My Servant System

Chapter 737 736: Arx Impius (2)

"How large is the Aedis anyways? This place seems... really, really large. Like, as large as the Palace..."

Anput looked around with a curious gaze, her obsidian eyes scanning the various pale white columns that stretched up the walls and various archways that supported the sheer mass of this structure, voicing the question we all had in mind at the moment.

"The Aedis is almost a quarter of a mile long on each side, and roughly two hundred feet high. And before you try to wonder how it is possible, just understand that magic can do wonderful things when understood so deeply and intimately. Besides that, the Aedis was built during an... age of abundance for us Demons, an age that hasn't been achieved in a long time, though we have gotten close. Imagine, resources that the Asmodeucian, Beliali and Cimeriesa Clans could pull together when they ruled this entire swathe of land!"

Belian swept his arms around and gestured towards the gigantic halls that we were occupying, the sheer size of the Aedis now known in dimensions even if we still could barely compute what that would look like, with Leone shaking her head slightly as she said "It's almost the same size as the Palace... That's... incredible. Even more so when this was built without the support of an entire mountain to help keep it stable. That just goes to show how great the craftsmen back then were."

lightsΝοvel "Indeed, indeed! The Asmodeucian's were rather adept with all forms of physical crafting, be it forging - which was by far their speciality - construction, leather working... they were really good at it all, apparently. Rather hands on type of people. The Cimeriesa's enchanted each brick that made this glorious temple, the Asmodeucian's laid those bricks and created something wonderful..."

"And the Beliali's did..?"

Jahi smirked at the red skinned man, watching as he coughed into his fist as he looked away, saying "We procured the extra materials through trade! The Beliali Clan contributed quite a lot as well!"

We all snickered as he walked further into the Aedis, showing us a few more paintings, sculptures and trinkets that lined the walls, giving us the tour that he seemed to have always wanted to give before being interrupted by Nakith, who approached us from one of the many side halls that led into the main one, the yellow skinned Demoness stopping in front of us and bowing to Belian as she said "The Madam wanted me to inform you that the feast will be ready in a few minutes. And... she has talked with Lady Satanya, though it remains to be seen if Lady Satanya has learned her lesson just yet or not."

"Ah, alright. Thank you, Nakith. It's in the main hall, correct?"

"It is, Lord Belian. The Madam has asked for a large quantity of food to be prepared as well to make sure the convoy is sent off properly. There should be more than enough for everyone to eat their fill and then some."lightsnovel

Giving another bow, the woman turned and left us alone again, leaving Belian to continue guiding us through the Aedis and taking us towards the hall that was hopefully filled with delectable foods - we had spent most of the day coming towards Arx Impius, and as such, we were quite hungry.

"Besides being rather large, and filled with an incredible amount of history, the Aedis was built to be a singular stronghold to withstand siege against nearly anyone. Some speculate it was done in such a way that even the Empress might struggle to take it, though the Demon Clans never actually fought against her; we had come to respect and revere her almost as soon as we had truly come into contact with her.

As such, the Aedis was constructed with the idea of housing hundreds upon thousands of people at a time, and as long as we maintain our food stores at a high enough capacity, the Aedis can serve as the perfect place to weather a siege for... upwards of three months, though if we had a Nature Mage in here as well..."

Belian fell silent as he stopped in front of a large set of double doors, the wood engraved with a nice floral pattern that covered the entire surface, adding to the rich dark wood and creating a sense of anticipation as Belian pushed them open.

Behind the doors laid an enormous, open hall filled with long tables laden with food and drink, the room illuminated by the dozens of chandeliers and candelabras that lined the ceiling and walls, while orbs of warm orange flame drifted lazily through the air, keeping the entire hall lit up enough that you could see and appreciate the hall, but dim enough that you weren't blinded by the light.

Dozens of Demons rested on the benches inside, their red and yellow skin reflecting the orange light as they chatted quietly amongst themselves, while a few Beastkin and other non Demons sat around alongside them, and we noted that they were mostly women - or futanari, who knows.

As soon as the doors opened, the crowd of people fell silent, turning to stare at us with curiosity dancing in their eyes, each of them wondering just what the Scion of Asmodia was like... as well as what her fiancees were like too.

Seated at the far table - which was perpendicular to the other tables - was the Madam of the Beliali Clan as well as the Head of the Cimeriesa Clan, both of whom sat side by side and looked towards us as we entered, with the Madam standing up and donning a small smile as she beckoned her husband forwards, before raising a wine glass and saying "Everyone, raise a glass for the glorious return of Asmodeucian Blood to the Aedis! Welcome the Scion of Asmodia to her ancestral home and shower her in the same pleasantries that you would for any of your kinsman! Let us show her the warmth of our hearth and welcome her back into the fold!"

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