Chapter 981: Daughters?

Victor knew he had a knack for things going awry—any activity he set out to do would DEFINITELY end up in a completely bizarre manner or in a way no one could predict. And as strange as these occurrences became, they definitely benefited him in some way.

happened today was far beyond what he expected! He just wanted to understand the 'familiarity' he felt with that object, and wanted to understand what the object was, but because of this curiosity, he reached 'something' he couldn't comprehend.

And that 'something' used its Essence nightmare-style, along with his own Essence, to make him a Daughter! A Daughter who bore the name of an Eldritch God!

The simple fact that he had touched an Eldritch God left him extremely worried, and it was not because of the fame these Gods have or anything like that, but because Eldritch Gods tended to be something that broke the notion of reality entirely.

Their very presence caused terrible consequences around them. It was okay for him to be like this, after all, it could be used as an asset for him, and he could control it himself, but the moment another Being appeared with these Powers, things tended to get problematic.

Looking at his 'Daughter,' he didn't even need to ask the girl about her mother's name because he knew very well who she was, but just out of concern, to prove he wasn't wrong, he asked anyway.

"Who are your parents?"

And the girl's response didn't disappoint him; it was exactly as he had thought.

"Azathoth Mother!" She gave a big innocent smile, and then pointed at him, saying something even more obvious.

"Victor Father, umu." She crossed her little arms and nodded.

It was strange to see a one-year-old girl act like this, but in her defense, she was anything but normal. She might be small, but there was no doubt that she was very deadly.

A deafening silence fell over the place, and Amara and Roxanne were just as incredulous as Victor himself, who was trying to digest what had just happened.

Victor looked at the sphere floating in the air, and sighed. He took hold of the sphere, and the moment he did so, the sphere entered his wrist, and he felt his connection with someone far away. Very far away. He wasn't even sure where the person on the other side was, but for sure, it was a place unreachable with his current Powers.

'Azathoth lives in the Upper Sectors?' When this thought appeared in Victor's mind, he felt a confirmation from the sphere. He couldn't communicate through the sphere directly, but apparently, he could feel its intention.

Turning his gaze back to his Daughter, he asked, "What is your purpose in coming here?"

"To help Mother escape from Prison... Do I have to learn from Father?" She replied, looking up as if she were searching in her head.

"Escape from Prison... What happened to her?"

"I don't know?"

"... Do you know where the Prison is?"

"Yes, I do."

"Can you help her?"

Yog shook her head, "Too weak, too young."

Victor asked other questions to which his Daughter responded quite consistently and honestly, and soon he understood.

'She has basic knowledge of who her Father and Mother are, and her purpose of existence. Azathoth probably created her to help her escape, and only focused on the necessary knowledge for that.' Again, when Victor thought this, he felt a confirmation from the sphere.

Victor sighed, pondering what he should do... Denying his Daughter was out of the question. She was clearly his Daughter as the feeling of familiarity coming from her was proof of that. Not to mention the sense of belonging to the same 'species' that he could sense in her presence.

A feeling stronger than what he felt from that Creature from The Abyss.

If what he felt from the Creature from The Abyss was something 'similar' to him, what he felt from the girl was something 'identical' to him, but a bit different.

She wasn't EXACTLY like him, but she was similar enough to be equal to him.

... Did that explanation make sense? Maybe it didn't if Victor explained it that way, but it made sense to him.

In mathematical terms, Yog was 99% similar to him, with that 1% being something that completely differed from him, something that seemed unique to him and Azathoth.

A confirmation was felt in the sphere, proving that his thoughts were correct.

On the other hand, the Creature from The Abyss was something that only had 2% of what he considered similar to him. One could say they were a very long subspecies in the food chain that had remnants of what formed his existence.

Victor sighed again and stopped thinking about the matter. He then squatted down and picked up the little girl in his arms. Looking at her face, which was almost a spitting copy of his, he couldn't deny that she was his Daughter... Not that he would do that, of course.

The little girl smiled widely at him, showing her white teeth, and hugged his face. "Father is so handsome, hehehe~"

Victor narrowed his eyes, but it wasn't because of his Daughter's reaction, after all, he knew he was handsome. The reason was because the Space around them was distorting. Reality seemed so fragile in the face of the girl's excitement.

'Okay, an Outer God, huh. I understand.' Even if she was a baby, she was still an Outer God.

"Yog, control yourself."

"... Control myself?... How do I do that?" She asked him confusedly.

Victor sighed again. Of course she wouldn't know that. She's basically a baby. Victor opened his mouth and spoke in the Language of The Dragons.

"Stop and return to normal." He ordered the Space around them, but the Space ignored him as if he were an insignificant citizen... His ability didn't work!

Amara and Roxanne quickly entered his body.

[Victor, she's an Outer God, so probably only another Outer God can influence her!] Roxanne spoke.

Victor thought that made sense. He then accessed his nightmare form and used it. His body was covered in that familiar Energy, and his whole body distorted into something... Grotesque, something that just a sight of would drive an ordinary individual insane.

Yog's eyes opened wide, and she hugged him again. "Father is so handsome! Even more handsome than before!"

As expected of someone of the same species, she remained completely unreactive to Victor's appearance.

Victor himself could feel the excitement coming from the sphere, something he promptly ignored, and exerted his influence over his Daughter's Powers.


This time, Reality itself obeyed him.

"Return to normal."

As if his words were a Divine Decree, everything returned to normal, leaving nothing out of the ordinary.

Victor looked at Yog, who had shining eyes, and narrowed his eyes slightly; the little girl was still leaking her Power and influence unknowingly.

Now that he was actively using his Nightmare Form, he could identify the Concepts his Daughter had.

'Space, Intangibility, and Nullity...' Victor was speechless, especially about the last Concept.

Nullity, such a broken Power.

Nullity Manipulation was nothing more than the total inversion of Reality Manipulation.

Instead of manipulating what was real, the Power allowed the user to control the unreal, what did not truly exist, whose properties exemplified vary greatly, from the user being able to manipulate a non-existent "Space" freely, giving rise to things that essentially could not exist by the logic of Reality, to dictating the "rules" of that Null Space in which the character finds themselves.

These "rules" ranged from birthing and controlling the unreal in whatever way the user desired, to the total erasure of the existence of whatever the user desired, erasing it at the highest possible levels, erasing everything from mere matter to every Aspect of possible Reality, including the metaphysical and Abstract Concepts.

In a much more qualified and clear example of the ability, the user can manipulate Non-Existence as if it were within Reality, giving rise to things that essentially cannot exist, while also having the functions of reversal, such as bringing back that which has been erased or, in a general case, being able to affect Beings with a Non-Existential Physiology, for example.

This little girl could essentially bring back everything that The Primordial Death erased if she so desired. As long as she was aware of what he erased, she could essentially counteract The Concept of The End.

In more Human terms, she could hit CTRL + Z and bring back everything that was deleted.

And the worst part was not even that.

Due to the characteristics of Space and Intangibility, her set of Powers not only contradicted Death but also served as a countermeasure against Infinity.

'... What kind of existence is Azathoth to so casually give something like this?' Victor thought.

And the next moment, he felt a sense of pride coming from the sphere, as if it were saying: 'See? Look at how great and powerful I am!'

Victor just let out another big sigh; he felt like today would be a long day.

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