My Servant System

Chapter 735 734: Tabitha

Tabitha, the woman that Belian was wed to and technically the Madam of the entire Beliali Clan, was a gorgeous woman that looked just as regal and elegant as her station would suggest, though her sensuality wasn't able to be hidden despite her style of dress and attempts to keep herself under wraps.

Her skin was a smooth caramel color, completely unblemished and untouched by age, weather or makeup, the Goatkin woman completely natural and still this perfect.

lightsnοvεl Slightly chubby cheeks rested on either side of her plump lips, while the button nose and rounded, almond shaped eyes further added to her soft and gentle features, though her startling blue eyes with the horizontal pupil were sharp and laden with wisdom.

Long brown hair was pulled into a tight braid, and in the sun her hair was speckled with gold, both naturally and with the various golden pins that kept her hair in place; the braid was allowed to snake down over her left shoulder and rest atop her chest, its roots running between the two curled goat horns that started near her temples and curled up and down towards the back of her skull.

Her body was clad in a beautiful blue dress that hugged her bountiful curves closely, the cloth matching her eyes and accented with more gold that put her position on display in a tasteful way; one look at the long blue dress would tell you that she had money, and paired with her serious expression and unwavering blue eyes, it was clear she was important as well.

On her chest was a golden symbol that represented the Beliali Clan; a golden rod ran down between her cleavage, with a large sphere resting on the upper half of the rod, bisected cleanly in two parts, while a larger semi circle divided that sphere in two again, pointing upwards like a pair of horns that ran perpendicular to the rod.

A simple symbol comprised of three shapes, the insignia of the Beliali Clan was displayed proudly on the Goatkin's chest, as well as on the bangles that dangled from her fluffy ears, which looked similar to an Elf's except... well, fluffy.

Stepping forwards, the Goatkin woman looked up at her husband, her height similar to my own at around six feet, though the aura around her made even the strong Knight of Cinder cower slightly, the smile on his face strained as she forced him to stare her in the eyes.

"Surely you didn't think I had been grooming and preparing a new woman to be wed to you while you were away?"

Her sonorous voice made Belian's smile falter, the Demon instantly shaking his head as he replied "No, of course not dear! Why would I ever need someone besides yourself?! My one and only Tabitha, the woman who holds my heart in her hands?!"

She narrowed her slitted eyes, saying "My old, wrinkled hands? 'Stubborn old goat' was it? If I'm old are you not positively ancient, dear husband? If I recall correctly, you are thirty years my elder. Should I be referring to you as such?"

Belian barely had time to shake his head before Tabitha continued on, her voice still just as scathing as she added "Perhaps its time for you to consider stepping down then, since you're a fossil and all? I'm sure the Clan could produce someone worthy of assuming your mantle, no?"

He shook his head again, a stiff smile remaining on his lips as he tried to think of a way out of this situation, only to let out a relieved sigh as Tabitha stepped forwards and pulled him into a hug, the Goatkin resting her head against his chest.lightsnovel

"Welcome home, dear."

The sharpness to her voice was gone, and the Demon reached down and embraced her back, relief writ clearly on his features as he muttered "It's good to be home, my love..."

Of course, he yelped as soon as she pinched his waist, the momentary glimpse of the loving wife gone as the Madam returned, the Goatkin saying "If you had TOLD me we were expecting such honored company, I could have had a sufficient feast prepared! For the first time in what, nearly a century, an Asmodia is gracing these walls?! And you just SHOW UP WITHOUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT?!"

She fixed Belian in place with a rather impressive glare before letting out a sigh, collecting herself as she turned to us with a smile, the gentle Goatkin replacing the rather... scathing one from before.

"I apologize for earlier; I saw Satanya storm off, so I can only assume she did something unbecoming of not only a Lady, but a member of the Beliali Clan. If I had known-"

Glancing back at her husband, the Goatkin narrowed her eyes for a moment before looking back at us, smiling once more and grabbing the hems of her dress as she said "Such honored company was to be joining us, I would have prepared something worthy of your stations. But, sadly that isn't the case. However, I would still like to welcome the Princess, Begum, Baroness and of course, the Scion of Asmodia to Arx Impius. Please, enjoy your stay here, however temporary it may be."

Giving us a curtsy, the Madam of Clan Beliali smiled before turning towards Setem and Nakith, ordering them in a curt tone that brooked no questions from the two Demons.

"Setem, head to the Aedis and inform the others that we have guests, and have something prepared; Nakith, find where Satanya is and have her sent to my office. We need to have... a little chat, it would seem."

Seeing the two Demons hurry off to do her bidding, the Goatkin smiled at us once more before gesturing towards the gigantic temple behind her, saying "I understand you have little time to spend on anything besides the tasks at hand, however I would prefer if you departed tomorrow morn instead of tonight. I would despise sending you off with brewing hostilities; it isn't becoming of the Demon Clans. So please, join us for dinner and rest for tonight."

We looked towards Jahi, the decision lying with the Demoness who was the head of our own family, though it seemed she was leaving the decision to us as well, making me sigh softly before giving the Goatkin a curtsy of my own, my training as a maid still as engraved into my skull as ever before.

"It would be a pleasure, Madam Tabitha, to stay inside Arx Impius for even just a night."


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