Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 256: Extraordinary Strength Talent + Explosion Release

Chapter 256: Extraordinary Strength Talent + Explosion Release

While the shadow clone was tracking and monitoring Fugaku for most of the day, Kanp has successfully mastered the remaining three Konoha-Style Kenjutsu Secret Art: Hazy Moon Night, Moonlight, and Dance of the Crescent Moon!

After that, Kanp planned to train Ice Release and Explosion Release, but just after removing Transparent Release, the memory from his shadow clone flooded in.

After receiving the memory of the shadow clone, Kanp couldnt help but feeling a little disappointed.

Its not because his training was interrupted, but when the shadow clone was monitoring at Naka Shrine, he was less than 100 meters away from those Uchihas remains. If his main body is there, he can collect them!

Now those remains have been cremated by Fugaku, it is impossible to collect them anymore.

And from the memory of the shadow clone, Kanp also came to the same conclusion as the shadow clone: Uchiha Fugaku must have awakened his Mangeky!

As for Shisuis Mangeky it depends on old thief Fukken.

Kanp let his imagination run wild for a while, and then sat down cross-legged and started refining Chakra. After filling up his Chakra Reserve, Kanp felt that his energy seemed to be unable to hold up again.

With a wry smile, Kanp lit up the Transparent Release, and formed a hand seal to create a shadow clone.

The monitoring mission will be handed over to you, remember, once you are found, you need to disperse yourself immediately! Kanp said tiredly.

The shadow clone nodded coldly, then turned and flashed away.

Kanp watched his shadow clone leave, then turned off the Transparent Release and turned on the Ice Release.

Next is the Kekkei Genkais training!

Kanp stretched out his hand, and traces of ice crystal snowflakes swirled in his palm. Kanp frowned and looked up at the sky. It is already very bright, and if someone passed by, they could see the ice at a glance.

I should train the Ice Release at night.

Kanp turned off the Ice Release and then lit up the Explosion Release.

As a scorching hot substance melted into his body, Kanp slowly clenched his fists, feeling the power of Explosion Release.

He made a fist with his right hand, poured Chakra into his fist, and then lightly touched the trees trunk next to him.


With the violent explosion sound, the trunk of the tree, that needed three people to hug it, was directly blasted by Kanps fist, forming a hole with a radius of half a meter on the tree!

Seeing this, Kanp sucked in a breath of cold air: It actually explode with just a soft touch?

Its too unreasonable, right?

Kanp instantly became excited, and enthusiastically touched all the nearby trees trunks, and the explosion sounded loudly in the depths of the Forest of Death.

After that, Kanp began to wave his fist vigorously.

This time, it is even more terrifying. Kanp already has the extraordinary strength talent activated, so his strength is unparalleled. Now, coupled with Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai, with the double buff, no tree can withstand his fist. Even a giant tree with a diameter of five or six meters cannot withstand Kanps punch!

I didnt expect the combination of extraordinary strength and Explosion Release would give birth to such terrifying power!

Kanp turned his head and looked at the forest within a mile was devastated by him to a mess, and his heart is both excited and uplifted.

With such a terrifying melee ability, no matter who gets close, they must kneel down and call me father!

Kanp was about to continue to wreak havoc, but suddenly felt an emptiness in his body. After careful sensing, he realized that the Chakra inside his body was all used up.

So fast?

I had just filled up his Chakra Reserve, created a shadow clone and used half of it, but the remaining half only lasted for three minutes before running out?

Kanp showed a wry smile, and he had no choice but to stop and rest. Today, he had already refined too much Chakra for training Dance of the Crescent Moon, Hazy Moon Night, and Moonlight. In addition, when he received the memory of his shadow clone, he also received the other partys fatigue, so his energy has long been overwhelmed. He only managed to hold on because he was supported by the excitement of training Explosion Release. At this moment, after the excitement passed, he suddenly felt a little groggy, and finally he couldnt help falling asleep.

After leaving the Forest of Death, Kanps shadow clone went straight home. It was only until the next morning did he meet with Peppa, and then continue to monitor Fugaku.

At the same time, Wild Dog also returned to Hokage Tower and reported to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen is still focused about the Uchiha Clan. So, when he saw that Wild Dog is here, he quickly put down the documents at hand and listened to his mission report carefully.

Then, he nodded slightly.

Kanp did not dare to approach the Uchiha Clan. It seems that Uchiha Clans Sharingan can also see through his Transparent Release.

But what did Uchiha Fugaku and more than 30 Uchihas elites do at Naka Shrine for so long?

Hiruzen has a headache when he thought of this, Compared with the old and conservative Clan Head, Uchiha Tengoku, the new Clan Head, Uchiha Fugaku is obviously younger and stronger, and also more aggressive. Under his leadership, the Uchiha Clan will inevitably will reach the next level.

Its scary because the next level hes going to climb up is the Hokage Tower!


Wild Dog knelt on one knee, and hesitantly interrupted Hiruzens contemplation, Excuse me Is there any information about Captain Wild Fox?

Hiruzen came back to his senses, shook his head and sighed: Sorry, there is no news from Amegakure.

Is that so Wild Dogs hands clenched. He has been following Wild Fox since he joined Anbu, and the relationship between the two is very good, but he didnt expect that a normal mission would become a goodbye.

Wild Dog, never give up hope before you see Wild Foxs body.

Hiruzen said, Even if he really died, his Will of Fire will be passed down by you, and it will not ever be extinguished!

I understand, Hokage-sama! Wild Dog cheered up.

Hiruzen was silent for a while, and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he said: For the time being, I will designate Wild Fox as MIA. Later, I will get Eagle to arrange a temporary leader for your team.

I understand.

By the evening, Kanps shadow clone and Peppas mission was over.

Although Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were crippled, Kirigakure still has Yuki Clan, Kaguya Clan, Hzuki Clan and a large number of ordinary Kirigakures Shinobi. The pressure on the battlefield frontline is still there, so as Uchiha Clans strongest and spiritual leader, Fugaku cannot leave the battlefield for a long time.

So that evening, Fugaku left with more than 20 Uchihas elites, and Shisui also followed.

Mission 117 ends here, there is no training today, disband.

In the locker room of the wild team on the third floor of Hokage Tower, Wild Dog said to Kanps shadow clone, Peppa and Wild Cat in a low voice.

Kanps shadow clone immediately noticed that his condition was not right, and asked: Did something happen?

Wild Dog nodded slightly: After so many days have passed, there is no information from Amegakure, and Captain Wild Fox may have be able to come back. Hokage-sama temporarily designated him as MIA.

Wild Cat and Peppa looked at each other with a sad look on their faces: Captain Wild Fox is obviously so nice

Dont be bitter, before we see Captain Wild Foxs body, lets wait with hope! Wild Dog forced a smile, Next, the new leader of our team will be coming tomorrow, so please remember to arrive early!

Who is it? Kanps shadow clone asked with a frown.

Wild Dog shook his head: I dont know, but to be able to become a team leader, I believe it must be Anbus outstanding Jnin.


Kanps shadow clone smiled, I look forward to it.

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