Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 264: Digging A Hole For Orochimaru

Chapter 264: Digging A Hole For Orochimaru

Inside the earthen house.

Kanp looked at Nagato, Konan and two Amegakures Shinobi, and said: Arent you guys Amegakures Shinobi, why are you here?

Little brat, stop pretending! You Konohas Shinobi pretended to be our Amegakures Shinobi to attack Sunagakures logistics supplies, and also pretended to be Sunagakures Shinobi to attack our Amegakures Shinobi, trying to provoke the conflict between our Amegakure and Sunagakure. Hanz-sama already knows about this!

Amegakures Shinobi, who was slapped off by Kanp, shouted angrily, Hanz-sama has written to your Sandaime Hokage, and this matter will not end like this!


Kanp squinted at him and said, None of my business.

He is a corpse watcher, and he has never been to Amegakure Cough, at least not this time. With that said, didnt they find the wrong person for this matter?

Stop talking nonsense with him!

Another Amegakures Shinobi said straight to the point, Gekk Kanp, hand over the corpses of our Amegakures Shinobi!

Kanp was startled, and then suddenly realized.

Orochimaru, you son of a b***h, you really have no moral!

You swallowed all of those Amegakures Shinobis corpses, and when you are done, you throw the blame to me?

What a shameless bastard!

Then, should I expose Orochimaru directly?

But its useless even if I expose it, as Orochimaru is the Commander-in-Chief, who dares to trouble him?

On the contrary, if I expose Orochimaru, it may attract Orochimarus attention. If I am transferred out of the logistics department, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Kanp held back his inner discomfort and said: What corpses?

The other Amegakures Shinobi said with a snort: After you Konohas Shinobi attacked our villages Shinobi, you took their bodies away together. Orochimaru said that all the corpses are with you.

Kanp calmly said: Sorry, I only have the corpses of the Shinobi from our village, and I dont have any corpses of the Amegakures Shinobi you want!

Brat, are you playing with us? The Amegakures Shinobi was furious.

Kanp looked around and said: You guys should have checked this place before I came, right? Let alone Amegakures Shinobis corpse, theres not even Sunagakures Shinobis corpse!

The two Amegakures Shinobi frowned.

Indeed, as soon as they were sent here by Orochimaru, they pulled Tar to check the things inside the earthen house immediately, and there was indeed no corpse of their Amegakures Shinobi.

Tar-dono said that he did receive the corpses of Amegakures Shinobi, but after he changed shift with you, the corpses disappeared the next day. Didnt he mean to say that the corpses of the Amegakures Shinobi were stolen by you? Konan asked in doubt.

That lying bastard Tar!

Kanps mouth twitched slightly: Really? In fact, I accepted the first Amegakures Shinobi corpse, but after I changed shift with Tar the next night, I found that corpse was missing.

What? Tar said that the corpse was stolen by you, and you said it was stolen by Tar The Amegakures Shinobi was furious, Are you pushing the blame to each other or playing with us?!

Kanp squinted at him and said: Are you not convinced?

You brat!!!

The two Amegakures Shinobi gnashed their teeth and took one step forward. Kanp sneered: Friendly reminder, this is the Konohas main camp. I advise you not to cause trouble here.

The two Amegakures Shinobi immediately stopped and said with a snort: We will report this matter to Hanz-sama, hmph!

Kanp shrugged indifferently. As the Shinobi Worlds demigod, would Hanz come to the Land of Fire to settle accounts with him for a few corpses?

Even if Hanz was furious, he would only take out his anger on Orochimaru and Hiruzen. How could he try to settle the account with a corpse watcher?

The two Amegakures Shinobi was so angry with Kanp. But because they are in the other partys territory, they can only leave a few ruthless words and leave in embarrassment.

Kanp ignored them and turned to look at Konan and Nagato.

Then, we are also leaving. Konan said.

Wait a minute.

Kanp said quickly, You should not be Shinobi from Amegakure, right?

Konan and Nagato looked at each other, nodded and said: We are Shinobi from the Land of Rains Akatsuki, I am Konan and he is Nagato.

Konan, Nagato, Akatsuki

Kanp smiled and changed his extraordinary strength talent to benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, and said, It sounds like a very good organization.

When Konan and Nagato heard Kanp praise their organization, there was no fluctuation in their hearts, but when they looked at Kanps eyes, nose and eyebrows, they suddenly felt warm and comfortable in their hearts, as if they are looking at a close elder.

At this moment, they thought of Jiraiyas voice and smile in their minds.

Feeling the changes in Nagato and Konan, Kanp smiled and asked: Since you are not from Amegakure, why would you follow them here?

Konan said: The philosophy of our organization is to achieve peace through discussion, so we follow Amegakures Shinobi here and hoped to have a discussion with Orochimaru.

How naive.

Kanp shook his head and sighed in his heart, but his face showed an expression of admiration: So thats how it is, what a great organization!

Under Kanps benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes talent, these words instantly captured Konan and Nagatos favor.

Unfortunately, the representative of the Land of Rain is Amegakure, not Akatsuki. So in the end, we still didnt have the opportunity to talk with Orochimaru. Konan was a little disappointed.

Kanp asked curiously: Then, have you ever thought of replacing Amegakure?

Konan smiled and shook her head.

Seeing this, Kanp thought, The current Akatsukis philosophy is to achieve peace through discussion. How could it be possible for them to replace Amegakure?

Kanp chatted with them for two minutes, and with benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, he lowered their IQ and vigilance, and then silently threw the Collection Technique at Nagato.

The green light cluster in his mind quickly surged.




Kanp chanted frantically in his heart.

But unfortunately, the green light cluster surged for a while, and finally subsided.

Collection failed.

Kanp forced a smile, and continued to collect, but the remaining two collections also failed.

Kanp forced a smile on his face and was ready to send off the guests.

Konan and Nagato also seemed to feel the changes in Kanp and said their goodbye.

Kanp leaned against the door of the earthen house, looking at Nagatos leaving back, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

The Rinnegan just went away

After Kanp watched their figures disappear, he turned around and entered the earthen house. But at that moment, Kanp suddenly felt numb on his scalp, and the hairs on his back stood!

He turned his head sharply and saw a figure in a kimono leaning on a wooden shelf. Both of his hands are crossed near his chest, and his pair of golden vertical pupils stared at him with a smile that was not a smile.

Orochimaru-sama. Kanp sucked in a breath of cold air.

You seem surprised to see me.

Orochimaru said playfully, and his voice was hoarse and gloomy, We Have we met before?

Kanp complained in his heart: Of course Ive met you before. I almost peed my pants back then! At that time, Hayate has just awakened his Transparent Release Kekkei Genkai, and Orochimaru came to investigate the type of his Kekkei Genkai at night, and finally ran into Kanp.

Orochimaru sure is a jest. I went to battlefield with you, so of course we have met before. Kanp kindly said with a smile.

His benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes talent is good, so even if it is against Orochimaru, it is still effective.


Orochimarus eyes was narrowed slightly, and he asked, The two people just now, your attitude towards them is completely different from Amegakures Shinobi, why is that so?

Probably because of

A thought flashed through Kanps mind, and hes about to dig a hole for Orochimaru, Because that man named Nagato has red hair.

Red hair? Orochimaru was puzzled, What do you mean?

When I was in the village, I met a beautiful elder sister, who was the girlfriend of Kakashi-senpais teacher. She also has beautiful red hair. Kanp said bluntly.

At this moment, Orochimarus golden vertical pupils suddenly shrank.

Kakashis teacher is Namikaze Minato, and his girlfriend red hair Kybis Jinchriki, Uzumaki Kushina?

Could it be that the red-haired youngster from before is also a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan?

Right now, Orochimaru is lacking experimental subjects. And a member of Uzumaki Clan, who has strong vitality, is exactly the high-level material he desires!

Its a blessing in disguise!

Orochimaru is happy in his heart, but his face still looked calm, and then he said: Dont mention the corpses of Amegakures Shinobi and Sunagakures Shinobi to anyone, including Sandaime Hokage, can you do it?

Yes! Kanp immediately nodded, I will definitely keep it a secret.

After explaining the matter, Orochimarus figure flashed away and disappeared in an instant.

Leaving the earthen house, Orochimaru immediately dispatched ten Roots Shinobi to attack Nagato, who is suspected to be a member of the Uzumaki Clan.

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