My Servant System

Chapter 785 784: Tza'Orbias (1)

Chapter 785 784: Tza'Orbias (1)

"Now, where were we? Ah, that's right... I was informing you pests about the road that I took to acquire the power I had today."

Tza'Orbias turned towards us and nodded, uncaring of the life it just took from one of its loyal followers and not showing an ounce of interest in the other Cultists that stood on the wall, ignoring them as it turned its attention back towards us.

"You see, many of my opponents love to tell me that explaining my success leaves me open to defeat, but all of them died to me, so... I have continued this, to relish the despair in your eyes as you begin to understand that my power... my vast sea of knowledge gathered over millennia, gathered through sheer determination and cleverness. To see the difference between you, the pests..."

Raising its arms, Tza'Orbias focused those cerulean eyes on each of us before flapping its wings hard, raising a gale that buffeted against us and forced us to plant our feet firmly on the ground.

"And me. Fiend of the Worlds Knowledge, Tza'Orbias!"

Following that initial gale, another wall of pressure slammed into us, the mana laden sound pushing us back a step as the raven headed Fiend flaunted itself, pride lacing its posture and tone as it hovered there.

"I may not be an Arch Fiend yet, but when I mount Sla'Caligo's head on a pike and siphon the secrets from her pretty little brain, well... That will change, will it not?!"

Those beady eyes stabbed towards me, the raven's glare as it looked for the Arch Fiend hiding near me making me shudder as another, more compressed wave of sound threatened to cave in my chest.

Cali ignored the Fiend as she looked towards Jahi, specifically at the blade in her hands as she added "Your Empress' Celestial Gold is strong enough to deal significant damage to a Fiend. And unless that orb opens up, magic can be used, so time your strikes and imbue that blade of yours with Light Mana and kill this bastard for me, alright~?"

She raised her dainty pink hand and waved it to the side, redirecting the gale and making Tza'Orbias snarl in anger as it watched us from afar, its wings still flapping steadily behind its blue body.

"Enough! I shall absorb each and every single one of you! I shall finish what the Sedis started all those years ago and take more Demon blood for myself! I shall finish what Ka'Hondi refuses to do and claim the blood of the Asmodeucian's for myself! All of you! Each and every single one of you..."

Blinking forwards, the towering Fiend appeared in front of us and raised the silver ring, showing us the spinning blue orb that began to rotate faster and faster as it loomed over us.

"Shall become nothing but mana inside my orb! Die for me, so that I might ascend further! Allow me to rid this world of some pests!"

Like before, the orb cracked open and revealed a rune, this one far different from the other as it released a tidal wave of mana down onto us, forcing each of us to erect a barrier to protect ourselves as we were washed beneath this wave.

Crashing against the ground, the wave of mana that poured from the orb cracked the cobblestone and pulverized the stone a moment later, turning it to dust and making all of us blanch at the sheer power it displayed, our barriers holding up just a little better than the street as we strained ourselves, trying to keep ourselves from being squished into nothing on the ground.

Sadly, one of the Demons' mana wasn't strong enough, and the cracking of their barrier rang out on the empty street, followed closely by their shrill scream that was suddenly cut off, replaced instead by the wet squelching as their body was crushed beneath the immense pressure and reduced to a mangled mess.

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