My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 980 980: A Companion Beyond The Cosmos. 2

Chapter 980: A Companion Beyond the Cosmos. 2

Time passed once again. And I witnessed the development of this sector... It was, once again, an abnormal sector, Vampires with concepts only higher-level gods possessed. Werewolves entirely compatible with a world tree, capable of harnessing the potential of positive energy.

Witches, humanoid women displaying completely foreign energy that I had never seen before. Youkai, creatures similar to werewolves but able to harness the formless natural energy of world trees, a potential they were yet to fully grasp.

All these creatures were strange; the only normal things here were the gods, except for a few irregularities like that destruction goddess; the rest was virtually the same.

The god who sent the sphere attempted to absorb the powers of the destruction god who had their own sphere, but I didn't allow it. I didn't want my entertainment to end due to a foolish attempt. I manipulated his energy to give him the sensation that he was gaining power when he was actually receiving nothing. Unfortunately, I had no control over his own existence; I couldn't control him like a puppet because my power was too minuscule within him.

Yes, I was part of his entire existence, and I could observe him, but for more capricious tasks, he would need to receive twelve more doses of my corruption, but I wasn't willing to do that. I knew clearly that the system was watching me; if I did something out of the ordinary and it sensed it, the primordials would appear, and all my work would be in vain.

Time passed once again, and I saw the progression of this sector... It was at this moment that I felt, even though I wasn't close by or even in the same galaxy, I could feel the connection of that galaxy with the one my sphere was in.

"Someone like me!" My entire existence trembled with anticipation at sensing a "companion"; it was the same feeling animals had when they encountered someone of the same species.

I had never felt this before; this was the first time in my entire existence that I felt something called "joy" and "expectations."

I tried to focus my attention on this feeling, but unfortunately, it was too far away for me to feel anything concrete, and my influence was even less because I was in a lower-level sector.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who felt this; the current owner of my essence also felt it. He had been trying for years to acquire the power of this essence, but I didn't give him anything. After all, unlike normal essences, I couldn't 'fuel' this sphere due to the distance, but to keep him from losing interest, I still emitted the aura of a god from a higher sector that only a primordial could understand in this sector.

"... He has become an even greater monster once again..." Shiva spoke.

The 'He' was quite obvious whom Shiva was talking about; even I knew who he was. After all, he was the most abnormal in this sector, even by the standards of the higher gods I remember, the way 'he' evolved was too ridiculous; his talent was too frightening.

It was at this moment that everything made sense to me; the fact that 'he' was so talented, the fact that his 'abnormality' was because he was like me!

Someone of the same species! A companion born of chaos! A chaos companion born hidden in creation to avoid attracting the attention of the detestable primordials!

Time passed once again, and I found all my attention focused on gathering information about 'Him,' even I stopped observing my other essences scattered around, all my attention was focused on finding someone of the same species.

The name 'Victor' became stuck in my existence, and I repeated it endlessly.

Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor.

Always searching, always trying to understand more. Anxiety took over my existence; I couldn't wait to see him with my 'eyes'; I heard he was a 'male' man; I saw his appearance in the files that Shiva created about him.

Looking at his long black hair, violet eyes, and masculine form, 'I' decided to be similar, but the opposite.

For the first time, my gigantic form diminished, and it was compressed into a humanoid being. 'I' acquired a feminine appearance, a female with black hair and black eyes, and a face very similar to his.

I tried to change my eyes to his violet color, but something in my existence was against it. Though annoyed, I didn't dwell on it much and simply focused on making my face resemble his. I couldn't achieve his 'perfection' because I lacked the divinity of beauty, but it was good enough.

Seeing that he had a name...

Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor.

That I repeated endlessly in my head, I realized I didn't have a name. I refused to be called by what those scraps called me, so I gave myself a name, something that would compose my existence forever. Something that would make me recognized as a companion of the same race as him.


... That name seemed right; it was as if my entire existence was in ecstasy just for having that name.

Another meeting occurred, and this time, for some reason, Shiva removed my essence from his personal domain.

Initially, I was curious to know why he pulled my essence, but all those thoughts disappeared when I felt my 'companion.'

All my attention turned to the man sitting there; I was seeing him 'personally' this time. My breath caught, and pure excitement flooded through my entire being.

Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor.

I could feel as clear as day being so close; I could feel hidden deep within his body his true appearance, a beautiful appearance that briefly emerged when he threatened Shiva as he played with him.

'He's like me! He's like me! He's like me! He's like me!' I could shout excitedly that I wouldn't care anymore, I wasn't even worried if the system would warn the primordials about my change.

All I wanted was to embrace my companion and create others like us! Let's mix our essences and create a new pantheon! A pantheon of beings as beautiful as me!

Although his true form was much smaller and weaker than my current self, I didn't care; I finally found someone like me! I will protect him for him to grow and mature; I won't let the primordials do to him what they did to me!

Suddenly my illusions were shattered when I realized I was still trapped in this place, and this realization made a rage burst in my newly acquired heart... No, rage was too little for what I was feeling.

Before, I was angry because they stood in my way, but this time... This time, I felt HATRED!

Because of them, I won't be able to meet my companion; because of them, I had to stay here and just watch everything!

This realization made my newly acquired form explode and return to my original form; the entire place and creation trembled before my hatred, and without realizing, I grew larger, I matured, all energies scattered throughout the cosmos were acquired all at once, leading to the maturation of my body.

Something that was completely out of my plans, this tiny energy was far from enough to nourish my body for maturation, something else influenced this... It was at that moment that I understood what was missing. Self-understanding.

Understanding who I was, what I desired, and my existence, that was what prevented my maturation.

Who am I?


Where do I come from?

Foreign... that's what the primordials called it, and they weren't wrong. I didn't belong to this creation; I was something beyond them.

I am Azathoth, an outer god.

What do I desire?

To merge with my existential companion, unite our essences, and create a new pantheon.

What is the feeling of my existence?

... I don't know... But I will find out. No, we will find out together.

This understanding led me to calm down again, and my humanoid body was remade. I completely ignored my imprisonment, becoming stronger, and my essence fading from the cosmos.

I also ignored my growing power and my authority reaching levels I could never imagine before.

I didn't care anymore; I focused all my attention on the essence that was now in the hands of my companion.

I didn't care about the other essences because the most important one was already in my companion's hands, and I knew that no matter what the primordials did, he wouldn't give it up.

After all, like me, he must have felt the connection between us, even if he was too young and weak to understand what it meant.

As a matured companion of the same race, I must teach him to mature. Only then can I think of leaving this prison strengthened.

For a moment, my thoughts wandered towards the divinity of <penetration> that young god possessed, but I dismissed this possibility. If it were before the prison was reinforced again, I might have had a chance to escape, but now it was impossible for that to happen, even with my help, that divinity wouldn't be enough to break the prison.

I needed external help, the help of someone like me.

When my companion performed a ritual with many protections, something I found intelligent yet futile, after all, I wouldn't harm him. In this humanoid form, all my powers are contained as well, further preventing me from unintentionally harming him.

When he threw his essence into the sphere to try to understand it, I desperately reached for his essence and merged it with mine. For the first time, I 'felt' someone touching me, and even better, this being was someone of the same species as me!

I felt his essence trying to retreat with such force that even I was surprised that someone of the same race as me could be so strong even without being fully matured - Of course he would be strong! After all, he is like me!

But unfortunately, I didn't let him; I wouldn't lose this precious moment!

Grasping his precious essence with all my strength and power, while being gentle enough not to hurt him, after all, I didn't want to hurt my companion.

I quickly made a connection between our essences and prevented him from leaving me. I don't want to be alone anymore! I felt my entire existence spreading in pleasure; this is what it means to be connected to someone! I loved it! I want more! MORE!

More, more, more!

I want your entire existence filling me.

"Ah~" An indecent moan escaped my lips as I felt my whole body bathing in his essence.

Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor. Victor, Victor, Victor.

But despite wanting to continue so much, I did my best to hold back. I must focus on the objectives; pleasure comes later. I quickly distorted the reality around me and 'returned' to my true form, while in reality, I was just standing here with my humanoid body, all to deceive the senses of the primordials for what was about to happen.

Without wasting time [although I wanted to enjoy more], I quickly created a symbol of our union, a symbol that would help me escape from here in the future. By merging his essence with mine, I gave life to our daughter.

The first of her kind, she wasn't like me and my companion, but she was close enough to be called an outer god. She didn't possess the complete essence of chaos like us; instead, I gave her the essence of space, intangibility, and nullity.

In her presence in her true form, the very fabric of space and reality would be distorted, giving rise to nullity where every non-existential concept would be exerted. Only then could she extract me from here in the future.

Looking at the small sphere so beautiful and fragile in my hand, I spoke with love and tenderness:

"I will call you... Yog-Sothoth, my first daughter, a girl who is my hope to escape from this accursed prison and find my companion. Now go, my daughter, go find your father."

The sphere disappeared from the prison, traveling through the connection made by her and Victor.

'I wonder what his reaction will be.' A playful smile appeared on her face as she felt a new emotion, amusement.

Today was such a long day; she learned so many new emotions, from amusement to obsession, and she relished each one of them.

A passing thought crossed her mind. 'If my daughter has another daughter with my companion, it's possible that my chances of escaping from here will be even quicker than I previously thought.'

This thought caused a frown on her face, not out of jealousy or anything like that, she just felt slightly upset that when her daughter merged her essence with that of her companion, she wouldn't be present, something that for her was inconceivable.

Putting that aside for a few seconds, Azathoth sat in the space around her and pondered on the possible powers her daughter would develop. After all, she gave her several powerful concepts that would help her escape from this prison, but at the same time, she was curious how she would develop from these powers.

This was the first time she felt a feeling of anticipation in her 'creation'; she was curious to see her daughter's development.

Her thoughts halted as she looked curiously at Victor, whose features changed many times in just a few seconds, ranging from shock to horror, and then a gentle expression, then back to horror again when a little girl appeared in front of him, a little girl who was a perfect blend of him and her.

"... Father?"

The girl was so tiny that she didn't even have 0.000001% of his actual size, but she was still so beautiful, so pure! This was her daughter! Her and her companion's daughter!

'I wish I could have given her more power, to grow her immediately to the initial stage of an outer god, but this cursed prison would prevent it, so I just had to give her a small portion of my power.' She growled irritably, an outer god shouldn't be so weak, with such a minuscule power!

It goes against her standards! But unfortunately, she had no choice in the matter, and she doesn't feel dissatisfied; her daughter was beautiful, a precious gift to her. It may take a while for her to develop without feeding, but she's sure her companion will find a way to help her.

"Violet will kill me when she finds out about this... I should have put more protections."

'Even with all the protections in the world, you can't avoid me, after all, our essences are the same. We are companions of the same race of outer gods.' She chuckled in amusement at these words.

She had never interacted with another outer god, but she instinctively knew that none could completely avoid her; after all, she was more mature than all of them, and she was the 'principle' of all, just like her companion.

The fact that she could create another outer god with a tiny essence of her companion is proof of these thoughts, but to her, none of this mattered, as long as she wasn't alone anymore and had her companion by her side, that was all that mattered!

Looking at her companion's essence in her hand, she smiled gently and placed it on his chest, right next to his humanoid heart.

She smiled lovingly as she felt his essence pulsing and covering her entire existence, even though he was at an incredibly far distance, she felt him as if he were right next to her, she would never let him leave her side. NEVER!

'Fufufufu~' She laughed in amusement and with her obsessive eyes spinning like a black hole, her attention immediately returned to what was happening, her companion took their daughter in his arm, and caressed her cheeks.

This gesture was so BEAUTIFUL that she felt her entire body get hot and immediately thought about having another daughter and bathing in her essence again! Unfortunately, his essence was now too small to make another outer god, and if she used that essence, she might lose that connection, something she didn't want at all.

"What is your name?"

"Yog-Sothoth?" The little girl responded, confused why the man asked something so obvious.

Those words made Victor, and the two women in the room, freeze instantly.

A reaction that could make Azathoth curious if she weren't in the heat, and watching this moment with obsessive eyes, recording and filing this adorable moment in her head.


"Yes, I wanted so much!" She growled with desire and anger at not being able to fulfill this wish, and became even more fruity for another reason.

She was frustrated because she couldn't communicate with him either! She wants to communicate with him!



Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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