Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 122: It’s My Turn

Chapter 122: It's My Turn

With the approachable feeling of intactness, Danz lowered his left eye, walked away step by step, and disappeared at the end of the street corner.

"Let's go."

Kanp pulled Shisui and said, We should go back to the Academy first.


Shisui's mood is still a bit chaotic at this time, and the subconsciously follows Kanp to the Academy.

From time to time, Kanp turned his head to look towards Shisui, who was following him absent-mindedly. He wanted to say something, but he was afraid of being followed by Danz, so he endured it for now.

After the two entered the Academy, Kanp decided to start to talk.

The Academy is Hiruzens exclusive property. Compared with the outside, the security level here is obviously higher.


Kanp dragged Shisui to his side, and the two of them walked toward the teaching building while quietly whispered.

What do you think of this village extermination incident? Kanp asked in a low voice.

In that village before, Shisui stole the limelight with his crooked reasoning. Fortunately, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, it was my, Gekk Kanps turn to show off!

Shisui frowned and said thoughtfully: I suspect that the Shinobi behind the village started to destroy the village, and his purpose is to destroy the witnesses and hide himself.

Kanp immediately said: No, if the Shinobi behind it is really vicious and ruthless, then he should have exterminated the village after extorting Yasui Taro immediately, however, that person not only did not kill the villagers, but also distributed the 2 million ry from the extortion to the villagers, indicating that the Shinobi was kind to the villagers

Shisui pondered for a while, then nodded in approval of Kanp's words: Then, who else is beside him?

"Idiot! Didn't he appear before us just now?" Kanp leaned towards Shisui's ear and whispered.

"What did you say?!"

Shisui was shocked, Could it be

Kanp covered his mouth with his hand, and opened his mouth silently, mouthing that name without voice, so only Shisui could see his lips.


Shisui looked at Kanp incredulously: Kanp, what are you talking about? He is the Hokages advisor and also the villages higher-up, how could he kill civilians for no reason?

You are really stupid! You were sold and still helped that person to count their money. Kanp shook his head in disappointment, and then whispered, That's the character of this advisor, he will do anything to achieve his goals! Killing a few civilians will not give him any psychological pressure! Besides, haven't you already determined that the village is the bandits den? Since it is bandits den, the villagers in it are naturally not clean!

"But I don't believe it, he clearly helped us just now!" Shisui clenched his teeth, not believing in Kanp's words.

"Shisui, think about it, if he didn't jump out to stop Hokage-sama just now, Anbu will interrogate us, at that time, what do you think will happen next?" Kanp induced.

Once we are interrogated, we can prove our innocence! Shisui said, his brows furrowed sharply after he said that.

"It's good that you understand!" Kanp a gentle smile on his face, looking left and right from time to time, and then said with a snort, "When he prevented Anbu from interrogating us, he seemed to be helping us, but it actually made our suspicions become impossible to clear. What will the villagers think when this news spreads? Now, do you think he is helping us or harming us?

Of course, Kanp will not say that even if Danz does not show up, it was unlikely that Hiruzen would allow Anbu to interrogate them directly.

"But, why did Danz-sama do this? What was his motive?" Shisui still couldn't accept it, thinking that maybe Danz just did something bad with good intentions.

His motivation is That advisor is Nidaime Hokage-sama's disciple. He inherited one of the legacies of Nidaime-sama, which is to solve the unstable factors inside Konoha! Kanp chuckled and said, Can you guess what the unstable factor is?

Actually, Kanp didn't know whether Nidaime Hokage wanted to eliminate the Uchiha Clan or integrate them into Konoha, or just hang them onto the Military Police Force, but what he can be certain is that Danz's purpose is to completely eliminate the Uchiha Clan, which is means that he is telling the truth.

Shisui's face is already pale at this moment: Yes

As an Uchiha, Shisui has understood some meddlesome things from his elders since he was very young. For example, Nidaime Hokage seems to be friendly to the Uchiha Clan, but he is actually full of vigilance and always guards against their Uchiha Clan. So if Danz really inherits the legacy of Nidaime Hokage

Shisui will definitely be in a lot of trouble.

The two walked into the teaching building, and walked up the stairs step by step.

Shisui's mood is very complicated at this moment. In the midst of all his thoughts, he suddenly found something extremely unreasonable, so he suddenly turned his head and looked towards Kanp: Kanp, why do you why do you know so much?

Kanp gave him a sidelong glance, and opened his eyes to talk nonsense: My father is the Clan Head of Gekk Clan, a staunch supporter of Hokage-sama. He knows many secrets that others don't know! Before going to the battlefield, he was drunk and said a lot while drunk talk. Because of my curiosity, I asked a lot about the villages higher-ups, so he told me a lot of things as he was drunk.

Looking at Kanps appearance, who looked like a chicken thief, Shisui believes in his lies, and nodded solemnly: I understand, I will keep this matter a secret.

Shisui, if you run into this advisor over and over again in the next period of time, and you just happened to see his unselfish, righteous, honest and brave side hmph, you understand what I mean, right?

Kanp patted Shisuis shoulder with a smile, and then said, "Well, we have arrived at my class."

After saying that, Kanp turned around and walked towards his class.

Shisui looked at Kanps leaving back with a complicated expression, and then continued to climb the stairs to the Class 1s classroom on the fourth floor.

"Sensei, I'm back!"

At the door of the classroom of Class 8, Kanp knocked on the door and entered.

When Yu saw Kanp coming, he nodded: Come in.

Under the eyes full of envy, jealousy, and hatred of the bronzes, Kanp walked towards Yu calmly.

Now, everyone in the class knows that he, Gekk Kanp has applied for early graduation with Aburame Yui, and he also took a week's leave to go outside to train. Now, he came back as if he was already a qualified Genin, he looked at them with an arrogant attitude of looking at a group of rookies. Seeing this arrogant attitude, Fatty and other bronzes were so that their eyes were split.

After the class, the group of six gathered around and asked Kanp what he had experienced this week.

Kanp couldn't tell the extermination of the village, so he creates some lies to deal with the matter.

As for the other bronzes gazes, Kanp took it calmly. As a genius, he has to endure the jealousy of mediocrity and the heavy responsibility of slapping their face.

It's just that the bronzes in the class are cleverly smart. Although they are envious and jealous, no one came to provoke him!

The top is too cold, I should go to Fatty!

Kanp couldn't stand the loneliness, so he deliberately ran to Fatty and walked back and forth. It is a pity that Fatty sat upright, looking steadily forward, and only concentrates on reading the Shinobis regulations.

Fatty ah Fatty, you have changed!

Seeing his provocation failed, Kanp felt a little uncomfortable.

In the afternoon training, Kanp was still in the same group with Yui, accepting Yus guidance, and sparred against Yui from time to time to increase his actual combat experience.

After school, Kanp said goodbye to Iruka and the others, and then waited for Hayate to come out.

Big brother!!!

Hayate walked down from the teaching building with his entourages. When he saw his big brother standing in front of the Academy from the distance, he immediately ran over excitedly, Big brother, where have you been these days? Aunt Keiko is so worried about you."

"I went to find my real self."

Kanp casually said nonsense, "Lets go, it is a rare honor for you to get me take you home today!"

"Big brother, I want to go shopping with my classmates." Hayate said awkwardly.


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