My Servant System

Chapter 730 729: Departing From the Palace Again

Chapter 730 729: Departing From the Palace Again

"Alright, that looks like everything. The ice chest, the materials, your clothing and gear... everything is packed and ready? All the things you need and all of your other things are all packed?"

Jahi let out a sigh as she looked towards the Countess, who was standing by the side inspecting the carriage closely, doing her best to not sound worried while at the same time asking us the same question she had before for the third time now.

"Yes, Mother, we have everything we need. Just like we had it five minutes ago..."

The Demoness gave the petite Elf a reassuring smile as she stepped forwards and gave her Mother a hug, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman and doing her best to ease her Mother's worries, before moving on to stare at her Mom, who just looked back at her with a neutral expression.

"Don't do anything stupid and don't die."

Jahi snorted at the older Demoness' advice for her, the rest of us chuckling softly at it as well before giving our own goodbyes to the others who were watching.

"Try not to antagonize the members of the other Demon Clans, Katherine. From what Chordeva has said, they are... quirky. Sometimes rather insufferable as well, but they are important and proud. They'll likely make a move on Jahi to try and form a deeper bond with the Asmodia Family, so that they can bring them 'back into the fold'. Just... don't be rash, please. The last thing we need is infighting..."

I gave my own Mother a 'confused' look as I tilted my head, which made her sigh in exasperation and say "Don't give me that look, Katherine. I might not have been hovering over you for the entirety of your childhood, but I know enough to understand what you're like."

Reaching for me, she caressed my cheek before pinching it, giving me a stern glare as she added "You look cute and laid back on the outside, but sometimes you let your... crazy self leak out. And Chordeva and Ria have told me of your... 'inclinations'."

I pouted at that, before hissing softly as she pinched my cheek harder and pulled on it, narrowing her eyes and doubling her stern glare, making it rather clear that she was being completely serious.

"I know, I know! Unless something drastic happens, I'll keep myself in check Mother! Promise!"

"You had better! This is serious, Katherine! Those Demon Clans aren't normal Noble Families that can be brow beaten or bowed with the Asmodia name! They don't care about the Asmodia name that much either, they just care about the blood! So be careful."

Releasing my cheek, she sighed before pulling me in for a hug, whispering "But if they do try to take her from you, give 'em hell. She's yours, not theirs."

Her voice was so soft that I thought I had imagined that, but the twinkle in her eye as she pulled away made me smile back at her, nodding at her before moving towards the Countess, who had beckoned for me to go over to her.

"Kat dear, keep Jahi in check please. With everything. She is just as impulsive as Chordeva was, and unlike her Mom, she's yet to reach the level that Chordeva was at when she was just as cocky. But, unlike her Mom, she has people around her who are able to support and temper her. So please, rein in her impulsiveness and keep her under control fr me, Kat."

The Elf looked at me with a smile, before giving me a brief hug and speaking to Anput next, the Jackalkin getting a different talking to then I did.

Our goodbyes were a tad long, but by the time that Belian finally made his way over to our carriage, we had been able to have our own moments with one another as well as with the Empress, who came out to bid us farewell too, primarily for Leone and to remind us that we would have aid from the shadows if we needed it.

All in all, we were loaded into the carriage and setting off just as the sun began to peak over the horizon, with the red skinned Demon riding on his own steed and leading us towards the lands of the Demon Clans, where we would finally get to meet the other Demons who were related to Jahi in a very distant sense.

"I have to admit that I am looking forwards to this. Even I hadn't met the young members of the Beliali and Cimeriesa Clans, and I only really met you, Jahi, because of your Light Magic. I might have met you in passing at the many events that we both frequented back then, but not truly met you like I did."

Jahi nodded as she leaned back into the comfy cushions of the carriage, her large frame allowed a lot of space inside what could only be described as a moving house - albeit a really small house - that the carriage was.

It was a lot of space, but it had been made for people like the Marquess and the Empress in mind; those that were extremely tall and muscular, who would cramp up a normal carriage easily.

"I am as well. I hope that Mom is just exaggerating their... uniqueness, but I doubt it. I hope that the envoys we are to travel with aren't insufferable and too crazy, but I also doubt that as well. Either way though, just getting to meet them is going to be nice, and I want to see if forging a new bond between us is worth it or not. If dealing with said uniqueness is worth it or not."

"It might be just for the deeper pockets and myriad pieces of knowledge that we could gain access to by befriending them. Enchantments, techniques, alchemy, materials... so much is in their sole possession after all these years. Who knows exactly what is lingering inside their vaults?"


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