My Servant System

Chapter 784 783: Round Two

Chapter 784 783: Round Two

"Oh for the love of..! Pull back! Regroup!"

Jahi's shout drew our attention, and without hesitation Anput and I did as she asked, dropping back and maintaining a unified front with the Demons beside us as they followed a moment later, trusting the judgement of their 'leader'.

"This is just like Renacla, isn't it? Gods be damned..."

Anput growled softly as she stared at the growing portal, causing the Demon beside us to ask "What is it? Besides a larger portal, anyways..."

The red skinned man kept his shield raised and eyes focused on the portal even as he walked backwards, his footing even and assured - though as soon as he heard what we said in answer to his question, the Demon stumbled briefly, surprise sending a shock throughout his body.

"IF it is the same - and let's hope it isn't - this was the type of portal we saw back in Renacla County not too long ago, and it summoned forth not a monster, nor any Cultists, but instead a Fiend. So... let us pray this isn't the same type of portal. But, prepare yourself just in case it is."

Jahi joined us a moment later, her eyes fixated on the portal as she cursed softly, before turning her gaze up towards the lanky Deacon above, who was grinning madly down at us as he continued his chant, the rain of spells that were previously splitting his focus quieting down, and a quick check with my ears picked up the pattering of boots on cobblestone as Leone and the Cimeriesa's moved to join us.

"Alright, the best bet for this is to bombard it as soon as it appears. Charge up some spells. Anyone with Earth Magic, begin fortifying this area a bit, something for us to fall back to or hide behind briefly."

Turning, Jahi shouted "All of you, charge spells! Keep focus on that Deacon though! If he tries something, defend us from it!" before looking towards me, the Demoness asking in a low voice "Could you coat this place in ice, ready to be used as a weapon for you? A Domain, though not as draining on your Core; we'll need all the power we can get, and having you tied to something wouldn't be ideal."

The blue orb floating around in the middle of that silver ring grew in size, its surface cracking apart before it revealed a pulsing, ancient rune that began to absorb the spells hurled towards it, uncaring of the power or potency of the magics it was 'eating'.

"All stems from the same place. The world itself. If you learn to work with the world, and not against it... to take the world and use it as a partner, not a master, then you will find that sometimes, things you believe to be impossible..."

The orb began to return to its previous form, and the raven headed Fiend nodded as it stared at the blue orb closely, studying its surface for a moment and ignoring us.

"Become possible. I walked the path not of a mage, or a sorcerer; not an enchanter, or an alchemist. I didn't choose to work against the world, to try and control it, but instead to give myself to it, to let it flow through me and guide my body, my mind. And what it has shown me... well, it has been nothing short of magnificent."

Shaking the ring, the raven headed Fiend just chuckled before turning back towards the Deacon, those cerulean eyes narrowing as it stared straight at the lanky man, who managed to gather the courage to say "O-Oh mighty Fiend! Lord Tza'Orbias! Please, grant unto me thy power so that I might aid you in your battle against those insufferable Demons!"

Tza'Orbias just nodded, before raising its ring and staring at the Deacon as it said "No... No, I don't think I will. I... dislike being told what to do, especially by those as pathetic as yourself. Though, perhaps you will be of some use..."

The Deacon's expression went down and then went back up, glee appearing in his eyes as he knelt in fervor, that silver staff tossed aside as he clasped his hands together, trying to show a reverence that felt insincere even from here; an act, a play, nothing more.

His expression dropped once more as Tza'Orbias reached out and tapped the ring against the Deacon, who suddenly began to scream as he dropped to the ground, writhing in agony as his skin began to turn blue.

His mana began to seep through his flesh and flow into the orb, and Tza'Orbias shook its head as it said "Give me your mana. All of it."

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