Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 257: Team Leader, Mountain Pig

Chapter 257: Team Leader, Mountain Pig

After the time entered May, the weather in the Land of Fire gradually became warmer, the wind was light and the sun was shining brightly. The taste of early summer started appearing.

But in the depths of the Forest of Death, there is a strange cold air, as if winter is coming.

Kanp is standing in the forest, and a layer of white ice were attached to the grass, trees, stones and trees around, reflecting the magnificent colors under the sun.

After training Explosion Release yesterday, Kanp took a long break and started training Ice Release at night. Compared with the violent attack of Explosion Release, Ice Release is more inclined to Ninjutsu-type attack. The more Chakra he uses, the stronger the power it exerted.

Kanp also tried to condense the ice crystal snowflakes into the shape of an ice dragon. Unfortunately, it seemed a little difficult and he failed. After that, Kanp tried to condense the ice senbon, which was much easier than the ice dragon, he succeeded, but with his control at this time, he can only condense hundreds of ice senbon at a time, which is far from Yuki Aoi. He needs more training to fully utilize the formidable power of the Ice Release!

Next, Kanp started training Cloud-Style Kenjutsu.

Cloud-Style Flame Slash and Cloud-Style Water Storm Slash!

This was collected from the Kumogakures spies in Konoha Prison, who turned into idiot. Now that he has collected them, he felt the need to at least trained them.

These two Kenjutsu are similar to Konoha-Style Slashing Wind and Konoha-Style Thunder Dance. They are the Secret Art Kenjutsu that puts Fire Attribute Chakra and Water Attribute Chakra into the blade. After thinking about it, Kanp decided to change the names of these two Secret Art Kenjutsu, uhh, they are called Konoha-Style Flame Slash and Konoha-Style Water Storm Slash!

If he can collect Secret Art Kenjutsu with Earth Attribute, he can just make it into Five-Attributes Secret Art Kenjutsu!

As for whether it will be recognized by Kumogakures Shinobi, theres no need to worry about that. After all, if someone has the ability, they can also copy his Konoha-Style Kenjutsu!

In the evening, Kanps shadow clone dispersed and the memory entered his main body, so Kanp decided to go back.



After all, the new leader is coming tomorrow, so he still has to pay attention to it.

However, before leaving, Kanp filled his Chakra Release, then lit up Ice Release and create a shadow clone.

My name is Yuki Hyketsu!

In the white mist, before the shadow clones appearance can be seen, his voice came first.

You are here to train Ice Release. If you meet someone, you will dissipate yourself immediately. Dont let people see your face, understand? Kanp coldly ordered him.

Youhave not called my name yet! Yuki Hyketsu folded his arms across his chest, his eyes are drooping, and he had a lonely expression of a master.

The corners of Kanps mouth twitched slightly, and he said with clenched teeth: Yuki Hyketsu!!!

Yuki Hyketsu nodded and said: Dont worry, I wont be stupid enough to show my true face.

After saying that, Yuki Hyketsu stretched out his hand, and immediately clusters of snowflakes and ice crystals swirled and danced in his hand, and then condense a ferocious ice mask.

Under Kanps stunned gaze, Yuki Hyketsu put the ice mask on his face.

The ferocious ice mask matched his indifferent temperament perfectly. Even if Kanp stood next to him, it was absolutely impossible for outsiders to recognize them as one person.

You win.

What else can Kanp say? Shaking his head, he turned and left.

When he got home, Kanp lay down on the sofa and rested for a while. He had been training for the past few days, and whenever his Chakra ran out, he would refine it and use them again. He drained his energy several times. After laying down for a while, he fell asleep.

When he wakes up, Keiko had already prepared dinner for the night.

Kanp, its time to eat.

Since Kanp became a Shinobi, Keiko gradually changed the way she called him and no longer called him Kanp-chan.

Where is Tou-san and Hayate?

Kanp went into the bathroom to wash his face, and asked in doubts when he came out.

Your father ate at your Grandpa Inoues house, Hayate went with his classmates to play, and eats outside at night. Keiko said.

So thats how it is.

Kanp nodded. After simply eating the dinner, Kanp felt sleepy again, so he returned to the bedrooms futon groggily, and fell asleep again.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already six oclock the next day.

Kanp got up and took a look Hayate, who was sleeping beside him with snot blistering, helped stuff him into his quilt, and then got up to wash himself.

After that, I went out to Gekk Tavern to eat a bowl of wide noodles, and then rushed to Hokage Tower.

After changing clothes in wild teams locker room, Peppa, Wild Dog, and Wild Cat arrived one after another.

Yo, morning. Kanp waved his hand and greeted them.


Wild Cat is a woman, so she is more sensitive. From this greeting, she seems to have noticed something.

Whats the matter? Kanp looked at her puzzledly.

It feels like you have changed. Wild Cat looked strangely at Kanp while changing her clothes.

Kanp was taken aback for a moment, and then shrugged: Im just in a good mood today.

Are you in a bad mood the other day? Wild Cat asked.


Kanp coughed dryly, Im in a very good mood today.

Wild Cat was speechless when she heard this.

At about seven oclock, there was a knock on the locker rooms door, and then the Anbu Commander, Eagle appeared with an Anbu wearing a green pig mask on a white background.


Kanps group four people hurriedly stood up respectfully.

Eagle nodded slightly, and then introduced Kanp and the others to the new wild teams team leader, code name: Mountain Pig

Mountain Pig?

Kanps heart moved: Someone from Yamanaka Clan? (T/N: Yama from Yamanaka means Mountain, and usually, their members name has Ino at the front, which means wild boar.)

Hello team leader, I am Wild Dog.

Hello team leader, I am Wild Cat.

Hello team leader, I am Peppa the Wild cough, Im Wild Boar! Wild Boar almost blurted out his nickname.

Kanp snickered in his heart, but said in deadly earnest expression: Hello team leader, I am Husky.

Hello everyone, I am Mountain Pig, please take care of me in the future. Yamanaka Pigs voice is capable and concise, which makes people know his character as soon as they hear it.

Please also take care of us too, team leader.

The others hurriedly responded.

Ill leave the next to you, Mountain Pig. Eagle nodded slightly at Mountain Pig, and then turned and left.

Team leader, is there a mission? Wild Cat asked.

Mountain Pig nodded slightly: There is a torture mission, everyone, follow me.

After saying that, Mountain Pig disappeared in an instant.

Kanps group of four looked at each other and hurriedly chased after him.

Anbus torture mission is often targeted at enemy spies. Such people are very tough, and it is very difficult to make them speak, so in the end, they often need to obtain the intelligence in their minds through tough means. This is also the reason why there are many idiot prisoners in Konoha Prison. Kanp is more and more sure that this Mountain Pig is from Yamanaka Clan.

Yamanaka Clan is one of the great clans in Konoha. It has many Shinobi, is good at Mind Reading Technique, and is close to Nara Clan and Akimichi Clan. Although they are very low-key, they have great influence.

He doesnt know who this Mountain Pig really is. Kanp pondered about it, and decided to arrive early for the next gathering so that he could see his new team leaders face clearly.

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