My Servant System

Chapter 734 733: Meeting Of Demons (4)

"Oh for fucks sake..! Satanya, Ammit! For the love of all that is holy, please do NOT piss off Jahi enough to the point that she'll kill you!"

Belian lunged forwards and pushed Jahi back before doing the same to the red and golden Demonesses, keeping himself between the three of them and wearing an exasperated expression as he kept his eyes trained on Jahi primarily, who was glaring at the other two with those golden eyes of hers.

We stood beside her as well, making the red skinned man grit his teeth as he observed the four of us for a moment before looking back at the other two, those brown eyes of his filled with a myriad of conflicting emotions as he remained between us.

"Damnit... Nakith, Luci, hold onto these two for me, will you?! I'd rather not have to explain how they both got themselves killed for self induced idiocy!"

The red skinned woman smirked as she stared at Belian, her scarlet eyes deadly serious as she 'innocently' asked "You've said that twice now... Kill us? You think this fresh out of the womb brat could even so much as scratch me?"

Her sudden personality flip made Belian sigh, and he just fixed Satanya with an equally serious stare as he answered "Perhaps not kill you, but I don't doubt that an Asmodia would cause significant harm to either of you. To both of you. Do you not recall just how tenacious and stubborn they are? Have you allowed all of your teachings to slip from one ear to another, lost forever?"

Satanya just narrowed those eyes, her smirk widening as she looked from Belian to Jahi, who was just smoldering silently beside us, her muscles clenched and displaying her readiness to leap at either of them.

Ammit was seemingly confused by this entire ordeal, the golden skinned woman tilting her head to the side as she looked at all of us, those intricate eyes doing little to convey emotions besides displaying the latent power behind them, which seemed to only add to her confusion.

"Sure, the Asmodeucian's were tenacious bastards and strong to boot, but you expect me to believe some mixed blood whelp centuries removed from that greatness is the same?"

She just scoffed as she glared at Jahi, only looking back at Belian as the head of her own Clan nodded, replying "If you truly think that, you're more of an idiot than I thought, Satanya. 'Mixed' blood means nothing. Demon blood does not 'mix'. It just exists. She is a Demoness through and through, with the bonuses of Elven blood. Like her Mom has the bonuses of Elf and Orc before her. And where did that 'mixed blood whelp' end up? Strong enough to level Arx Impius on her own if she was pissed enough. So go reevaluate what you know before you find yourself wondering why your head is laying on the ground before you could even blink."

The steadiness and assuredness of the red skinned man's voice made Satanya's eyes widen, the sincerity in her Clan Head's tone and how unwavering his stare was forcing her to step back, where Luci and Rovone grabbed her, leading her away from us.

As for Ammit, she was quietly speaking to Nakith, who was doing her best to explain what was happening to her Lady, who seemed far more bearable to be around if only because of her... absentmindedness.

Following the cooling Satanya away, we were left with only Setem and Leraie, both of whom seemed rather embarrassed by what had just happened.

"That... my apologies; I didn't think Satanya would be that adamant with her desires to feel you four out. Everything is a game to her; the problems of a sharp, proud mind, I'm afraid. Ammit, on the other hand, is just... troubled. Like you saw, she has an impressive, nearly unobtainable mastery over her mana, but she became far too ambitious a few years back. Tried to enchant her brain, and while it was a success in the general sense, she... did damage to it. Still, all it has caused is a rather simplemindedness with most things, but she retains her ability to comprehend complicated subjects perfectly; just lacks a communicative factor."

Letting out a sigh, the Head of the Beliali Clan gave us a wry smile, which only fell away as he noted how Jahi stared at him uncaringly, clearly not impressed by the background of the two Demonesses we had just met.lightsnovel

"Listen, I know that they're both rather... unique and slightly insufferable, but please try to just... I would ask if you would accept it and deal with it, but I think I'll settle for your word that you won't kill them? This journey is their's to undertake, and no one else's. It's a test of their ability to lead and command those under them. I do apologize for that, really, but..."

I took a deep breath, cooling off my own emotions, something that Anput and Leone did as well, though Jahi remained adamant about her stance, still staring at Belian silently, though she looked away as Leone said "We shall try. It was certainly a rocky first start, but they are not only an integral part of the Empire, but also... family. To a degree. No promises that they'll return completely unharmed, but..."

The Vampire took another deep breath as she clenched and unclenched her fists, making a show of reining herself in before smiling at Belian, who gave her a smile in return, the older, more experienced man accepting the proffered olive branch.

"I'll have a talk with Satanya some more, and see if perhaps my sister could get to her better then I could. Again, really, I am sorry for her crass behavior Jahi, I really am."

Patting out his leather coat, the man let out another sigh before giving Jahi a small smile, a hint of mischievousness appearing in those normally warm brown eyes as he added "Though, perhaps a display of your physical prowess might curb her enthusiasm somewhat? At the end of the day, a Demon still respects strength above all else, and the Asmodeucian's were renowned for a strength that put Orcs, Elephantkin, Rhinokin and others to shame; to the point that many said those races were like ants in front of our blue skinned cousins. A show of that same strength might just do you some good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and enjoy a chat with Satanya and my sister."

Leraie and Setem bowed to Belian as he passed, though the red skinned Demoness stood up quickly and said "Lord Belian! The Madam is awaiting your return eagerly as always. And she asked if she might be allowed to meet the Princess and Begum?"

Belian stopped and raised a brow, replying "Since when has Tabitha needed my permission to do anything? I've never needed to 'control' her like that, and even if I had, she'd never listen anyways! Stubborn old goat..."

We all looked at the muttering Demon for a few moments, who was rubbing his jaw and shaking his head, only to freeze as he noticed that our attention was still on him, and that it was occasionally slipping to something behind him.

"I... She's behind me, isn't she? Tabitha, I mean..."

"As opposed to..? Were you expecting some surprise Mistress to welcome you back, you red skinned swindler?!"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm A sharp, sonorous voice cracked like a whip through the air, making Belian jump a little before turning around hastily, raising his hands and smiling helplessly at the woman who had appeared, hoping to appease the unique - and equally dangerous - wrath of a wife who felt scorned.

"No no! Of course not Tabitha dear~! You're my one and only, you know that~!"

We watched as Belian - the Head of an entire Demon Clan and Knight of Cinder - tried to appease his wife, each of us smiling as the former serious atmosphere melted away.


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