My Servant System

Chapter 738 737: Arx Impius (3)

Chapter 738 Chapter 737: Arx Impius (3)

Everyone in the hall lifted their glasses, staring at us with curious smiles and anticipation as they watched us walk towards the main table, Belian guiding us towards the Madam and the Cimeriesa Clan Head, who stood up as well and stared at us.

Like Ammit, the woman in front of us was radiating an absurd amount of mana, and just like Ammit she had unique eyes, though unlike the gold skinned absentminded Demoness, the eyes that looked our way were filled with an astounding intelligence and sharp wit, as well as with a dangerous gleam that felt like the woman was staring not at living, breathing people, but instead at walking objects waiting to be experimented on.

One eye was a flaming orb that sparked at random, the embers each containing miniature runes that fluctuated in power, while the other was a beautiful, verdant emerald green, the sphere of wind rotating gently inside her eye socket and seemingly linked to the flaming orb, with small gusts of its wind snaking across her nose and into the flames, stoking them.

A crown of horns nested on top of her head, with eight in total; two were small knobs above her eyes, another two sprouted from her temples and curled back above her head, running parallel to her spine, and the last four hugged her skull tightly and came down above and below her ears, which were slightly pointed and supporting two small dangle earrings.

Her hair had azure streaks through it, the vibrant blue mixing into her deep inky black hair that was allowed to flow freely down her back, unsupported by anything.

Thin and tall, the woman was just as regal as the Madam beside her, though the jagged gold bolt of lightning that acted as a staff contrasted the elegant appearance somewhat, its form savage and fierce.

"Jahi Asmodia... You look every bit like Chordeva, though those sharp ears and your eyes are undoubtedly your Mothers. I doubt your dearest Mom ever spoke of any of us... least of all me."

The voice that slipped past her pursed lips was filled with mana, reminding me of the Cultists who had used invocations instead of spells, while the flickering mana beneath her skin made it clear she was a master with those as well.

Her two magical eyes were locked on Jahi, who smiled at the woman and gave a slight bow, answering "You are correct in that assumption, Lady..?"

"Hathor. My name is Hathor, and I am the Head of the Cimeriesa Clan."

Picking up the glass on the table, the serious woman raised it alongside the Madam, who was studying the Demoness beside her with an inscrutable gaze, the Goatkin displaying her experience with these intriguing people.

"Like Tabitha said, I welcome you to your ancestral home, Jahi. The halls that were built thanks to the labors of your ancestors, the walls that were defended with their blood and their lives... you will always be allowed to return, even if you are no longer apart of the Clans."

Jahi just nodded, keeping pace behind Belian as the man guided us to the table and gestured towards the seats that were opposite of the Madam and Lady Hathor, as well as a few others; Satanya and Ammit included.

Taking our seats, the rest of the hall sat back down again and began to fill their plates, glancing at the main table as they listened to whatever was being said... which was slightly annoying, but completely understandable as they began to murmur to one another about the Scion of Asmodia, wondering what their long lost 'cousin' would be like.

"If you don't mind me asking, why exactly would my Mom have not told me about you in particular? Not like she was telling me about any of this at all, and the general knowledge on the Demon Clans is rather limited..."

Lady Hathor nodded, slicing a sirloin with elegant movements as she looked back towards Jahi, though she briefly glanced at Ammit beside her, the younger yellow Demoness staring at her plate blankly for a few moments before blinking as Nakith beside her began to pile some food on her plate for her, surprising the younger woman.

"It is because - between both of our Clans - I was the woman who was closest in age to Chordeva and the only one who was attracted to her. The others were lost in their own studies or already wed, leaving me to pursue her in hopes of attaining a union between the Demon Clans again; between the Cimeriesa's and the Asmodia's, anyways. The problem was... I was young and dumb. Blinded by my ambitions and far too certain that logic ruled everything in this world. Logically, compared to your Mother, I was the superior magician and perfectly compatible to become Chordeva's wife. Demon blood with Demon blood has a bit of a higher success rate than other races, albeit by a minuscule amount.

The problem that popped up was that the idea of wedding your Mom led me to a new vein of research, and one that is admittedly far too dangerous and idiotic to pursue; the nurturing of a baby whilst it is still in the womb in a different way. Sustaining it on mana and 'purifying' it through that mana. My research was - and shall ever remain - entirely theoretical, but when I brought it up to Chordeva, she made it evidently clear that if I even suggested something like that when we were married, she would personally kill me as slowly as she possibly could. After that, she distanced herself from me, and understandably so."

Belian coughed gently, looking towards Lady Hathor and adding "You also asked if she was willing to participate in a 'breeding program', where you would bring forwards compatible women for her to seed regularly... and you didn't care if they were willing or not. In other words, Hathor, you were sociopathic and utterly deranged. You saw your union as nothing more then some new way to research magic, and to someone who already had no remaining family, of course that would be a no go."

Lady Hathor nodded, not arguing with Belian whatsoever despite the obvious insult aimed at herself, though she did say "And was your sister not similar in that regard? And is she still not? I seem to recall your sister asking if she could participate, only if it was because she wanted to use the child to control Chordeva and bring the Asmodia's back to Arx Impius..."

"I never tried to claim that my sister was sane, now did I? Why do you think I am Belian and she is not, despite her being far more skilled than I ever will be?"

My gaze alternated between the two, before they fell on the wine glass in front of me, making me sigh softly as I reached for it and brought it to my lips, understanding that I would be needing this for tonight...

In fact, Anput and Leone were also mirroring me, sipping on the luscious pale gold liquid and enjoying the familiar burn of alcohol - though I suspect Anput was drinking just to drink...


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