Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 121: Danzō-sama Is A Good Guy

Chapter 121: Danzō-sama Is A Good Guy

"I mean"

Danz is standing in the office, his left eye was bright and gleaming, and a powerful and righteous aura bursting all over his body!

Danz at this time is like the incarnation of the Moon, the messenger of justice!

This is the end of the matter!!!

Danz said a loud noise.

"Danz, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Koharu said angrily, This matter absolutely can't just be left like this!

"No, if this matter is further investigated, it will shake the foundation of the village!"

Danz said solemnly, Don't forget that it's the time of war. We are not only fighting Sunagakure, but also on guard against the other Great Shinobi Villages! In this situation, we must be united and must not have any internal strife!"

Koharu frowned, as she has no way to refute this.

According to the information, spies of Iwagakure and Kumogakure has been found in the Land of Fire. At this time, it is indeed not suitable for the village to have internal strife, but watching the evil happen before my eyes is not in character of Koharu!

Koharu squinted and pondered for a while, and then said: If this is the case, then lets wait until the war is over before we settle this matter!

After the words fell, Koharu left the office directly.

Danz took a deep look at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, Then, I'm leaving too.

Soon, only Hiruzen, Kanp and Shisui are left in the office. three people.

Hiruzen is still smoking, vomiting clouds, and his expression can't be seen at all. Shisui frowned, looked unwilling, and wishing to directly apply for Anbu to investigate the matter completely to prove his innocence.

And Kanp was dumbfounded.

This old thief Danz sure is good at his plan!

Kanp put himself in Danz's position. First, he ordered the extermination of the village, digging holes for Shisui and even the Uchiha Clan, but this matter can be proved innocent as long as Anbu interrogates them, so Danz stood at the highest moral point and took the situation as the basis. By preventing the Anbu from interrogating them, the pit will become so much deeper and when the war is over, a few years have passed, at that time, how can they investigate this matter?

All clues will be wiped clean by Danz!

By then, even if Shisui and the Uchiha Clan is innocent, theres no way to wash themselves even if they wanted to!

Moreover, Kanp believes that Danz must have created a lot of pits like this. Once they burst open at a certain point in time, no, they dont even need to burst open. These pits are connected, so when the times come, they will make countless people talk about the arrogant and domineering Uchiha Clan behind their backs, making the Uchiha Clan's position in the village more and more awkward!

In time

Kanp was kind of amazed: Shimura Danz You are so amazingly crazy!!

Then, he set his sights on Hiruzen, and wanted to crack Danz's open plot. It was very simple to just let Anbu to conduct a thorough investigation and the two would be proven innocent on the spot.

However, this is obviously impossible!

Because Shisui is the strongest genius of the Uchiha Clan, and Kanp is the son of Gekk Clans Clan Head. Once the investigation by Anbu spreads out, no, this matter will definitely be publicized by Danz, while he also would add details while telling the story, such as, the Anbu listed the charges and arrested Shisui and Kanp, the Anbu interrogated Shisui and Kanp, and finally the Anbu was forced to release Shisui and Kanp, who are innocent, under certain pressure!

If this happens then, what do the outsiders would think?

The Anbu wronged people?

The Anbu is incompetent?

Sandaime Hokage wants to target the Uchiha Clan and Gekk Clan?

Once such rumors spread, it will inevitably affect the relationship between Hiruzen, and the Uchiha Clan and Gekk clan. Especially at this juncture, as Gekk Clan's Shinobi are still fighting on the frontline, and other Great Great Shinobi Villages is glaring at them like a tiger watching its prey!

So, as Danz said, in this situation, the best way is to stop it here.

Of course, the more important point is that the pit dug by Danz is for the Uchiha Clan, and it will not affect Hiruzen!

Shisui, Kanp.

In the smoke, Hiruzen's thoughts turned thousands of times, and finally he said slowly, "Be prepared for the graduation exam, don't be distracted by this incident."

Hokage-sama, please trust us, we Shisui said anxiously.

"I believe in you!"

Hiruzens tone was firm, "Don't worry, this is the end of the matter! No one will mention it again in the future, understood?"

"Yes." Shisui bowed his head unwillingly.

As for Kanp, it doesn't matter for him.

Now that he has collected the Uzumaki Clans physique. With the perfect level Chakra Refining Technique, after a few years of being low profile, his Chakra will explode. When the Third Shinobi World War is over, maybe Kanp will have Tailed Beast Level Chakra, and he will also collect some fancy Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and even Kekkei Genkai on battlefield. At that time, Danz will either doesn't mess with him, or if he wants to mess with him, Kanp will definitely kill him without waiting for any drama!

After coming out of Hokage Tower, Shisui was a little depressed.

"Shisui, you"

As soon as Kanp was about to persuade him, he suddenly saw a man approaching them from the corner of his eye.

Old thief Danz?!

Kanp eyelids twitched, and he quietly closed his mouth.

Uchiha Shisui, Gekk Kanp!

Danz walked over slowly, his left eye was lowered, and he said slowly, "Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you."

You are here to help us?

Kanp almost laughed when he heard Danzs words.

"Sir, you are?"

Although he has seen him in Hiruzen's office before, Shisui still doesn't know his identity.

I am one of the Hokages advisors, Shimura Danz. Danz said.


Shisui bowed and saluted. Judging from what happened in the office just now, Hiruzen is neutral, that old woman is the villain, and Danz is the messenger of justice, so Shisui's feeling towards Danz is very good!

Kanp looked on with the eyes of bystander, and suddenly realized.

In the original work, when Shisui was being sneak attacked by Danz, Kanp felt that it was very unreasonable, because at that time, Shisui had evolved his Sharingan into Mangeky, and with a move of his pupil power, Susanoo can be activated easily. With Susanoos Absolute Defense, whether it is sneak attack or Izanagi, it is impossible for Danz to snatch Shisui's eye!

But the fact is that Danz easily snatched Shisui's eye!

Now, Kanp finally understands why!

With his superb acting skills, Danz planted the seeds of being a good person in Shisui's heart. Once it takes root and sprouts, even if Danz does something outrageous, Shisui will subconsciously feel that Danz is doing it for the good of the village and for the sake of the overall situation. His mind told him that he should trust him, and should not doubt him. In this state of mind, facing Danz's sneak attack, how could Shisui go all out and use Mangeky?

Kanp's brain hurts when he thought of this.

It's already hard to get Hayate out of the crazy sword practice mode. Why is it Shisui's turn now?

Are you out of your mind?

When Kanp was distracted, Danz had already had a brief friendly exchange with Shisui. If it wasnt for this world didnt have WeChat, Danz would have cough cough.

After communicating with Shisui, Danzs gaze turned towards Kanp.

Gekk Clans Clan Head, Gekk Hoshino's son.

Danz showed a kind smile and said to Kanp: You are Hoshino's child, right?

Kanp came back to his senses, and facing the old fox's smile, Kanp will of course returned the same smile: Yes, my name is Gekk Kanp, hello Danz-sama.

"You don't have to worry about today's matter. As long as I'm here, Sandaime won't dig deeper into it." Danz said with a faint smile on his face.

Kanp really wants to spit on Danzs face at this moment, but at this time, he is still as weak as a chicken

Calm down, me!

Just let this old thief have fun acting a good guy for a while!

"Thank you so much, Danz-sama!"

Kanp was instantly moved to the point of collapse, his tears blurred his vision, and he said emotionally, Without you, I might not be able to see the Moon at night anymore! My admiration for you is like an endless stream of surging rivers, and like a river of sewage that cannot be dealt with! You are the sky, you are the earth, you are the only myth, I only


Shisui suddenly coughed dryly, turning his head and couldn't bear to look at this scene directly.

Even Danz's face twitched slightly, as he couldn't stand this, this, such enthusiastic flattery from Kanp.

"As the Hokages advisor, this is what I should do." Danz's expression quickly returned to calmness, not insulted.

Danz-sama, you are such a good person! Kanp wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, From now on, as long as Danz say the word, even if you told me to climbe a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of fire, I will do so. If I, Gekk Kanp, say no, let me die by thunder and lightning kick!!

Kanp solemnly issued a vicious oath!

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