi Villages will treat our country as a battlefield again! Nagato said.

Yes, we cant let this happen in our country anymore!

Konan nodded solemnly. Konan, who has experienced the tragedy of Second Shinobi World War firsthand, did not want to see the past experience reappear in front of them again no matter what.

I hope Sunagakures Chiyo and Ebiz will talk to us. Konan looked worried.

After that, Konan and Nagato took the dozen or so Akatsukis Shinobi and marched towards Sunagakures main camp, which is in the direction of Kiky Pass.

One hour later, the night is getting deeper and deeper, and the bright moon was covered by a dark cloud at some point, and only dim starlight flickered in the night.

Suddenly, Nagatos expression changed: Be careful!

As he said that, Nagatos hands started to dance, and then he turned around and slammed his palms onto the ground, Doton: Doryheki! (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)


A huge stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, protecting more than a dozen members of the Akatsuki.

In the next instant, countless wind blades blasted silently on the earth wall behind them like bullets, sending out debris all over the sky.

Whats going on? Konans face tensed, pieces of paper fluttered in the sky as she waved her hands, surrounding her left and right.

Is it Konohas Shinobi?

It must be Orochimaru!

The Akatsuki members were startled and angry, and while they threw the blame on Orochimarus head, they took out kunai vigilantly.

Katon: Gryka no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)

Doton: Dorys! (Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears)

Fton: Daitoppa! (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

Fton: Shinkgyoku! (Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere)

Under the nights darkness, ten Roots Shinobi brazenly launched Ninjutsu, the lava-like fire dragon descended from the sky, sharp earth spears rose from the ground, and more than ten compressed wind attacks came insidiously as the hurricane roared.

Compared to the later generation of the Akatsuki, the current Akatsuki was just a young child. Faced with the attack of ten Roots Shinobi, they turned chaotic. Soon after, several Akatsukis Shinobi died tragically under the sharp stone spears.

Damn it!

Konan dodges the sharp stone spears that sprang out from under her feet frantically, while manipulating the paper to form a shield, which tried to resist the lava-like fire dragon!


The fire dragon collided with the paper shield, and the hot flames immediately swept away along the paper shield, igniting the paper shield and burned it in a flash.

At the same time, Nagato once again used Wind Release to block the other sides wind attacks.

Who are you?!

Konan shouted sharply, while refining Chakra and threw out more pieces of paper.

But standing opposite to them are Roots Shinobi. They dont have emotion, and there is only mission in their heart. Regardless of what happened, they will always be cold!

To be ordered by Danz to follow Orochimaru, the quality of this batch of Roots Shinobi is still very good. In less than three minutes, the Akatsukis Shinobi have been crippled, and in the end, only Nagato and Konan are still struggling.

Although the two are still young, they were taught by Jiraiya after all, not to mention that Nagato is a genius. It only took a few years to master the Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Lightning, and Yang Chakra Attributes. All kinds of Ninjutsu is at his fingertips, but even so, against the joint attack of ten Roots Shinobi, Nagato and Konan are still almost unable to hold on!

The other party is not ordinary Shinobi, its Anbu! Theyre Konohas Anbu!!!

Nagato gritted his teeth and used earth wall again to block the wave of kunai thrown by the Roots Shinobi, but those kunai are all tied with Explosive Tags, and a series of violent explosions instantly destroyed the earth wall. Hot air waves carrying flames and messy lasing stones crazy shot towards Nagato and the others. Nagato subconscious grabbed Konan and retreated, but as a result, their injured companions behind them died tragically on the spot.

Nagatos eyes are bloodshot, but his reason allowed him to make the right choice. He grabs Konan and runs frantically toward Kiky Pass without looking back.

The ten Roots Shinobi chased after them with expressionless faces, and quickly caught up with them.

Nagato, leave me alone, run!

Konan knew that he was dragging Nagato, and immediately broke free from Nagato, and then her hands started dancing, Ninp: Kami Shigure! (Ninja Art: Paper Drizzle)

Konan manipulated the sheets of paper in the sky to turn them into two huge wings behind her, and by waving her new wings, close and dense pieces of papers were madly lashing like torrential rain pear blossoms towards the Roots Shinobi.

Fton: Daitoppa!

Katon: Gryka no Jutsu!

Fton: Shink Taigyoku! (Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere)

Katon: Endan! (Fire Release: Flame Bullet)

Katon: Hsenka no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)

Doton: Doryheki!

Facing the paper rain falling from the sky, one Roots Shinobi was responsible for the defense, and the others launched their attacks without the slightest hesitation. With tacit understanding, they directly targeted Konan!

Their mission is to catch the red-haired Nagato alive. As for Konan?

If she gets in the way, they will just kill her first.

The scorching fire dragon and the blazing flames in the sky are like trucks and cars that are moving with high speed on the marathon track. All the pieces of paper that come into contact with them are instantly ignited by the flames, and burn into ashes like a meteor during the fall!

I wont leave you!

Nagato looked up at Konan, who was about to be swallowed by the flames of the fire dragon, and said softly, but with a firm tone, Only you and Yahiko, I will never give up no matter what!!

In the next instant, Nagatos pitch-black pupils suddenly changed, and there seemed to be invisible ripples rippling in his black pupils, which caused ripple patterns to appear on his eyes in an instant.


Nagato wildly poured the Chakra from his entire body into his eyes, and a huge wave of air spread in all directions with him as the center in an instant.

The fire dragon, flames, vacuum spheres, flame bullets, all the Ninjutsu that came into contact with the air waves dissipated into nothingness.

Afterwards, the air waves fiercely slapped the ten Roots Shinobi with overwhelming forces.

Late at night.

In the wood house where the leader of Konohas main camp is located, Orochimaru rubbed his brows tiredly. Just now, he and a few of his subordinates planned the Battle of Kiky Pass and finalized some details, but there are still imperfections that still need to be discussed.

By the way, there is that descendant of the Uzumaki Clan.

Orochimaru only smiled slightly when he thought of this. He waved his hand, and a Roots Shinobi flashed in front of him immediately, and knelt down on one knee: Orochimaru-sama!

Are those people back yet? Orochimaru asked.

No, not yet. The Roots Shinobi replied.




Orochimarus eyes were half-squinted, With the Roots means, they should have already returned by this time. Could there be an accident?

Orochimaru thought about moving quietly, and then immediately left Konohas main camp with more than ten Roots Shinobi.

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